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Concerning news here in the Philippine, the election is to 2 years away BUT there are dark forces moving around to destroy Duterte influence in this coming 2025 and 2028 election.

Yup they're trying very hard to destroy the Duterte legacy by attacking his daughter.

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1.3K views1 day ago

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Leading the attack is Marcos cousin, the speaker of the house Martin Romualdez, who just enlarge his war chest by approving the increase in military budget for his planned 2028 presidential bid.

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13K views10 hours ago

Plus they wanted to erase the Duterte legacy so that they can influence the result of both 2025 and 2028 election by having him exile to Hague to face criminal charge lobbied to him by the ICC

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Love how the Western media was spinning this as China begging US corporations to come back. No, it's US corporations begging for access to China just like their Western leaders going to China. If you don't need China, you need not to go to China with hat-in-hand especially when they're claiming China's economy has collapsed.
The best part about this is people on twitter accusing all these business leaders of being communists.


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Taking a patients blood will not immediately show a patient is on blood thinners. You need to do a "bleeding" time test and specific assay for factor Xa inhibitors and those are hard to come by and by the time the test is done sometimes the medication has been metabolized or excreted to a lower amount. And that's if you know what to look for. There is no easy test for platelet inhibitors. I don't want to get into the sensitivity and specificity cause thats a whole other argument. Overall it's not at easy as it seems to detect a lot of these substances.

Don't focus on that specific example. I'm pretty confident any major power can develop a new drug that's less detectable and causes delayed effect.
No one is arguing over the technical aspects of toxicology. Rather, this idea or worry you have about Xi getting poisoned at the APEC summit is just nonsense. Of all places, America decides to poison Xi in San Francisco with the world watching. How stupid do you think they are.
Last time, My Position has always been that it is clearly a risk especially going to another country and Chinese security needs to know and mitigate such risks. Even if it is a small risk, it is not laughable.
You don't think Chinese security knows that? You don't need to worry about it. They may do blood work on Chinese delegations before, during, and after foreign visits to any country. There are a myriad of ways of protecting Xi and senior officials.

You may work in toxicology, but unless you work for State Security, you have no idea how these kind of ops are done.


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What are the differences between Chinese and American readouts of the talks between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping?

1️⃣ “a candid and constructive discussion” (US) – “a candid and in-depth exchange of views” (China). This is always the case, when officials from the two countries meet. I guess there is no hidden meaning behind it, it’s just interesting to note.

2️⃣ Economy and trade comes for Xi first. Counternarcotics and AI, which were the top priorities for Biden administration, comes last for Chinese leader. By noting it, we can see why Xi and Biden agreed to meet. Xi needs Biden to ease the export restrictions on chips and not to decouple, Biden needs Xi to counter fentanyl crisis.

In the end, two sides agreed to launch a working group on counternarcotics (Biden’s win), but there was no progress on easing the restrictions (Xi’s loss). But Xi will try to solve the economy problem with other means, for example, by attracting American investment in China, while giving speech at the dinner event with US businessmen.

The working group may be seen as a concession by Xi, but he didn’t get anything constructive in return. However, the drug crisis in the US makes China the bad guy, so some reputational damages can be managed by implementing the measure.

3️⃣ Xi told that Biden reaffirmed his commitment to “five noes”: the United States does not seek a new Cold War, does not seek to change China’s system, does not seek to revitalize its alliances against China, does not support “Taiwan independence”, and has no intention to have a conflict with China. This, however, was not mentioned in the US readout.

This is the second time when this thing happens. “Five noes” were absent from the readout of the meeting between the leaders in 2022. Although Biden may have said such things, the Chinese interpretation seems like an effort to lock down language that could be used to accuse the United States of breaking promises.

4️⃣ According to Chinese readout, the United States is glad to see prosperity in China. It does not seek to contain or suppress China’s development or to decouple with China.

This is also absent in the US version. It only says that “the world expects the United States and China to manage competition responsibly to prevent it from veering into conflict, confrontation, or a new Cold War.”

5️⃣ No mention of Ukraine in Chinese readout – “the two heads of state exchanged views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and other international and regional issues of mutual concern.” According to the US version, Biden spoke about both Israel and Ukraine.

6️⃣ The US readout has a whole passage about China’s human rights abuses in Tibet, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and military activity in South China Sea and East China Sea. It is not mentioned in the Chinese version (no wonder).

7️⃣ China asked the US to stop providing Taiwan with weapons. It is absent in the US version. Biden once again reaffirmed the United States’ ironclad commitment to defending its Indo-Pacific allies. We can say that Taiwan is also an ally, so the arms won’t stop coming to the island.

#China #USA



US, Philippines sign landmark nuclear deal

The United States and the Philippines on Friday signed a landmark deal that would allow Washington to export nuclear technology and material to Manila.

"The United States will be able to share equipment and material with the Philippines as they work to develop small modular reactors and other civilian nuclear energy infrastructure," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said.

US Congress approval is needed for the deal, which will allow a peaceful transfer of nuclear material, equipment and information in adherence with non-proliferation requirements.

#USA #ThePhilippines



China warns companies against selling equipment, precursors for fentanyl

In a notice released on Friday, China’s Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission urged businesses and individuals to prevent the production and trafficking of narcotics, psychotropic substances and precursor chemicals.

The notice said those involved in businesses such as the production and export of tablet press machines should handle orders from the US and Mexico with care to prevent them from flowing into illegal channels and to prevent the risk of “entrapment” or sanctions.

#China #USA



Senior Member
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No one is arguing over the technical aspects of toxicology. Rather, this idea or worry you have about Xi getting poisoned at the APEC summit is just nonsense. Of all places, America decides to poison Xi in San Francisco with the world watching. How stupid do you think they are.

You don't think Chinese security knows that? You don't need to worry about it. They may do blood work on Chinese delegations before, during, and after foreign visits to any country. There are a myriad of ways of protecting Xi and senior officials.

You may work in toxicology, but unless you work for State Security, you have no idea how these kind of ops are done.
Well what happened to not replying and letting me "embarrass ' myself? Lol hypocritical that you now replied. So I will also retort.

The saying "Sometimes the best way to do it is when they least expect it"

And I am pretty clear in my posts that while the current risks are small, it is possible. I work in toxicology and I hope the Chinese security services have the means to mitigate such risk. You statement saying it's nonsense just goes to show your complete ignorance as well. So unless your work in toxicology AND security services, you have even less credibility. You'd do better not to show off what you don't know.

Dragon of War

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Trudeau is so awkward around Xi, I don't think he created the conditions yet.

This is what a leader of a nation that exists to serve another nation looks like.

Well what happened to not replying and letting me "embarrass ' myself? Lol hypocritical that you now replied. So I will also retort.

The saying "Sometimes the best way to do it is when they least expect it"

And I am pretty clear in my posts that while the current risks are small, it is possible. I work in toxicology and I hope the Chinese security services have the means to mitigate such risk. You statement saying it's nonsense just goes to show your complete ignorance as well. So unless your work in toxicology AND security services, you have even less credibility. You'd do better not to show off what you don't know.

I think we're more likely to see an attempt on the Japanese PM given all the home made weapons that have been made and attempts at their lives we have now.

Xi knows America needs China and China would like to continue mutually working with America, both powerful nations can only hope to gain from such. Given the massive turnout of the Western worlds most social elite showing up for this meeting I think it's obvious the ball is in Xi's park. American capitol is on the line if it doesn't sort something out with China, all those powerful, rich puppet string pullers are aware of this. At the end of the day only one thing matters most to the most important people in America and thats $$$, soon as that stops say good bye to the so called "freedoms" the western nations enjoy.