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I don't know what world is CNN lives in. However, China is anything but sophisticated in misinformation. US just can't stand for a fact that its lies and misinformation has fall flat.
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I guess that when US people rather trust Sam Backman with their money that trust whatever MSM talking point is a Chinese plot too.

Is not that China has become a "propaganda" superpower now, in fact they are pretty bad at it, people are just fed up of the lies, the misinformation, the hypocrisy, the biases of these idiots and when you show them the facts they get easily offended, "how dare you challenging my stupid claims with facts Mr. See See Pee propagandist"



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You are worried that Xi will be taken advantage of in event of negotiation, but worry not - this ain't his first rodeo.
This isn't going to look exactly like Treaty of Nanking but the idea is similar - US is currently fighting on three fronts and none of them are going that well:
  • Russo-Ukraine War, where AFU's big Spring Offensive have failed and Russians are slowly advancing and potentially arranging a Bakhmut 2.0 at Avdiivka
  • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict which have derailed their Saudi-Israeli normalization process and causing the west's image to take a further nose dive in the Global South due to supporting Israeli ethnic cleansing, and the offensive into Gaza is not going as well as planned
  • trade war and tech war with China, where Huawei gave them a kick up the ass with the Mate 60 breakthrough
Any one of them would be a headache for Washington, all three at once and they'll have to fold on at least one if not more. That's why Xi is going and talking to Biden, and that's why they're treating Xi's visit like he's the god emperor:
View attachment 121384
I was quite taken aback when I read this, but on second thought that's a very normal human reaction isn't it? I too clean up my house before visitors come, particularly if it's people I'm trying to impress, we're just not used to this coming from Americans. Xi knows what's up, if all the attempts by Biden to get a meeting with him is not clear enough you just need to look at the conga line of US politicians visiting Beijing prior to this meeting. It's clear they want some help and I trust Xi to drive a hard bargin.

I'm also not worried about this, because we've already seen this happen once before under Biden. Recall the meeting between Xi and Biden at Bali where they had some kind of closed door agreement. To this day MFA would say US needs to mean what they say and carry out the Bali Agreement and you won't even hear that name from US government.

The result? When Xi goes now the price that was on offer at Bali will no longer be available. Whatever help US wants from China, the price is higher. And if this time around they want to renege again then fine, by next meeting (with either Biden or whoever replaces him) the price that US will have to pay will be higher still.
Indeed, the calculus or Game Theory i’d observe as follows:

Current trajectory with those aforementioned scenarios not to mention recession and general inflation is a direct line to disaster.

Current trajectory with current world inflationary environment and trade wars are not ideal and may hamper growth and delay chinas rise but will fail to prevent china’s development.

Needless to say, both states need each other but for the US, it is existential given the lack of buyers of US debt and the collapse of their influence in the Middle East And a population dissatisfied with the Brezhnev leadership and cost of living.

China, well it could come to some sort of modus vivendi with the U.S. but it doesn’t need to, it would be nice to have, a few extra years of peace and development of Chinese industry and if it’s achievable then yes go do it. More years of development means less lives lost if and when the US decides on a east Asia gambit.


Using political correctness to destroy the few remaining productive big farms in South Africa.
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Indians have the tendency to only hire Indians. Indians would soon overrun American colleges.
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According to an
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from the Institute of International Education, there has been a 12% increase of international students in the 2022-2023 academic year, reaching nearly 1.06 million students. Indian students have played a significant role in the recovery, increasing by 35% to 268,923 and compensating for the stagnation in Chinese student numbers at 289,526.


Registered Member
You are worried that Xi will be taken advantage of in event of negotiation, but worry not - this ain't his first rodeo.
This isn't going to look exactly like Treaty of Nanking but the idea is similar - US is currently fighting on three fronts and none of them are going that well:
  • Russo-Ukraine War, where AFU's big Spring Offensive have failed and Russians are slowly advancing and potentially arranging a Bakhmut 2.0 at Avdiivka
  • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict which have derailed their Saudi-Israeli normalization process and causing the west's image to take a further nose dive in the Global South due to supporting Israeli ethnic cleansing, and the offensive into Gaza is not going as well as planned
  • trade war and tech war with China, where Huawei gave them a kick up the ass with the Mate 60 breakthrough
Any one of them would be a headache for Washington, all three at once and they'll have to fold on at least one if not more. That's why Xi is going and talking to Biden, and that's why they're treating Xi's visit like he's the god emperor:
View attachment 121384
I was quite taken aback when I read this, but on second thought that's a very normal human reaction isn't it? I too clean up my house before visitors come, particularly if it's people I'm trying to impress, we're just not used to this coming from Americans. Xi knows what's up, if all the attempts by Biden to get a meeting with him is not clear enough you just need to look at the conga line of US politicians visiting Beijing prior to this meeting. It's clear they want some help and I trust Xi to drive a hard bargin.

I'm also not worried about this, because we've already seen this happen once before under Biden. Recall the meeting between Xi and Biden at Bali where they had some kind of closed door agreement. To this day MFA would say US needs to mean what they say and carry out the Bali Agreement and you won't even hear that name from US government.

The result? When Xi goes now the price that was on offer at Bali will no longer be available. Whatever help US wants from China, the price is higher. And if this time around they want to renege again then fine, by next meeting (with either Biden or whoever replaces him) the price that US will have to pay will be higher still.
The American like to play poker gamer and trying to bluff their way with a weaker hand, I mean Xi is holding a Royal Flush and holding it close to his chest enticing the American to bet ALL IN....lol


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Without a hint of irony, the US which holds lgbt to be its religion, tacitly endorses state sanctioned homosexual rape and sexual enslavement.
(Btw anyone who’s watched the classic HBO show “Oz” would get an idea of life inside American prisons.)

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Using political correctness to destroy the few remaining productive big farms in South Africa.
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Indians have the tendency to only hire Indians. Indians would soon overrun American colleges.
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According to an
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from the Institute of International Education, there has been a 12% increase of international students in the 2022-2023 academic year, reaching nearly 1.06 million students. Indian students have played a significant role in the recovery, increasing by 35% to 268,923 and compensating for the stagnation in Chinese student numbers at 289,526.
Thing with Indians is that most of them are content to take the low to mid level roles because H1b visa means they’re already in a better living place than India itself, and also because most asians and whites try to gun for the higher level professional roles and white boomers in corporate boards will tend to promote Indians because they feel threatened by East Asians, mistakenly assuming the mealy mouthed Indian who sucks up to them will obey their every order.
Reminds me, that
Even the eunuchs in the imperial palace had their own agendas….


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Nepal bans TikTok and says it disrupts social harmony​

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Nepal’s government decided to ban the popular
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on Monday, saying it was disrupting “social harmony” in the country.

The announcement was made following a Cabinet meeting. Foreign Minister Narayan Prakash Saud said the app would be banned immediately.

“The government has decided to ban TikTok as it was necessary to regulate the use of the social media platform that was disrupting social harmony, goodwill and flow of indecent materials,” Saud said.
Nepal just had a large earthquake and China delivered lots of aid, this is how you repay China? Why didn't Nepal ban facebook, twitter or instagram but only Tiktok?


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Nepal bans TikTok and says it disrupts social harmony​

Nepal just had a large earthquake and China delivered lots of aid, this is how you repay China? Why didn't Nepal ban facebook, twitter or instagram but only Tiktok?
I can't blame them, as most of those contents are from India, Imagine everyday watching them perform their Mental Gymnast all at once, A sane person will become insane and from what I heard the Nepalese want to ban the Head shaking habit.....lol


Registered Member

Wow. The guest hasn't even arrived, and yet the host is already being soooooo unreasonable.

The demands are:
1. End PLA activities in Taiwan's air defense zone east of the Taiwan Strait median line.
2. End "unsafe interceptions" of U.S. Navy and Air Force ships and aircraft.
3. Release all U.S. citizens illegally detained in China.
4. Allow all U.S. citizens who are banned to leave the PRC.
5. Establish "know your customer" requirements for fentanyl shipments to the PRC.
6. Beijing should stop harassing Philippine ships around Second Thomas Bank.
7. China should drop charges against Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai and pro-democracy activists Hong Kong 47.
8. Release Gulshan Abbas, Ekpar Asat, Kamile Waiit.
9. Lift the travel ban on Aisham Mamut, mother of Nura Turkel, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
10. Suspend programs in Xinjiang.

Demands are possible if:

1. End American activities in the kingdom of Hawaii and allow the PLA to move its garrison freely in the region.

2. End American activities in the west Pacific

3. China can release all the US citizens held illegally in China. Which is none.

4. If US allows the same.

5. Pretty sure this is already a thing. We can tighten security if America guarantees they don't do extrajuridical stuff against Mexican citizens.

6. China will keep operating wherever under where its allowed by international law. It already doesn't harass anyone.

7. The charges will naturally disappear after death penalty is carried out.

8. Yes, we can release them. Only into Gaza.

9. Okay, we don't know who this nobody is. It's doubtful they can do anything.

10. America must be more specific, it's like saying "suspend programs in Califonia" wtf does that even mean? Certainly, some programs, whichever ones are outdated or need to be replaced by new ones, should be suspended as matter of course.


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Know that any rapprochement will end once Biden leaves office in slightly more than a year. The next US president (likely Republican) will make Biden look like a walk in the park in terms of US-China relations. Any concessions made now will likely be reversed. Why do you think America is reaching out now - during the tail end of Biden's presidency.
Im sure China knows, that is probably why they are trying to get a deal. Its a great message toward other BRICS and SCO nations trying to play both sides between China and the US. It shows that the US is not trustable and do you really going to gamble everything to see it all lose when the next US election switches around everything.