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Perhaps those 5 US soldiers who died “in the eastern Mediterranean“ were really KIAs serving as good slave soldiers for God’s Chosen.

In fact,
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open warfare Between Iran and the US has yet t9 fully break out, rather we have the equivalent of the phony war where Iranian proxies in Iraq and Syria are attacking and even killing American soldiers.

Dragon of War

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Perhaps those 5 US soldiers who died “in the eastern Mediterranean“ were really KIAs serving as good slave soldiers for God’s Chosen.

In fact,
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open warfare Between Iran and the US has yet t9 fully break out, rather we have the equivalent of the phony war where Iranian proxies in Iraq and Syria are attacking and even killing American soldiers.

Oh the US are heavily involved behind the curtain, no doubt special forces are assisting on the ground.

I believe I heard a report of a US warship, USS Carney intercepting a large missile/rocket strike aimed at Israel from Yemen.

On another note:

Iran transporting large item.JPG
Iran transporting large item 02.JPG
Iran transporting large item 03.JPG
Anyone know what Iran is transporting here?​


Registered Member
Correct once again. Very good strategic vision
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When President Xi Jinping of China made his first state visit to the United States in 2015, he wrapped his demands for respect in reassurances.
But back in China, in meetings with the military, Mr. Xi was warning in strikingly stark terms that intensifying competition between a rising China and a long-dominant United States was all but unavoidable, and that the People’s Liberation Army should be prepared for a potential conflict.
In Mr. Xi’s telling, China sought to rise peacefully, but Western powers would not accept the idea that a Communist-led China was catching up and could someday overtake them in global primacy. The West would never stop trying to derail China’s ascent and topple its Communist Party, he said in speeches to the military that are largely unreported by the media.
“Beyond doubt, our country’s growing strength is the most important factor driving a profound readjustment of the international order,” he told top commanders in November 2015, two months after his visit to the United States. “Some Western countries absolutely never want to see a socialist China grow strong under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.
Despite his assurances to President Obama not to militarize the South China Sea, Mr. Xi told his senior commanders in February 2016 that China must bolster its presence there, saying: “We’ve seized the opportunity, eliminated intervention and sped up construction on South China Sea islands and shoals, achieving a historic breakthrough in maritime strategy and defending maritime rights.”

Mr. Xi’s remarks are among collections of speeches that Mr. Xi made to the People’s Liberation Army and Communist Party officials, published by the military for internal study by senior officers, and seen and corroborated by The New York Times. The volumes, “Xi Jinping’s Selected Major Statements on National Defense and Military Development,” cover his initial years in power, from 2012 to February 2016
The faster we develop, the bigger the external shock will be, and the greater the strategic blowback,” Mr. Xi told Chinese Air Force officers in 2014.


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10-20 years. That's way too long, they'll come crawling back to China next year.

Man those replies and quotes are hilarious. If those white men won't even die for Israel, they definitely won't die for Wanwan.
Spoke too soon. Lithuania already started begging China this year.

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Vilnius and Beijing are in talks on normalising relations – Lithuanian FM​

Lithuanian and Chinese officials are talking about the possible normalisation of diplomatic relations, Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said on Friday.

“I would not like to describe the scope [of the talks] right now, but talks are definitely taking place. And even at this moment,” he told reporters when asked about the possible return of ambassadors to both countries.

China downgraded its diplomatic representation in Lithuania in 2021 and imposed trade restrictions after Lithuania allowed Taiwan to open a representative office.
Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu is visiting Lithuania this week and met with parliamentary leadership, but none of the country’s government officials.

Landsbergis said he was not meeting with Wu because Lithuania does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan and sticks to the so-called One China policy.
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What It Took to Get Biden and Xi to the Table​

Path to U.S.-China summit was strewn with gamesmanship​

With only weeks to go to prepare for a possible summit with
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, Chinese officials floated a plan: If Xi Jinping agrees to meet, he first wants to sit down for a banquet with American business leaders.
The White House said no. With a lengthy agenda of friction points to go over, Xi should see Biden first before the CEOs, American officials told their Chinese counterparts last month, according to people briefed on the plans. Beijing backed down and rescheduled the dinner for after the summit.
Looks like President Xi isn't impressed with Viceroy Biden.
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Registered Member

Wow. The guest hasn't even arrived, and yet the host is already being soooooo unreasonable.

The demands are:
1. End PLA activities in Taiwan's air defense zone east of the Taiwan Strait median line.
2. End "unsafe interceptions" of U.S. Navy and Air Force ships and aircraft.
3. Release all U.S. citizens illegally detained in China.
4. Allow all U.S. citizens who are banned to leave the PRC.
5. Establish "know your customer" requirements for fentanyl shipments to the PRC.
6. Beijing should stop harassing Philippine ships around Second Thomas Bank.
7. China should drop charges against Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai and pro-democracy activists Hong Kong 47.
8. Release Gulshan Abbas, Ekpar Asat, Kamile Waiit.
9. Lift the travel ban on Aisham Mamut, mother of Nura Turkel, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
10. Suspend programs in Xinjiang.



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Wow. The guest haven't even arrived, and yet the host is already being so unreasonable.

The demands are:
1. End PLA activities in Taiwan's air defense zone east of the Taiwan Strait median line.
2. End "unsafe interceptions" of U.S. Navy and Air Force ships and aircraft.
3. Release all U.S. citizens illegally detained in China.
4. Allow all U.S. citizens who are banned to leave the PRC.
5. Establish "know your customer" requirements for fentanyl shipments to the PRC.
6. Beijing should stop harassing Philippine ships around Second Thomas Bank.
7. China should drop charges against Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai and pro-democracy activists Hong Kong 47.
8. Release Gulshan Abbas, Ekpar Asat, Kamile Waiit.
9. Lift the travel ban on Aisham Mamut, mother of Nura Turkel, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
10. Suspend programs in Xinjiang.

Let me guess: Xi and China's policymakers won't give a rat's ass about this nonsense.

"In the name of love"? This picture really shows you how despicable some of the "modern Western values" are.

As though we don't know that some Filipinos are not very smart.

ASPI are funded by the arms industry and their warmongering lackeys and speaks for the arms producers. If they think China does something wrong, then China is probably doing something right.
Beijing’s strong-arming of the Philippines plays right into Washington’s hands
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For those Chinese students who successfully finished study overseas, the vast majority returned to China, and increasingly so.
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