The table's title is "家庭人均月收入" which translates to "per capita monthly household income" and the 3rd column "人口数(万人)" translates to "Population (10,000 people)" and totals 1.4 billion so it's counting the entire population of China, including those not participating in the labor force. In or 55% of the population. For an approximation of incomes of the labor force participants we need to increase the income ranges in this chart by 82%.
From Table 1, we can see that the top 16.3% (only 228 million people at most) of Chinese families earn more than USD $4800/yr. Meanwhile for Americans, the median family income was USD $68,000/year. The difference is greater than an order of magnitude. CNY PPP multiplier is 4.208 btw.
The bottom 4 rows totals the 16.3% of the population in your example, adjusted to reflect incomes of working population and on an annual basis, the annual salary ranges would be:
- 65,000-109,000yuan ($8,900-15,000USD)
- 109,000-218,000yuan ($15,000-30,000USD)
- 218,000-436,000yuan ($30,00-60,000USD)
- 436,000yuan+ ($60,000+)
This is just an approximation to adjust from total population per capita to working population.