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India is installing security beehives along the 4096km border with Bangledash? And how much is this going to cost?
Basically, its gonna cost a lot more than India bargained for. Besides, someone could just smoke those beehives to pacify them before crossing. Its a border protection system that only India would be proud off.


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LOLOL No, your simple mind has once again entangled the legal aspect with the moral aspect when they can and should be separated. And your statement falls along the line of, "Even if A applies, your example is still B, and thus invalid." No. A and B are separate. Morally, you can compare international relations with personal relations.
No need to be rude. There is no moral aspect in international relation no matter how many times you pretend it does.
Let me help you with an example. You asked whether I can refuse service to Jewish customers in the US. No, I cannot because that is illegal discrimination violating US domestic law. However, if we depart the legal realm and move into the moral realm, I can do it, because as a private business owner, I have the right to serve and not serve whomever I choose and as long as I nonviolently decline service to those Jewish would-be patrons, I have stayed within my rights and not violated theirs. So in a comparable case where no law was there to prevent one exercising this freedom to choose one's business partners, such as in international trade, an Arabic country can absolutely say that they will ban business with Israel.
In a vacuum you can have all the sovereignty you want, but not if you voluntarily sign a contract that say otherwise. Just like US is a member of UN and is bound by its law. US may assert its sovereignty at any time by exit UN, but it must forfeit its privileges inside UN. You are being a Karen if you think you can ignore the law and still benefit from it. Arabic country can ban business with Israel because they violated international law in first place so there is no such problem.


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Investing $553 million in that confirmed fraudster, Adani. That is US international infrastructure money well spent.
Also forgot to quote these classic lines

Adani Group’s energy and port investments in Sri Lanka were criticized last year by some local lawmakers as opaque and closely tied to New Delhi’s interests.

The US is providing countries around the world with a different and more transparent option to China, including through the Biden administration’s Partnership for Global Infrastructure Investment, John Kirby, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, told reporters on Wednesday in Washington.


No need to be rude.
You guys started it. I'm not rude until someone's rude to me. Mental gynmastics?? Dense??
There is no moral aspect in international relation no matter how many times you pretend it does.
So once again, if that's your stand, then you can never say that the US did anything wrong in its trade or tech wars, which, as I understood was the opposite of what you wanted to convey.
In a vacuum you can have all the sovereignty you want, but not if you voluntarily sign a contract that say otherwise. Just like US is a member of UN and is bound by its law. US may assert its sovereignty at any time by exit UN, but it must forfeit its privileges inside UN.
No, that's not how the UN works. Countries at the UN are sovereign despite participation. The UN was not made to take that away but as a venue for better communication.
You are being a Karen if you think you can ignore the law and still benefit from it.
You're being legally illiterate if you think that you have to sign away your sovereignty to join the UN.
Arabic country can ban business with Israel because they violated international law in first place so there is no such problem.
1. No, countries can ban business with each other based on disputes. There doesn't have to be a black and white breaking of the law. Also, trade is arbitrated through the now defunct WTO, not the UN.
2. What international law did Israel violate? No international court of justice system has ruled that Israel's current actions are illegal.
I saw this post late. If this is the decision of a moderator I will stop. Delete my last post.
I understand this to NOT be a moderator decision as it was not in red and also because I was not named while I should be if it was a moderator telling both sides to stop. If it was, of course, I'll stop too.


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Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden, Times/Siena Poll Finds​

Voters in battleground states said they trusted Donald J. Trump over President Biden on the economy, foreign policy and immigration, as Mr. Biden’s multiracial base shows signs of fraying.

President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues,
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have found.
The results show Mr. Biden losing to Mr. Trump, his likeliest Republican rival, by margins of four to 10 percentage points among registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania. Mr. Biden is ahead only in Wisconsin, by two percentage points, the poll found.

It's time to come back to the foothills of the Himalayas comrade Biden, you did great work.

Is this just a coincidence?