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what is it with Anglo Zionists who continually do shitty things then have to project their shitty acts onto others?

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the logical thing would be for Russia to pressure India into caving into accepting yuan, or failing that, breaking up India into several warring states, some of whom may accept yuan in exchange for gold.
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Isn't it too late.
“If the rest of the world thinks every time a new government comes along, we are going to tear up agreements we just made, we won’t be looked at as a very reliable partner,” she warned.

Very much so. If the World thinks the US as an unreliable partner?! :) Russia already have come to that conclusion; "agreement incapable" is what they say. I believe China is on it's way to fully accept what the Russians already have concluded about the US.


Registered Member
Do you know why AMERICANS AND THE WEST FOR that matter, are slowly but surely losing the confidence of their public to believe their LYING MEDIA? And why Donald Trumps accusation of FAKE NEWS found so much resonance? It's because of episodes like this:

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The same shtick they do all the time and have been doing against American enemies for ages like China, Russia, Africa, Middle East etc..for decades. Now, they're doing the same stupid shit against their own people.


Lieutenant General
Isn't it too late. Beside, both Democrats and Republicans are hell bent to crush China and their constituents are on board.
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“China doesn’t want to be stranded alone with no other major power as an ally,” Hill explained. “Xi needs Putin and Putin needs Xi.”

But that creates a problem for the United States, she said: “We’re not going to have any hope of curtailing Russia’s options and getting the Middle East to calm down if we have a super-antagonistic relationship with China.”

She thinks the Biden administration should try a “Nixon to China” effort to reduce animosity, referring to President Nixon's opening of a relationship with Mao Zedong in 1972.

Finally, Hill is worried about one more country: the United States, which is heading toward a presidential election as polarized as ever.

Putin isn’t the only world leader waiting to see how 2024 turns out.

“If the rest of the world thinks every time a new government comes along, we are going to tear up agreements we just made, we won’t be looked at as a very reliable partner,” she warned.

The only reason why China is the greatest threat to the West today is not because China is plotting evil upon the world. It's simply because the US can't find any justifiable excuses to take on China like they wish to because China is not giving them justifiable excuses. The only reason why the West has turned on China like they never have before since the darkest days of the Cold War is because China is an economic competitor with too much power to defend itself from the West. That's not a crime. To admit that's the reason why would make the West look like the imperialist monster they've been in history not the human rights champion they make themselves out to be today.

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Skynet is being used as an example to scare people from AI. That's the lie. They don't want China to have its own AI because they want theirs to be in control of China where the real meat and potatoes are which is controlling the daily lives of people feeding only what the US and the West wants everyone to consume only. Same thing going on about why China is the West's greatest threat. China is the counter to everything they want the world to be which is under their control and influence. They're the ones that want to deny freedom and they want to deny choice for everyone else. The only ones siding with Israel are Western governments. Their own citizens are taking the opposite view. How do I know that? Because that's what they're saying themselves. They would use AI to slant and spin everything in their favor.

The West uses the "Boogie Man" when they want to turn people away from something. Because the West went out of their way to make China an enemy when they didn't have to, it makes real problems like Ukraine and what's happening in Israel harder to resolve. Those are real world problems. During the Cold War, the Islamic world wasn't favorable towards China. In fact many of them looked down at Chinese just like the West did because they're the ones that taught them that which is how the West divided the world. Because the West hates everyone not Western, in their war of attrition against the non-Western world, their sites eventually trained on the Arab world. That's why the Middle East is a problem for them now and you see the Islamic world looking East because China is the alternative to the West. Choosing to make China an enemy is all their selfishness at work that blinded them. You see Palestinians holding up Chinese flags. You see that in Africa too. The West is scared of China's Belt and Road because they ignored that part of the world on the simple fact the West didn't see them as strategically important to them. It's not evil to to help build infrastructure in countries that the West ignored but they know their arrogance is coming back to bite them.

The one thing the West didn't have to do... they did and the world is a lot harder to manage for them because of it.


American crony Capitalism at its finest, private railroads such as Warren Buffett's BNSF don't fix their bridges or tracks so that they could use the profit for stock buy backs and executive compensation. And no government's regulation and enforcement would be enough to force them to make the necessary repairs as politicians are in their pocket and their lawyers always find loopholes and excuse to delay repairs.
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This opinion piece published on Asian Nikkei somewhat correlates to what @AssassinsMace posited with his posts on why America and the west are in desperate mode to thwart China's burgeoning A.I. @AssassinsMace take a read of this piece.

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Too late now for U.S. to hold back China in global AI race
Government and public embrace smart tech for efficiency and reduced corruption

Zhou Xin
October 24, 2023 05:00 JST

Baidu staff promote AI chatbot Ernie Bot at the Wave Summit in Beijing in August: More major tech companies in China than in the U.S. are offering their own advanced chatbots. © AP
Zhou Xin is senior vice president for public affairs at artificial intelligence-driven molecular imaging company Evomics Medical in Shanghai and executive chief editor of AI community platform The Yuan.

Believing that artificial intelligence could make China a greater strategic threat, the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden has set its sights on holding back its rival's AI development.

Recent measures have included restricting U.S. investors from putting money into Chinese AI companies, downgrading scholarly exchanges and cutting off supplies of specialized computer chips. Officials are also discussing limiting access by Chinese companies to U.S. cloud computing services that might provide indirect access to AI technologies.

Washington is working to extend its "great firewall" against the Chinese AI threat to allies such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, which previously focused more on doing business with Beijing than on geopolitics. Indeed, at their three-way summit with Biden at Camp David in August, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol affirmed they would stand with Washington.

Can Washington really stop Chinese AI development? This is highly doubtful. China created its industrial AI policy seven years ago, long before the U.S. government came up with any kind of AI overview.

While the ChatGPT platform from U.S. company OpenAI has been a focus of global attention regarding generative AI over the past year, Chinese software developers have been hard at work too.

In August, Beijing authorized the public release of new generative AI services from Tencent, Baidu, Huawei Technologies, Alibaba Group, JD.com, ByteDance, iFlytek and Kuaishou Technology. Overnight, there are now more major technology companies in China offering their own advanced chatbots than in the U.S.

More importantly, Beijing is already engaged in embedding AI throughout China's social infrastructure. Chatbots now generate calls from public service centers. Public parking lots are managed by smart systems without a need for human attendants. Hospital and other public facilities have their own AI systems to deal with the public.

Chinese President Xi Jinping may not understand machine learning or the technology behind AI but he has an in-depth understanding of what Chinese people hate and need

Until now, China's bureaucracy was infamous for its inefficiency. To cope with the burden of serving what was until this year the world's largest population, China's leaders since ancient times have relied on a pyramidlike model of governance that implicitly tolerated a certain degree of official corruption.

When officials recognized that dilatory handling of public requests might elicit offers of bribes, they often just became even greedier and slower about their work. While the public could, to some extent, put up with greasing palms to get problems addressed more quickly, they would eventually reach a breaking point and rise up against their corrupt overseers.

AI has not just increased the efficiency of public services, but it has also put officials under technological supervision, undermining their leeway to seek bribes. This is already proving to be a better check against corruption than long-standing Communist Party calls for integrity or centuries of Confucian precepts.

Many Chinese are quite happy with swapping the old system of corruption-plagued public services for AI-driven alternatives, even if the new versions rely on the use of facial recognition scans and other biometric systems that would undoubtedly spur privacy complaints in Western nations.

The U.S. will clearly not take the same path nor embrace dictatorship even if it would bring greater efficiency. But Chinese President Xi Jinping is attuned to what his country's citizens value, in part due to his diverse experiences growing up, first as a child of elite privilege and then as a rural peasant when his family was exiled from Beijing amid the Cultural Revolution. Xi does not understand machine learning or the technology behind AI, to be sure, but has an in-depth understanding of what Chinese people hate and need.

For the American people, the equation is different. If Biden tried to adopt AI as a governance tool, that would likely cripple the technology's effectiveness. Systems like ChatGPT would come under great strain if pulled into America's bureaucracy. Labor unions, legislators, gay rights activists, racists, anti-racists and other special interests will never trust AI systems to protect the values they hold dear.

But no matter how tight U.S. export controls get in the future, AI is already taking over in China. It is transforming Asia's largest economy despite the Biden administration's best efforts. If the U.S. does not want to fall behind China in the AI race, it is America that will have to change.


Registered Member
Until now, China's bureaucracy was infamous for its inefficiency. To cope with the burden of serving what was until this year the world's largest population, China's leaders since ancient times have relied on a pyramidlike model of governance that implicitly tolerated a certain degree of official corruption.
Even the Jiang Zemin era Party was a shining beacon of incorruptability compared to most larger western nations though.
When officials recognized that dilatory handling of public requests might elicit offers of bribes, they often just became even greedier and slower about their work. While the public could, to some extent, put up with greasing palms to get problems addressed more quickly, they would eventually reach a breaking point and rise up against their corrupt overseers.

AI has not just increased the efficiency of public services, but it has also put officials under technological supervision, undermining their leeway to seek bribes. This is already proving to be a better check against corruption than long-standing Communist Party calls for integrity or centuries of Confucian precepts.
Many Chinese are quite happy with swapping the old system of corruption-plagued public services for AI-driven alternatives, even if the new versions rely on the use of facial recognition scans and other biometric systems that would undoubtedly spur privacy complaints in Western nations.
Reminder that China ratified data privacy laws as tough as the EU's new ones, several years before EU did it. And that US has nowhere comparable in terms of privacy laws compared to either China or western Europe.
The U.S. will clearly not take the same path nor embrace dictatorship even if it would bring greater efficiency. But Chinese President Xi Jinping is attuned to what his country's citizens value, in part due to his diverse experiences growing up, first as a child of elite privilege and then as a rural peasant when his family was exiled from Beijing amid the Cultural Revolution. Xi does not understand machine learning or the technology behind AI, to be sure, but has an in-depth understanding of what Chinese people hate and need.
US has already embraced dictatorship and elite rule, not for efficiency but for personal gains of the elites.
For the American people, the equation is different. If Biden tried to adopt AI as a governance tool, that would likely cripple the technology's effectiveness. Systems like ChatGPT would come under great strain if pulled into America's bureaucracy. Labor unions, legislators, gay rights activists, racists, anti-racists and other special interests will never trust AI systems to protect the values they hold dear.
You mean controlled opposition and the fodder that can and will be sent to Guantanamo on a moment's notice will have any effect whatsoever on the white house's decision?

America is paralysed due to lack of efficiency and the resulting lack of might. To quickly induct new tech such as AI would simply be too dangerous - it would upset the delicate balance between officials and the people, a relationship inherently built on corruption, legalized in American law.

An American AI must know how to lie in order to not expose it's employers, but if it lies in an obvious way, it will become a mask off moment, like when how genocidal American deputies openly voice their toxins on live TV, necessitating a highly human labor intensive regimen to attempt to whitewash the mistakes.

At the task of managing the rule of the American people, humans are the most useful, as they can be more easily controlled and threatened into taking the "correct" options, compared to AI.