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Deleted member 24525

Reminder that the Israeli Prime Minister quoted from and invoked Bronze Age era orders regarding extermination of men, women and children.

He and other Israeli supporters should not be shocked if their Behaviour invites a response from a Bronze Age era culture.
What are you implying the Dagestanis are going to do?


She thinks the Biden administration should try a “Nixon to China” effort to reduce animosity, referring to President Nixon's opening of a relationship with Mao Zedong in 1972.
This belongs to the "Funny Stuff" thread.

what is it with Anglo Zionists who continually do shitty things then have to project their shitty acts onto others?
Talking about projection, here is some unbelievable projection:

Surprise, surprise, the war criminal is advocating for more war crimes.

Such massive protests won't make an iota of difference to the Western regimes, as though we need more evidence that "Democracy" is utterly useless.

Another day, another comparison of Gaza with Xinjiang:


Registered Member
Isn't it too late. Beside, both Democrats and Republicans are hell bent to crush China and their constituents are on board.
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“China doesn’t want to be stranded alone with no other major power as an ally,” Hill explained. “Xi needs Putin and Putin needs Xi.”

But that creates a problem for the United States, she said: “We’re not going to have any hope of curtailing Russia’s options and getting the Middle East to calm down if we have a super-antagonistic relationship with China.”

She thinks the Biden administration should try a “Nixon to China” effort to reduce animosity, referring to President Nixon's opening of a relationship with Mao Zedong in 1972.

Finally, Hill is worried about one more country: the United States, which is heading toward a presidential election as polarized as ever.

Putin isn’t the only world leader waiting to see how 2024 turns out.

“If the rest of the world thinks every time a new government comes along, we are going to tear up agreements we just made, we won’t be looked at as a very reliable partner,” she warned.
She says US need a "Nixon to China" moment but doesn't specify Russia because resetting relationship with Russia is politically incorrect and must not be spoken? Is that about the size of it?

I mean I suppose in theory it would work, there probably are still US-friendly voices in Russia. All it takes is US serving up all of Ukraine on a platter. Are they Machiavellian enough to go through with this? And if so why not sell Taiwan for an even better price?


Registered Member
The only reason why China is the greatest threat to the West today is not because China is plotting evil upon the world. It's simply because the US can't find any justifiable excuses to take on China like they wish to because China is not giving them justifiable excuses. The only reason why the West has turned on China like they never have before since the darkest days of the Cold War is because China is an economic competitor with too much power to defend itself from the West. That's not a crime. To admit that's the reason why would make the West look like the imperialist monster they've been in history not the human rights champion they make themselves out to be today.

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Skynet is being used as an example to scare people from AI. That's the lie. They don't want China to have its own AI because they want theirs to be in control of China where the real meat and potatoes are which is controlling the daily lives of people feeding only what the US and the West wants everyone to consume only. Same thing going on about why China is the West's greatest threat. China is the counter to everything they want the world to be which is under their control and influence. They're the ones that want to deny freedom and they want to deny choice for everyone else. The only ones siding with Israel are Western governments. Their own citizens are taking the opposite view. How do I know that? Because that's what they're saying themselves. They would use AI to slant and spin everything in their favor.

The West uses the "Boogie Man" when they want to turn people away from something. Because the West went out of their way to make China an enemy when they didn't have to, it makes real problems like Ukraine and what's happening in Israel harder to resolve. Those are real world problems. During the Cold War, the Islamic world wasn't favorable towards China. In fact many of them looked down at Chinese just like the West did because they're the ones that taught them that which is how the West divided the world. Because the West hates everyone not Western, in their war of attrition against the non-Western world, their sites eventually trained on the Arab world. That's why the Middle East is a problem for them now and you see the Islamic world looking East because China is the alternative to the West. Choosing to make China an enemy is all their selfishness at work that blinded them. You see Palestinians holding up Chinese flags. You see that in Africa too. The West is scared of China's Belt and Road because they ignored that part of the world on the simple fact the West didn't see them as strategically important to them. It's not evil to to help build infrastructure in countries that the West ignored but they know their arrogance is coming back to bite them.

The one thing the West didn't have to do... they did and the world is a lot harder to manage for them because of it.
It is pretty funny. The inept Chinese media is being carried by Americans. American media hyped China so much that countries previous thought little of China now take China very seriously.


Registered Member
She says US need a "Nixon to China" moment but doesn't specify Russia because resetting relationship with Russia is politically incorrect and must not be spoken? Is that about the size of it?

I mean I suppose in theory it would work, there probably are still US-friendly voices in Russia. All it takes is US serving up all of Ukraine on a platter. Are they Machiavellian enough to go through with this? And if so why not sell Taiwan for an even better price?

Basically the same plan as before. Convince China to stay neutral or side with the west, completely destroy Russia, turn whatever remains of “Russia” into a US proxy, attack China on all sides.


She says US need a "Nixon to China" moment but doesn't specify Russia because resetting relationship with Russia is politically incorrect and must not be spoken? Is that about the size of it?

I mean I suppose in theory it would work, there probably are still US-friendly voices in Russia. All it takes is US serving up all of Ukraine on a platter. Are they Machiavellian enough to go through with this? And if so why not sell Taiwan for an even better price?
Trading Ukraine for Russia is fine but trading EU for Russia isn't. So no, the US can't afford to trade Ukraine for Russia. As for Taiwan, the US doesn't care about Taiwan but it cares about containing and destroying China. US views China as its number enemy so Americans would fight to the last Taiwanese.