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Didn't the US overthrow many leftist parties in ME, South Asia, Latin America and Southeast Asia that resulted in radicalization of Islamic states.
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This Interesting read but failure may have some thing to do with Gulf Arabs. They prefer outside powers than some one nearby gaining ground. but they are too sophisticated to let others people know. Also you cannot expect some thing in hot desert environment with limited population to have that industrial capacity and institutions of Northern Europe that transfer skills and knowledge for generations. the life expectancy until recently was too short and air-conditioning hardly feasible. Islamism is effective tool used by Gulf Arabs and certain extent Russia to discipline society. Russia ambassador meeting shura council because the shura speaker is Phd. they want to emulate things that are successful. The founder of KSA has many dozen kids.
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The horse given to Putin by the King of Saudi Arabia has numerous offspring

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State Duma deputy said that Russian women should give birth at 20 years old​

According to Anna Kuznetsova, this is “the image of the future that the president spoke about”
Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Anna Kuznetsova (United Russia), a former children's ombudsman, said that, in her opinion, a woman should have her first child at about 20 years old, then the family will be able to have four or more children and will increase the effectiveness of the Demography national project.


Registered Member
Lol I don't put any stock to what this westernized self-hating Arab says.

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Is this guy Gordon Chang's lost brother or something???



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Registered Member
Isn't it too late. Beside, both Democrats and Republicans are hell bent to crush China and their constituents are on board.
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“China doesn’t want to be stranded alone with no other major power as an ally,” Hill explained. “Xi needs Putin and Putin needs Xi.”

But that creates a problem for the United States, she said: “We’re not going to have any hope of curtailing Russia’s options and getting the Middle East to calm down if we have a super-antagonistic relationship with China.”

She thinks the Biden administration should try a “Nixon to China” effort to reduce animosity, referring to President Nixon's opening of a relationship with Mao Zedong in 1972.

Finally, Hill is worried about one more country: the United States, which is heading toward a presidential election as polarized as ever.

Putin isn’t the only world leader waiting to see how 2024 turns out.

“If the rest of the world thinks every time a new government comes along, we are going to tear up agreements we just made, we won’t be looked at as a very reliable partner,” she warned.
For a brief moment I thought she is one cool-headed person, untill I read this "Nixon to China" thing.

Didn't she realize the difference? In Nixon's time, China knows that USSR was more threatening than US, Nixon did not fool Chinese, nor did Chinese see US as some angel, it was totally mutual benifitial.

Today, US is China's number one threat, US itself handed over that image to China. For US to do a "Nixon" today is like saying "hi, give me a moment to kill the Russians and Iranians, so I could have time to kill you soon afterwards." Does she think other people are as stupid as she or US leadership are?


Lieutenant General

I don't see many countering what Peter Zeihan says. Peter Zeihan is like India. You'll hear "experts" first say something about what's going on, then after several months, an Indian "expert" will come out summarizing what was said before acting like he's the first one to come up with it.

Zeihan is preaching to the crowd to those that want to believe it. He's just another Republican manipulation on YouTube trying to make their wishful thinking sound intellectual and like expert analysis to get people to believe it. Before they would pay already established YouTubers to be shills for their political positions but they all looked like a bunch of amateurs given a soap box to stand on. Now they're getting people that don't spew out inflammatory language to make them look professional. Zeihan gets basic information wrong. If he gets that wrong, his conclusions are going to be wrong. Zeihan points to demographics to how China is going to collapse in ten years. He calculates this based on how Mao started the one child policy when he took over China. But Mao didn't start the one child policy. That was implemented after he died. His ten year prediction is off by 25 years. Zeihan is another Gordan Chang because he apparently predicted China would collapse in ten years ten years before.