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Another Western exclusive club for AI. Why bother inviting other countries if the West decided to make up all the rules already.
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That is bullshit.

The Americans are desperately trying to make themselves look bigger than they are.

The Americans cannot match the Chinese in terms of scale, in general economy and industrial production. Therefore, they enlist the so-called allies, trying to trick everyone how big they really are.

In AI, it is fairly well known, that in this horse race, two of them are so far ahead of the pack, that it is not even close. The rest of the pact are not in this race.

Again, this is between China and America. Only. It is not between China and America with its allies.


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Tbh as a HKer, some HK people are truly the exception to that, its almost always the waste of lives that didn't excel at anything at all, yet couldn't accept mediocrity, and because of that, say they only experienced "hardships" under the "communist" government. And since they weren't born during the UK occupation, they don't know about how life was aside from what modern day propaganda tells them.

This. Tbh almost all Japanese I've known have been overly timid. While some Chinese have a more Japanese like disposition, most are significantly more open.

Japan may be richer than Xinjiang or Tibetans, but most Japanese people don't compare themselves with those. They compare themselves with the coastal Chinese, because those are more similar to them, and Japanese culture doesn't settle towards comparison with the worst among the lineup.

Regardless of the method needed, it is imperative for China to gather back up Japan in order to fully complete the reconstruction of China's order in Asia.

Japan has a historic and logical place as a subordinate nation to China. It is likely that they can be coerced without major violence, but China should never renounce the option of using maximum force to ensure that the Asian and international project cannot be threatened.

Japanese people are mostly peaceful, but there are leaders in Japan that have nazi lineage, and are a threat towards the integration that should be achieved between these 2 great historical civilizations.

Maybe Japan is a write off for everybody?

Just rambling out loud.

What good has Japan been to America, in the latter's China containment efforts?

In the field of semiconductors, America had to contain Japanese IC manufacturers in order to contain China.

Does this mean Japan is in the China camp already? Because logically, if Japan is in the China camp pertaining to semiconductors, then to contain Japan is to contain China.

Does that sound right? It sounds logic, but perhaps not right.

Japan agrees to stop selling IC equipment (allegedly) to China, and will sacrifice itself for its overlord like a good serf.

I believe the more accurate answer is Japan is withdrawing from globalization. This is trickle, but if they do not change their minds, it could turn into a flood. That is tech.

If someone is withdrawing, then they are a write off.



Regardless of the method needed, it is imperative for China to gather back up Japan in order to fully complete the reconstruction of China's order in Asia.

Japan has a historic and logical place as a subordinate nation to China. It is likely that they can be coerced without major violence, but China should never renounce the option of using maximum force to ensure that the Asian and international project cannot be threatened.

Japanese people are mostly peaceful, but there are leaders in Japan that have nazi lineage, and are a threat towards the integration that should be achieved between these 2 great historical civilizations.
Yes, but there are limits to this. Make Japan realize that its well-being relies on Chinese, not American power and they should come around. The transition shouldn't be difficult at all. Chinese and Japanese are very visually and culturally similar. I find it hard to believe that given the chance, they would not want to get up from under the foot of the country that dropped 2 bombs on them; only shaking this spectre can get Japan its self-respect back. But that said, it's from my own limited interactions and logic. If, for some reason, they just won't play ball, China can put pressure on them, turn them into the next Nort Korea, let them sit there and rot as they see other nations exalted before them at China's grace. BUT there is no maximum force simply for them exercising their free choice to not join China. After all, we criticize Japanese cruelty; we don't replicate it. Japan didn't have the right to invade China for our refusal to join their east asian cooperation sphere and we don't have to right to invade them for any refusal to join our new world order either.


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This is an insightful explanation of Filipino and Japanese psychology. They're in many ways detached from historical reality, and that will have real costs for them. Already has.
I picked the verbal announcement but the written formal text is just as bad.

The full text of the Japanese surrender (as written and read by Emperor Showa) doesn't contain surrender, neither in the title nor in the text. In addition it was written (and read!) in kanbun 汉文, basically classical Chinese read aloud in Japanese, so ordinary Japanese people couldn't understand it.

Indeed, even someone who can read classical Chinese can only barely decipher the intent of surrender. The entire document reads like a "sorry you feel that way".




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"Previous declaration of war against US, UK was from an earnest desire to defend the existence of our empire and peace in East Asia; if there was infringement on other countries sovereignty or invasion of territory, it was not the Emperor's intent. The war is in its 4th year, and despite the brave efforts of our soldiers in imperial army and navy, the planning of hundreds of ministers and the support of millions of subjects, everyone participating to the fullest, the war has not turned out well for us, and the trend of the world is not with us."


"In addition the enemy uses a new, cruel and powerful bomb, killing large amounts of innocents; destroying all before him, truly remarkable. If we were to continue the war, it may result in the destruction of our race, and even destroy human civilization. How shall the emperor protect the millions of loyal subjects and repay the souls of the ancestors? Thus the Emperor commands the imperial government to agree to the terms of the common declaration (Potsdam declaration)."

See any hint of remorse or acknowledgement of wrong or even acknowledging a defeat???

If anyone wants to contest my translation they can but I think I have the idea pretty clear.

BTW there's more... and it gets worse from there.

Is it any wonder why Japanese don't actually regard themselves as losing WW2?


Registered Member
To summarize:

Japanese don't think they lost WW2, they just did a ceasefire and switched sides.

Officially, Japan was fighting a legitimate war for the liberation of Asians from US and UK oppression.

If some didn't like it because of some minor invasions, sorry the emperor didn't mean it.

Thank you for the participation, literally everyone in Japan!

And actually, Japan is the greatest victim of WW2.


Registered Member
To summarize:

Japanese don't think they lost WW2, they just did a ceasefire and switched sides.

Officially, Japan was fighting a legitimate war for the liberation of Asians from US and UK oppression.

If some didn't like it because of some minor invasions, sorry the emperor didn't mean it.

Thank you for the participation, literally everyone in Japan!

And actually, Japan is the greatest victim of WW2.
Well, the declaration written between China and Japan also grants us the right to determine sovereignty of Japan as we see fit.

This is always something China can use later on, if Japan would force our hand.


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I just don't quite buy this reasoning. Director Wang Yi and the temporary Foreign Minister was also born in 1953 the same year Fu Ying was born. By this standard, Wang Yi, should not have been elevated to his position as well no? perhaps there are other mitigating reasons as to why Fu Ying could not be elevated to the top position. I don't want to use her gender or ethnicity (Mongol) as the reason(s) of her being denied a higher position but I don't think it should be dismissed entirely as well. As much as I am an admirer of the CPC, women being in place or in charge of higher positions are quite a feat due to it's rarity and in my opinion, the CPC ought to do a better job of representing QUALIFIED WOMEN into positions of power to the degree that reflects the population of the country.
The issue is different retirement ages for different ranks. Foreign minister is ministral level, but also a member of CCP central commity which elevate a rank further up as 副国级 (state leader of 2nd rank). Vice foreign minister is however only 2nd rank of ministral level, two ranks below FM+CCP CC member.

The retirement age for state leader 2nd rank is 70, while 2nd minstral rank is 60. Wang Yi (born Oct 1953) was appointed to FM in March 2013 when he was 59, that increased his retirement age to 70 (to Oct. 2023). Fu Ying (born Jan 1953) was already 60 years old at the position deputy FM in March 2013, so she must retire. She is assigned to NPC foreign comminty which is for near-retiring leaders.

When Wang Yi replaced Qin Gang in July 2023, he was 69, so he is qualified for another term as FM. But Fu Ying has already retired years ago.

One key is that Fu Ying "lost" to Wang Yi in 2013. Once that happened, she loose chances afterwards. If we assume that she was appointed in 2013 as FM and Wang Yi took her near-retiring position, she would have retired in Jan 2023 at age of 70. Qin Gang was removed in July, by this time Fu Ying would not be qualified as replacement anyway, while Wang Yi is still qualified to be brought back from near-retirement.

The other key is that Wang Yi is 9 months younger than Fu Ying, and their ages are just around the retirement limit, and the limits are different depending on what happened in 2013.
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I mean he is not wrong...
He is not wrong, but he is still Recep Tayyip Erdogan. We must remember that. He is a terrorist and a war criminal himself. He condemns the Israeli bombing of Gaza, while also bombing Kurdish people in Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. He condemns the Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians while also fully supporting Azerbaijan with their ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Nargono-Karabakh. He dares to condemn the Israeli invasion and occupation of Palestinian lands while he himself invaded and occupied northern Syria. He likes to talk tough like he can do something to Israel, while his own armed forces is heavily equipped with Israeli weaponry. He complains about Sweden burning the Quran, but is suddenly cool with them again after they deported a Kurdish activist back to Turkey.

Erdogan is a snake, a megalomaniacal politician with no principles and self-reflection. He is the same kind of scum like Bibi Netanyahu, Narendra Modi, and Donald Trump, even though he pretends to be standing against them. He likes to whip up Neo-Ottoman nationalism within his own nation, and then acts on it with actual violence. His ideology is little different from Bibi's Zionism, Modi's Hindutva, and Trump's MAGA nonsense.

Right now, Erdogan is just taking advantage of the outrage of the Muslim world, trying to elevate himself further, as the "leader" of the Muslim Brotherhood. Its just another one of his political campaign. What is he gonna do to Israel? Send his own F-16s and Bayraktars to confront the IDF? He can kiss that F-16 upgrade package and support deal from the US goodbye. That deal in which he used Finland's NATO membership as the bargaining chip. Is he gonna let that all go just so that he can be tough on Israel? I'll be happy to see him prove me wrong. Please prove me wrong Erdogan. Go teach Bibi Netanyahu a lesson! Prove to me that you had really have a spine and a pair of balls for once!
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