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We know that the US will not leave Asia without a fight because China and the opium wars and enslavement of the Filipinos was what propelled the United States to become a global power,

As Nury Vitachi out it

Asia and its human capital are the key to humanity becoming a spacefaring species. The anglos wish to enslave that Chinese human capital because their own native stock is insufficient despite propaganda about superior ashkenazi IQ which couldn’t foresee importing mass waves of the Islamic world would endanger their Zionist positions.

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Also, the Anglo Zionist regime must be the most pathetic hegemon in history where they have attempted to weaponise cry bullying.

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pulling stunts like this might work in corporate insider trading and Gazumping would be investors in the market but politics isn’t the place for merchant bankers who shriek in pain as they try to guilt trip “you chinese” into becoming slaves for Israel.

President Xi should be just about flying into America today, let us hope peace prevails despite Anglo perfidy, perhaps Xi should mandate that all American Fortune 500 companies and weapons companies are to have a Chinese communist party commissar to oversee and monitor operations, paid for by the American people of course, as the Americans did to ZTE.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Demands are possible if:

1. End American activities in the kingdom of Hawaii and allow the PLA to move its garrison freely in the region.

2. End American activities in the west Pacific

3. China can release all the US citizens held illegally in China. Which is none.

4. If US allows the same.

5. Pretty sure this is already a thing. We can tighten security if America guarantees they don't do extrajuridical stuff against Mexican citizens.

6. China will keep operating wherever under where its allowed by international law. It already doesn't harass anyone.

7. The charges will naturally disappear after death penalty is carried out.

8. Yes, we can release them. Only into Gaza.

9. Okay, we don't know who this nobody is. It's doubtful they can do anything.

10. America must be more specific, it's like saying "suspend programs in Califonia" wtf does that even mean? Certainly, some programs, whichever ones are outdated or need to be replaced by new ones, should be suspended as matter of course.
One more to add to the list:

Tributary mission led by Gina Raimondo visit every year to coincide with Mate series launches.


Registered Member
I guess it is ROC descendants because of the traditional characters?

I wouldn't say it's selling out, just recognizing the reality. They are ROC descendants, but more importantly they are Chinese descendants.

1. KMT/ROC is not really the representative of China.
2. DPP has bastardized the ROC flag and calling it the "Taiwan Flag". This is a great betrayal to many overseas Chinese, most have no relation to Taiwan.
3. Many have visited China at this point and accepted the CCP and recognize the progress made ("Trains, planes, cars everywhere AND the US is the one with the opioid problem now? Amazing!")

On top of this, it is A LOT better than the "can't let go" Vietnamese still waving those RVN flags


Yes I’m sure China understands the long term challenges with the U.S. Trump opened a box that cannot be closed. Xi’s visit is a waste of time. And he’s spending time to personally meet with US CEOs. China already sending signal it’s willing to give concessions to repair the relationship. It made the largest Soy purchase in months, and its talking about resuming purchases from Boeing.
I won't dispute Xi's visit is a waste of time. But China does want to mend tie in the short term and the US is desperate for a dog and pony show to show Biden's statesmanship for the reelection. Beside, the US is at two front wars at the moment and can't afford to start another one with China. However, the so called the concessions are just face saving measures for Biden.

Even after China signed an agreement with Trump. China still ramped up its soybean purchase from Brazil as Brazil overtook the US to become the number one soybean exporter to China ever since. If the price is right, China has no problem of buying soybean from the US and has not stopped from buying but just don't expect buying spree would go back to the old day. Farming and soybean purchases are just propaganda to signify stabilization of relationship and accomplishment of Biden but it is as useless and meaningless as we can get. China is buying just a faction of what it promised to Trump of purchasing but there is nothing that the US can do about it.

As for Boeing, this is just a rumor. We have no idea if there would be a deal to be signed. If truth be told, China does prefer to have both Boeing and Airbus to compete for Chinese orders instead of solely relying on Airbus. However, stop buying from Boeing is a leverage and it does signal China would prefer the relationship not being further deteriorate. Although, Boeing was still not able to deliver 737MAX to China and has put those new 737MAX back to storage just a few weeks ago as it still hasn't given a go ahead of delivery these planes which means Boeing is still waiting for a signal from China.



Wow. The guest hasn't even arrived, and yet the host is already being soooooo unreasonable.

The demands are:
1. End PLA activities in Taiwan's air defense zone east of the Taiwan Strait median line.
2. End "unsafe interceptions" of U.S. Navy and Air Force ships and aircraft.
3. Release all U.S. citizens illegally detained in China.
4. Allow all U.S. citizens who are banned to leave the PRC.
5. Establish "know your customer" requirements for fentanyl shipments to the PRC.
6. Beijing should stop harassing Philippine ships around Second Thomas Bank.
7. China should drop charges against Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai and pro-democracy activists Hong Kong 47.
8. Release Gulshan Abbas, Ekpar Asat, Kamile Waiit.
9. Lift the travel ban on Aisham Mamut, mother of Nura Turkel, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
10. Suspend programs in Xinjiang.

LOLOL Reminds me of the delusional people here:
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Registered Member
Bad news. What about the human rights of the honourable producers, importers and consumers of this product?
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China and US to agree crackdown on fentanyl trade​

China has agreed to crack down on companies exporting chemicals used to make fentanyl, a deadly synthetic opioid, in a deal that will be sealed when Joe Biden and Xi Jinping meet this week, according to people familiar with the negotiations.


When there is a high demand for a product, there will also be a high level of need for its supply. Without tackling the demand side of problem, no amount of export restriction can dampen the drugs trade.

China has already restricted of selling fentanyl and its precursors directly to the US but now it would broader the restriction to Mexico and other countries. However, cartels would find a way to source their precursors one way or other. If not, cheaper alternatives would emerge such as those zombie drugs xylazine.


Registered Member
I guess it is ROC descendants because of the traditional characters?

I wouldn't say it's selling out, just recognizing the reality. They are ROC descendants, but more importantly they are Chinese descendants.

1. KMT/ROC is not really the representative of China.
2. DPP has bastardized the ROC flag and calling it the "Taiwan Flag". This is a great betrayal to many overseas Chinese, most have no relation to Taiwan.
3. Many have visited China at this point and accepted the CCP and recognize the progress made ("Trains, planes, cars everywhere AND the US is the one with the opioid problem now? Amazing!")

On top of this, it is A LOT better than the "can't let go" Vietnamese still waving those RVN flags
The selling out is a joke, I just pointed it out cause the traditional Chinese is interesting. Some of those old school Chinese Americans in Chinatown, e.g., pre-WWII migrations are very patriotic.


Registered Member
Xi and Biden will ban the use of A.I in autonomous weapons and nuclear weapons control, which is too bad considering soviet dead hand system is a great way to ensure nuclear retaliation after leaderships has been decapitated in a first strike

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This kind of ban is always strange thing to me, so strange to the point that I doubt the reliability of the source, as usual SCMP.

First of all, the ban would only be meaningful to US and China, nobody else. Then what is the point? Secondly, if AI is dangerous (I agree) in controlling nukes, US should not and China would not do it regardless what each other do, because the "mistaken" first strike by AI isn't giving the first striker any advantage, it is mutual destruction.

It is equally absurd as the nuclear arms treaty between USSR and USA. It is like two drunkered in a competition of drinking, both are exausted, but none of them is willing to stop drinking because of pride, so they have to agree to stop together. It is as if their vanity is more important than their life. It is so stupid and childish.

For me, if China determines that employing AI is more dangerous than gains, China should avoid using it regardless what US does. China don't need an agreement, nor need to make some anouncement.

The "ban" is totally a vanity show, probably something USA is more interested like what it did in the past with USSR.