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China Ready To Improve Ties With US 'At All Levels': VP​

By AFP - Agence France Presse
November 8, 2023

China is ready to hold talks with the United States at "all levels", Beijing's vice president said Wednesday ahead of an expected summit in San Francisco between leaders Xi Jinping and Joe Biden next week.

Speaking at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore, Chinese Vice President Han Zheng said recent high-level meetings between Beijing and Washington were sending "positive signals" that relations were improving.

"We're ready to strengthen communication and dialogue with the United States at all levels, advance mutually beneficial cooperation, properly manage differences and jointly address global challenges," Han said.

Relations between Washington and Beijing sunk to some of their deepest lows in recent years over a host of issues including export controls, human rights and national security.

But both sides appear willing to patch things up, with Washington sending a number of top officials to Beijing this year in a bid to strengthen communications.

US President Biden has said he expects to meet Chinese leader Xi on the sidelines of a summit in San Francisco next week for "constructive" talks.

While Beijing is yet to confirm the meeting, Han on Wednesday reiterated Xi's opinion that the question of US-China ties "bears on the future of humanity".

"The world is big enough for the two countries to develop themselves and prosper together," he said.

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Two ways of possibly looking at this.

One is that the CCP are fools. Two is that the CCP likes the way things are going at the moment.

Currently, China does more trade with the Global South, than with Europe, America, and Japan, combined. Since growth rates are higher in China and higher in the Global South, well, we can figure out what is the future for the next couple of decades. That is the so-called trade war. The so-called tech war, Huawei is still here, and the Chinese IC industry is booming.

Bottom line, things are too far gone, to expect these two developments mentioned above to reverse themselves. There is a real permanence to the relationship between China and the Global South which will keep on expanding, and the momentum of the Chinese tech industry will roll onward and upwards.

Talking, or not talking, to the Americans won't change any of this, it won't change crap.

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Registered Member
Talking, or not talking, to the Americans won't change any of this, it won't change crap.


That is why this Taiwan question, as of today the year of 2023, is kind of interesting, because it is kind of different now.

If China and America has a major war over Taiwan, what will change?

Nothing I would believe. China relations with the Global South will not change. China internal tech advancement will keep on advancing.

That is important, because someone placed their bets on that, and CCP has full intention to collect.

Keep playing the Taiwan card, and China will do something to spite that, and no, it will not involve the Global South or technology, as China got those bases covered more or less.

Position of strength, my ass. The Chinese side called out the Americans on that 3 years ago.



Senior Member

China Ready To Improve Ties With US 'At All Levels': VP​

By AFP - Agence France Presse
November 8, 2023

China is ready to hold talks with the United States at "all levels", Beijing's vice president said Wednesday ahead of an expected summit in San Francisco between leaders Xi Jinping and Joe Biden next week.

Speaking at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore, Chinese Vice President Han Zheng said recent high-level meetings between Beijing and Washington were sending "positive signals" that relations were improving.

"We're ready to strengthen communication and dialogue with the United States at all levels, advance mutually beneficial cooperation, properly manage differences and jointly address global challenges," Han said.

Relations between Washington and Beijing sunk to some of their deepest lows in recent years over a host of issues including export controls, human rights and national security.

But both sides appear willing to patch things up, with Washington sending a number of top officials to Beijing this year in a bid to strengthen communications.

US President Biden has said he expects to meet Chinese leader Xi on the sidelines of a summit in San Francisco next week for "constructive" talks.

While Beijing is yet to confirm the meeting, Han on Wednesday reiterated Xi's opinion that the question of US-China ties "bears on the future of humanity".

"The world is big enough for the two countries to develop themselves and prosper together," he said.

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Two ways of possibly looking at this.

One is that the CCP are fools. Two is that the CCP likes the way things are going at the moment.

Currently, China does more trade with the Global South, than with Europe, America, and Japan, combined. Since growth rates are higher in China and higher in the Global South, well, we can figure out what is the future for the next couple of decades. That is the so-called trade war. The so-called tech war, Huawei is still here, and the Chinese IC industry is booming.

Bottom line, things are too far gone, to expect these two developments mentioned above to reverse themselves. There is a real permanence to the relationship between China and the Global South which will keep on expanding, and the momentum of the Chinese tech industry will roll onward and upwards.

Talking, or not talking, to the Americans won't change any of this, it won't change crap.

I think it's obvious that CPC willingness to talk to the americans is just a ploy to buy time, hold off conflict for as long as possible, until she is strong enough, that whatever the americans throw at us, it won't matter anymore


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I think it's obvious that CPC willingness to talk to the americans is just a ploy to buy time, hold off conflict for as long as possible, until she is strong enough, that whatever the americans throw at us, it won't matter anymore

There's no slowing down when it comes to military procurements, including nuclear. As well as other domains, such as in economics with de-dollarizations etc.


Registered Member
I think it's obvious that CPC willingness to talk to the americans is just a ploy to buy time, hold off conflict for as long as possible, until she is strong enough, that whatever the americans throw at us, it won't matter anymore

Well, sure, we can say that, but as of now, today, I do not think I would agree.

This is what I read from poker. If you have a good hand, do not check, raise, and re-raise.

If the Chinese agree to speak to the Americans now, then the Chinese should tell the Americans that we are bigger than you.

The only reason the Americans want to speak with China now, is their anti-China plans have not worked. Instead, they pay for 2 wars, ahahahaha!

The only reason for China to talk to those assholes, is to raise the pot, and not check. If the Americans want to raise it further, China will match that raise, and raise it even more. That is what these talks should be about.

If the Americans what to keep raising, the Chinese will double that.

If the Americans want to de-escalate the raising of the stakes, then they must acknowledge that China is bigger than them, otherwise China will aggressively raise the pot, while they pay for their two wars, bwahahahahaha!



Bloody hell. After all, who organized that BRI Forum.

Can America bring together that many countries into one room.



Registered Member
Like it or not, China is involved, and playing this game.

If it is a game of high stakes poker, then you play it right.

Do things the right way.

The correct way here, is obviously to raise the pot to make those assholes as uncomfortable as they can be.



Registered Member
I think it's obvious that CPC willingness to talk to the americans is just a ploy to buy time, hold off conflict for as long as possible, until she is strong enough, that whatever the americans throw at us, it won't matter anymore
To derail the warhawk inside the beltway, they had a plan to start a war in 2025, but was overstretched due to Brandon incompetence. He is in election mode until next year and having Xi to visit the US will be a big plus for him. So China make a strategic decision, with the world being concerned of a possible World War 3, Chinese behavior is a welcome sign, showing people from the Collective West (who are tired of the war in Ukraine) the maturity of Chinese foreign policy and its leaders.

The DPP in Taiwan is in a panic mode, they were promised an unconditional support and seeing what happen to Elensky and to Ukraine. They may have a major rethink, either they double down or planned an exit strategy, neither matters cause the US will decide it for them.


Registered Member
To derail the warhawk inside the beltway, they had a plan to start a war in 2025, but was overstretched due to Brandon incompetence. He is in election mode until next year and having Xi to visit the US will be a big plus for him. So China make a strategic decision, with the world being concerned of a possible World War 3, Chinese behavior is a welcome sign, showing people from the Collective West (who are tired of the war in Ukraine) the maturity of Chinese foreign policy and its leaders.

The DPP in Taiwan is in a panic mode, they were promised an unconditional support and seeing what happen to Elensky and to Ukraine. They may have a major rethink, either they double down or planned an exit strategy, neither matters cause the US will decide it for them.
Bingo, the world yearns for a responsible and credible global leader and China will give them that. By rejecting hegemony, the world will force the crown on China, as the tried to force the crown on Caesar.

But it’s not like the USG is earnest in their desire for dialogue. They want war and they need it now
why, just look at the latest recruitment ad, no two moms or trans ppl in this ad
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They need to Beef up the troops since recruitment quotas are failing to the point where conscription is now a point of social discussion!

Dragon of War

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Chinese fleet off Palestine; what message could that be sending?!

The presence of a Chinese fleet off the coast of Palestine could mean interest in regional geopolitics, or its desire to play a role in promoting stability in the region. It might also signify China's willingness to engage in regional diplomacy or cooperation, potentially as a mediator or facilitator in regional conflicts. It certainly seems like a political signal, showing support for Palestinian causes or asserting a presence in the area.


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Taiwan in talks to set up non-diplomatic representative office in Estonia​

  • Estonian cabinet has revised country’s approach to the island, allowing it to open the office in Tallinn
  • Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna stresses that ‘we will not develop political relations with Taiwan’
Now I know why the Chinese uses say the phrase 波罗的海三傻
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Can't wait for them to come beg to China in 10-20 years, when they need all the economic growth and tech.