Miscellaneous News


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The presence of a Chinese fleet off the coast of Palestine could mean interest in regional geopolitics, or its desire to play a role in promoting stability in the region. It might also signify China's willingness to engage in regional diplomacy or cooperation, potentially as a mediator or facilitator in regional conflicts. It certainly seems like a political signal, showing support for Palestinian causes or asserting a presence in the area.
Yep, it’s the equivalent of teddy roosevelts Great White Fleet, “speak softly, and carry a big stick”.

That big stick tells the Anglo zionist west that disrupting BRI will come at a steep price.

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why, does this look like the anglos are being honest when they want peace and dialogue with China?


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India deploys ‘bee warriors’ along border with Bangladesh​

The Indian Border Security Force (BSF) has installed beehives along the country’s 4,096km frontier with Bangladesh to deter cattle smuggling and other crimes, while providing livelihoods to the rural population, local media have reported.

Bee boxes are being placed on the alloy border fence at regular intervals in areas of West Bengal that are prone to smuggling, an official told the PTI news agency. The initiative came from the BSF’s 32nd battalion.

The Indian government views cross-border crime and illegal immigration along the frontier with Bangladesh as a major problem. In the Nadia district of West Bengal, where the beehives are being installed, the smuggling of cattle, gold, silver, and narcotics is rampant, officials told PTI. They added that criminals had previously breached the fence by “cutting or attempting to cut” it.

BSF officials have warned that attacks from swarms of bees could “seriously injure” anyone attempting to cross the border illegally.

The idea was thought up by Sujeet Kumar, the commandant of the BSF’s 32nd battalion. He told PTI he had been inspired by the Indian government’s ‘Vibrant Village Programme’, which focuses on innovative ideas to generate livelihoods at a village level.
Security forces have installed beehives to deter the smuggling of cattle, gold, silver, and narcotics
BSF officials have warned that attacks from swarms of bees could “seriously injure” anyone attempting to cross the border illegally.

India is installing security beehives along the 4096km border with Bangledash? And how much is this going to cost?

Dragon of War

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India is installing security beehives along the 4096km border with Bangledash? And how much is this going to cost?

The installation of security beehives along the India-Bangladesh border raises several concerns. It can have unintended consequences. First, there's the potential for harm to innocent civilians and wildlife. Bees can be unpredictable, and their aggressive response to perceived threats could lead to unintended casualties. Furthermore, the cost of maintaining and managing these beehives, including beekeeping training, equipment, and infrastructure, might be substantial. This expenditure could divert funds from more pressing border security and development needs, potentially exacerbating existing socioeconomic and diplomatic issues between the two nations. Lastly, it's essential to consider the environmental impact, as large-scale deployment of beehives could disrupt local ecosystems and the natural behavior of these important pollinators.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
-Napoleon Bonaparte​


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Can't wait for them to come beg to China in 10-20 years, when they need all the economic growth and tech.
10-20 years. That's way too long, they'll come crawling back to China next year.
But it’s not like the USG is earnest in their desire for dialogue. They want war and they need it now
why, just look at the latest recruitment ad, no two moms or trans ppl in this ad
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They need to Beef up the troops since recruitment quotas are failing to the point where conscription is now a point of social discussion!
Man those replies and quotes are hilarious. If those white men won't even die for Israel, they definitely won't die for Wanwan.


This argument is going in circles, mainly because you make up your own definitions.
This argument is going in circles because you don't even have an argument point and you are unable to understand definitions that aren't snowflaked.
It's basically impossible to argue in good faith when you make up your own definitions.
It's basically impossible to argue in good faith with someone who thinks that refusing to patronize someone's business and exercising one's basic right to spend one's money where one sees fit is economic bullying.
But for the record, what China did to South Korea is not bullying because it's self-defense against US-SK aggression.
For the record, you unloaded a dumpster full of nonsense only in the end to agree with me that an invasion of South Korea would be bullying and that witholding business is not bullying.
It has nothing to do with "China's rights"
It has everything to do with China acting within its own rights and not violating others' rights.
or whatever mental gymnastics you trying to justify with, and makes no sense whatsoever.
Like I said before, to those in a mental wheelchair, just seeing someone walk around feels like you're watching mental gymnastics. And this is the first time on this forum I've heard of a person accuse another of mental gymnastics only to admit that his conclusion is the same.
It's self-defense against aggression, so it's not bullying. It has nothing to do with "Rights" or
It's a reaction within one's own rights to another country that acted within its rights. Just because you can't wrap your head around the meaning or importance of rights doesn't mean that it's not center stage in determining if you are in the right or wrong.
"Bullying=Invasion" non-sense.
Which, you apparently had no choice but to begrudgingly concede.
Moral has no place in international trade,
So... that means you agree that every ban or tariff that the US imposed was completely ok and did not constitute any bullying.
your example is completely invalid.
No, you're confused with your Bruce Lee example.
Even if moral applies, your boycott example still using personal relationship for international trade, still invalid.
LOLOL No, your simple mind has once again entangled the legal aspect with the moral aspect when they can and should be separated. And your statement falls along the line of, "Even if A applies, your example is still B, and thus invalid." No. A and B are separate. Morally, you can compare international relations with personal relations.

Let me help you with an example. You asked whether I can refuse service to Jewish customers in the US. No, I cannot because that is illegal discrimination violating US domestic law. However, if we depart the legal realm and move into the moral realm, I can do it, because as a private business owner, I have the right to serve and not serve whomever I choose and as long as I nonviolently decline service to those Jewish would-be patrons, I have stayed within my rights and not violated theirs. So in a comparable case where no law was there to prevent one exercising this freedom to choose one's business partners, such as in international trade, an Arabic country can absolutely say that they will ban business with Israel.
If you are going to use stupid personal boycott example, don't cry to me about applying equivalent law to it.
I'm going to use that example from the moral aspect and your legal application is invalid because those are separate. The only feeling I have for crying is why you're so dense you still don't get this. And then I realize it's because it's coming from the same "mind" that ignored imperialism and brought up Bruce Lee's clip for inclusivity/exclusivity.
Which by the way, international law also exists, governing trade between states that signed it. Trade cannot be weaponized freely like you claimed. China's boycott was legal in the international law, US sanction is not.
Except the governing body is completely paralyzed with no ability to rule, effectively nullifying those laws. Even before that, China and the US routinely broke those laws and used their powers within the WTO to put the cases in legal limbo until they died. Effectively speaking, international trade is only governed by the will of countries to buy and sell from each other.
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1. Most empires collapse within. What exactly is the condition of America at the moment? They are broke. We see how this plays out. Historically, the same thing happens over and over again. That is what I am worried about. Not some war. This is the position of the CCP too, I believe. When they talk about America's decline, that is what the CCP is talking about.
America is not doing as poorly as you think. They're currently cannibalizing Europe to maintain themselves but Europe still has a lot of wealth to plunder yet. I don't see them collapsing anytime soon.
2. There must be something to fight over. They were fighting over something, such as trade flows, and Huawei 5G, and sensitive technology in general. How are those fights going for America? Notice they do not harp on the phones anymore. There is not much further for this particular fight to continue on.
That's not the fight that they are fighting. Tech, wealth, trade are all secondary to the preeminent reason: no chinaman can be allowed to surpass any god-fearing white man. They will continue to fight in this realm as long as China is not the obvious leader.

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It was never about technology or economics.


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LOL! All that new 100M toilets, and Indians are returning to open defecation?
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India often claims it has built 100 million toilets since 2014 and has become an ‘open defecation free’ country. In 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi
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the Global Goalkeeper Award from the
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for the
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(Clean India Mission),
under which millions of toilets have been built across the country.
LOL! All that hype, and that worthless award.

However, New Delhi’s claim is in jeopardy. According to a
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(WBG) study,
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’, released in September, the substantial gains made from 2014-2019 in regular toilet use in India’s rural areas may be reversing.
The WBG’s new study is based on data from the Indian government as well as independent agencies. It points out that the regular use of toilets has “slowed or is reversing in most states, particularly amongst marginalized households.”
So 100M new toilets and a few years later, Indians are going back to open defecation? That's a colossal policy failure!

The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan – Gramin (Clean India Campaign for Rural areas, SBM-G) has to date built 100 million toilets across India, particularly in rural areas. It is now focusing on the reinforcement of ODF behavior by providing intervention for the safe management of solid and liquid waste in villages.

The campaign had led to more people using toilets regularly, while India received widespread acclaim, including the Global Goalkeeper award in September 2019.
No, only Bill Gates and the Jai Hinds gave the acclaim. The rest of the world couldn't care less about India's toilet habits. Toilets are a basic human necessity, but in India, it is somehow a luxury.

“Today, richer states like Gujarat and Tamil Nadu rank below poorer states like Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan in regular toilet use among the rural population,” the study noted.

There are large clear declines in regular toilet use in six states that fall in UP, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka. The seven states of Rajasthan, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Jharkhand have also experienced large declines in 2019-20 and 2020-21,” it added.
Toilet usage is declining in India in recent years, even after 100M toilets have been built.

He believes that though there had been complete coverage of toilets in rural areas, religious factors and water supply might be reasons for stagnation or reversal.
This is what happens when the Modi educates the masses to embrace religion and reject science. No more periodic tables, theorems and Darwin for schools, but yes for more religious studies.

There is a huge scarcity of water in Shimla and surrounding areas during the summer wherein people face problems meeting their requirement of water for bathing and toilet use. This may lead to open defecation by marginalized sections or can be a hindrance in ensuring regular toilet use or public amenities,” Bist said.
Why did Modi built toilets, but didn't build the water supply infrastructure for dry areas?

Adding to this, the solid and liquid waste management component and the creation of sanitary marts to provide products at reasonable rates in rural areas was missing in ongoing SBM projects, Kumar said.

The government should promote better management and improved upkeep of existing public toilets so as to encourage more and more people to use these, he said. The poor management of public amenities has forced people to go to open spaces rather than using smelly or clogged ones.

Kumar, in his 2022 study
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’, noted that most people still defecate in open spaces. Furthermore, most villages lack waste disposal and drainage systems, and many are ignorant about the consequences.
What? So Modi have built toilets but not the sewage system? And no supply chains for janitors to clean them? So Modi's new toilets can't flush, and can't be cleaned? Yuck! Who could blame the villagers for abandoning them.

Kumar contended that “the concept of sanitation broadly includes liquid and solid waste disposal, personal and food-related hygiene and domestic as well as environmental hygiene,” although this comprehensive approach seems to be missing.
That's Modi's approach to policy implementation in a nutshell.

Meanwhile, Himachal Pradesh’s Una district council (Zila Parishad) vice chairman Krishanpal Sharma called for strict measures against those who still practice open defecation. “The government should stop giving benefits such as subsidized ration or other subsidies to such persons,” he said.
LOL! No open defecation, or else no food subsidies! This is how the Modi government approaches the problem, by treating Indian citizens like pet animals. When you build toilets that cannot flush and be cleaned, who the hell wants to use them? So now you use the carrot and stick approach to force people to use them. This is just so Modi's India.
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