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You're hyperventilating for no reason at all. My objection is not to her qualifications, but to the notion that anyone should view English language debate skills as a relevant qualification for one of the top Chinese jobs.
But my prior post DID NOT INFER NOR IMPLY SUCH RIDICOLOUS ASSERTION you're making. All I expressed and wondered why a person of her calibre and experience did not get the Ministerial role in Foreign Affairs based on her logic, calm, reasoning to an absurd charge. It just happened that the language used in that forum was in English. Would you have written your post if Fu Ying's remark was made in Chinese? Think about your response for a moment, reflect, and then comeback to me if you think you'd have written a similar observation.


Registered Member
Bro do you know that she is the facilitator in the normalization of relationship during Duterte administration. After his inauguration The Arbitration Ruling came out to force Duterte to maintain his predecessor Anti-China stance, he refuse, here you can see the character of the man and the principle he holds, under immense pressure form the US and local and Western MSM. He told everybody to stay calm and look for a peaceful resolution, his problem is who to talk to as China had already burn all the bridges. Out came Fu Ying as she had maintain communication with FVR and the rest is history. Fu Ying is also the one who diffuse the tension during the Scarborough Shoal incident in 2012 with Trillanes, which she force him to withdraw using her charm....lol

And by the way she was the ambassador to the Philippine in 1998 to 2000, here she established many rapport with gov't official and politician. Her charm and intelligent do make her stand out as there are rumors that FVR had a thing for her. ;)
I am well aware of her prior stint to the Philippines as then Ambassador back in 1998. You can tell that she has a quite formidable demeanor that's not threatening or one that would illicit a defensive posture from anyone that engages with Fu Ying. She sort of reminds me of Deng Xiaoping in terms of charisma or appeal. One that can put everyone at ease but one that can also slice you with her wit and intellect. Thanks for the additional info that I did not know @ansy1968


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If Fu Ying was 15 years younger, she would almost certainly have been a viable candidate to replace Qin. However, the Chinese government has a fairly strict age/position requirement that varies by the level of the job, so the timeline doesn't work unfortunately.


Registered Member
If Fu Ying was 15 years younger, she would almost certainly have been a viable candidate to replace Qin. However, the Chinese government has a fairly strict age/position requirement that varies by the level of the job, so the timeline doesn't work unfortunately.
I just don't quite buy this reasoning. Director Wang Yi and the temporary Foreign Minister was also born in 1953 the same year Fu Ying was born. By this standard, Wang Yi, should not have been elevated to his position as well no? perhaps there are other mitigating reasons as to why Fu Ying could not be elevated to the top position. I don't want to use her gender or ethnicity (Mongol) as the reason(s) of her being denied a higher position but I don't think it should be dismissed entirely as well. As much as I am an admirer of the CPC, women being in place or in charge of higher positions are quite a feat due to it's rarity and in my opinion, the CPC ought to do a better job of representing QUALIFIED WOMEN into positions of power to the degree that reflects the population of the country.


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why is the U.S. so fixated on China when it comes to EVERYTHING. US elites doing everything from Ukraine to Israel to “show up China” is really pathetic, they wouldn’t be this insecure if they’d bothered to oh I don’t know, treat asians as human beings rather than persist in an apartheid Anglo supremacist society.


The allies have advanced a ride-share program where a Japanese satellite is equipped with an American payload. The arrangement is "a problem for China," Saltzman said, adding that the U.S. is working on similar arrangements with other nations like the U.K. and Norway. "They can't just attack the U.S. They have to say, 'No, we're willing to attack Japan and the U.S.,'" Saltzman said. "Partnerships, in and of themselves, create deterrence because the country has to decide whether they're willing to go to war against the whole world [and] because it's not going to be a one-on-one situation."
Wow wow wow, China's really got the US on the ropes here. This is the first time I've heard the US transition from a country that talks about conditionally providing its protection to other countries into a country that says it needs other countries to protect it from China! This is unbelievable; I wonder how the Japanese feel about this seeing that big bastard of a gangster that it has been forced to revere since 1945 turn around say it needs Japan to protect it from a China that it was supposed to protect Japan from!


Junior Member
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Wow wow wow, China's really got the US on the ropes here. This is the first time I've heard the US transition from a country that talks about conditionally providing its protection to other countries into a country that says it needs other countries to protect it from China! This is unbelievable; I wonder how the Japanese feel about this seeing that big bastard of a gangster that it has been forced to revere since 1945 turn around say it needs Japan to protect it from a China that it was supposed to protect Japan from!
Japanese feel awesome and important. They will do anything to help US defeat China. Japanese feel Chinese are inferior and thus Chinese rise of any kind is a rise of an inferior people. They are also extremely afraid of China due to past Japanese atrocitie against China. You can count on Japan to be with US against China to the bitter end.

Japan and Australia are the forever enemies of China and will do anything to keep US dominance in the Pacific. One due to reasons mentioned above, the other due to white/settler country stuck in asia surrounded by huge Asian countries that are poor and weak now but could become powerful in the future.