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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
US + Russia is a much better combo than EU + US. It is even worse when you consider if US don't pick Russia, the alternative of facing China + Russia is even worse.
The thing, the US doesn't need Russia for anything. The US itself is a continental power with lots of resources. And if there is some resource they need that they don't have there is a high likelihood that Canada or Australia will have it.
As for the EU, the only concern of the US is that they don't escape their control, and become an alternative center for power. For the EU, it is kind of obvious that Russia would be a major and stable resource provider. The alternatives are Africa or the Middle East but those are suboptimal because of their instability.
Losing Russia as a resource provider means that the EU will regress economically. For the US this isn't that much of a big deal.


For as long as people dont overthrow the ruling class.

Hell, Ukrainian ruling class is still selling the country today.
If Ukrainian ruling class can be bought for tens of billions per year, then Russian ruling class needs hundreds of billions. US is going to trade EU for Russia as the US can mike EU but the US needs to bribe Russian ruling class. It simply is a bad business.


Registered Member
Another delegation? Don't they have a country to run?
Ever the opportunistic Anglo Americans, willing to make a buck whilst ordering their storm troopers to fly nuclear bombers off chinese Cities.
There’s been a nice charm offensive by a Californian governor and sucking up by Apple CEOs who also advocated moving Chinese factories out of China, but I don’t see anything or concrete or tangible that could reliably indicate sincerity on the anglos.
Who’s to say their bonhomie will last, especially as they are overstretched in Ukraine and their oligarchs in Israel are demanding America sacrifice itself for the chosen people.

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and judging by GB, the view from Zhongnanhai is that the Anglos, having declared an ”all of society” race war, are simply as incapable as accepting an ascendant Chinese nation as Zionists are from accepting a palestinean state.


Registered Member
The thing, the US doesn't need Russia for anything. The US itself is a continental power with lots of resources. And if there is some resource they need that they don't have there is a high likelihood that Canada or Australia will have it.
As for the EU, the only concern of the US is that they don't escape their control, and become an alternative center for power. For the EU, it is kind of obvious that Russia would be a major and stable resource provider. The alternatives are Africa or the Middle East but those are suboptimal because of their instability.
Losing Russia as a resource provider means that the EU will regress economically. For the US this isn't that much of a big deal.
EU will regress economically not because of lack of cheap resources but its own culture. there are plenty of resources in Latin America, Africa, Mideast, Central Asia that EU can get it cheaper. infact EU firms develop these resources so they also getting high paid jobs but also identify attract human capital from those countries that further enhance EU soft power.
look at scale of Aviation flights that EU is attracting from these countries. EU is foremost attractive place for Global South.
Turkey is like central location of meetup.
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A total of 876 cruise ships visited Türkiye’s ports in the first nine months of 2023 with more than 1 million passengers.