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This was the case for traditional Christians, like old catholics and old protestants. But since 1945 Europe is under US military occupation and priests and pastors who still were antisemitics were banned and new ones pro Israel and pro US were promoted.

In the 60s, in the occupied Rome, took place the II Vatican Concil that changed all traditions and beliefs of the Catholic Church. So Jews are now seen like victims and must be defended.

And the Lutheran Church, whose beliefs legitimized the Holocaust in Germany, also went through purges and today defends the Jews.
That may have been the case up contemporarily but considering the irredentistist trends amongst the conservative bloc there are doubts it'll hold up in the current politic climate. The West and the world in general are at multiple critical junctures in political, cultural, and economic paradigm shifts. Right-wing populism, even among the less or non-religious, embrace conspiracy theories that placate Jews and Catholics as 'anti-Christ' figures. As economic and social conditions worsen more people embrace non-mainstream narratives and religious extremism.

Anything past that though is mostly speculation but those religious and socio-culture underpinnings can factor in the event of social or political breakdown. However, it is an interesting and makes matters more multi-dimensional given that anti-Semitism has risen moreso among African-Americans, which is mostly linked to the Hebrew Israelite movement and Sufi movements among African-Americans who bought into to the idea from a group of West African Evangelical pastors during British colonization in the late 1800s. Even some white conservative pundits have started echoing this sentiment about African-Americans which is sure to come in conflict with Jews

It's important to remember this is largely is developing but old institutions and alliances are coming into fray and regression is possible.


Junior Member
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That may have been the case up contemporarily but considering the irredentistist trends amongst the conservative bloc there are doubts it'll hold up in the current politic climate. The West and the world in general are at multiple critical junctures in political, cultural, and economic paradigm shifts. Right-wing populism, even among the less or non-religious, embrace conspiracy theories that placate Jews and Catholics as 'anti-Christ' figures. As economic and social conditions worsen more people embrace non-mainstream narratives and religious extremism.

Anything past that though is mostly speculation but those religious and socio-culture underpinnings can factor in the event of social or political breakdown. However, it is an interesting and makes matters more multi-dimensional given that anti-Semitism has risen moreso among African-Americans, which is mostly linked to the Hebrew Israelite movement and Sufi movements among African-Americans who bought into to the idea from a group of West African Evangelical pastors during British colonization in the late 1800s. Even some white conservative pundits have started echoing this sentiment about African-Americans which is sure to come in conflict with Jews

It's important to remember this is largely is developing but old institutions and alliances are coming into fray and regression is possible.
I doubt. Traditional Christians are in a deep decline, Catholic Church loses influence day after day and now is a liberal entity either way. Anglicans and Lutherans all are state owned churches and UK and Germany now are US vassals and never would go against Israel again.

Evangelical christians are promoted by US and US funded NGOs, so pro-Israel speech are just growing. And I don't think African-Americans could do much harm to Jews.


I didn't talk only about the US in my first post, but about the whole right around the west world.

And I spoke about antisemitism as a political force. And as a political force, antisemitism is dead with the Nazis. Or which politicians have been elected using Nazi Germany's speech since 1945? No one that i know.

From your posts with polls, it appears that some "antisemitic" stereotypes still exist in a minority below 30% of conservatives, like think jews controls the media, but how could this be dangerous if right wingers loves rich people?

How can this trend be negative for Israel, if in 1945 there was a great power wanting to kill Jews and today, on the contrary, there is a great power helping Israel and the Jews unconditionally?
This is what you said:
"The right and even far right is massively pro Israel in the west now. Antissemitism in the right is dead with the original nazis. The US controlled the opposition."

You didn't say anything about antisemitism as a political force or there not being Nazi speeches given by Western politicians. These are all moving the goalpost as nobody would argue against them. Obviously, since WWII, there hasn't been another rise in the desire to eliminate Jews because that's the taboo that WWII left. The trend for Israel, of couse is that it had done nothing but grow since its founding, both physically and in acceptance in the West. These are all things that nobody would argue against and they are all instances of you moving the goalpost.

This is what you said: "Antissemitism in the right is dead with the original nazis." Then I showed that antisemitism is in 20-35%+ of the US right wing population. So, that's the end; you're wrong. It's like you claiming all black people are dead but on the street, 1 in every 3-5 people are black. You can't argue out of it. It doesn't get extended, to, "Oh, I mean, it's not in the majority," or "I meant political only; you can't be an open Nazi (except if you're Ukrainian) running for office." That's all nonsense to escape your original statement. Read your own English statement and argue based on that; don't try to mutate or evolve it to mean something it does not mean to a normal English speaker reading your original statement.


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This is what you said:
"The right and even far right is massively pro Israel in the west now. Antissemitism in the right is dead with the original nazis. The US controlled the opposition."

You didn't say anything about antisemitism as a political force or there not being Nazi speeches given by Western politicians. These are all moving the goalpost as nobody would argue against them. Obviously, since WWII, there hasn't been another rise in the desire to eliminate Jews because that's the taboo that WWII left. The trend for Israel, of couse is that it had done nothing but grow since its founding, both physically and in acceptance in the West. These are all things that nobody would argue against and they are all instances of you moving the goalpost.

This is what you said: "Antissemitism in the right is dead with the original nazis." Then I showed that antisemitism is in 20-35%+ of the US right wing population. So, that's the end; you're wrong. It's like you claiming all black people are dead but on the street, 1 in every 3-5 people are black. You can't argue out of it. It doesn't get extended, to, "Oh, I mean, it's not in the majority," or "I meant political only; you can't be an open Nazi (except if you're Ukrainian) running for office." That's all nonsense to escape your original statement. Read your own English statement and argue based on that; don't try to mutate or evolve it to mean something it does not mean to a normal English speaker reading your original statement.
he prob means dead as in legislatively made outlaw...and 1984 style total information propaganda... Even my brother and mother got brainwashed and called for flattening of Gaza, that's how powerful western narrative is...

Ten years ago when Hillary was preaching internet speech freedoms I thought it was strange that in Germany holocaust denial was illegal and could land one in prison time...

Fast forward a decade, now I can see that and worse being a reality in USA soon as well... soon if you don't openly support Israel, if you stay mute or silent, that might cause you to lose your job or get deplatformed or worse


Lieutenant General
For those that don't know, the only reason why Republicans care about Israel is because God, not anyone else, is suppose to be the one to destroy Israel and the Jews because the second coming of Jesus Christ happens after that. So don't believe Republicans care and love the Jews because of how protective of Israel they are.

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Why is it important that China has to take a position and it's always in favor of Israel? I remember Israeli newspapers gloating when Chinese civilians were killed by Islamic terrorists around the world because of China's neutral stance. And they will gloat again when it happens again but they will point to China's lack of position here as an excuse.

Years ago I was playing billiards at a bowling alley with some people I know. I was the only Asian. The talk came around to geopolitics and one guy there is Jewish. He was talking claiming how everyone hates the Jews. I had a problem with that comment because Chinese have no history of anti-Semitism especially because Chinese don't practice Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions. I said out loud, "The Chinese don't hate the Jews!" I paused then I followed up with, "We just don't care..." The room erupted in laughter. There was absolutely no problem with saying that because no Chinese has to hold guilt for what happened to people of Jewish descent because they weren't a part of it ever in history. They should be happy apathy is the best they'll get. I don't see Jews measure their words in regards to Chinese being killed by terrorists. When Chinese hate you, they hate you because of your actions not because a religion told them to.

More Chinese civilians died during WWII than people of Jewish descent did. While the West hides the results discovered over Nazi experiments on Jews, they are happy to learn what the Japanese discovered on their experiments on Chinese. Every time you hear about a white child that was pulled out dead from a freezing river and was revived and saved, that success came from Japanese experiments on the Chinese. I had a debate with someone who was Jewish talking about this and his response to how many Chinese civilians died during WWII was, "But they are so many of you..." That's why it's difficult to tell the story of the plight of the Jews to the Chinese. It basically comes down to telling the Chinese how more important Jews are than Chinese. Ignore what happened to you. Only think about what happened to me.

Why is it more important than ever that the Chinese have sympathy for the Jews hence why Schumer wants Xi to take a stand on the events happening now? In their versions of history based on their religions, the Chinese don't even exist. And that is the basis of why they look at Chinese/Asians as less. Why is Marco Rubio so anti-China? It's because the rising Chinese aren't going to care about carrying forward the story of the plight of right-wing Cubans. Only the US does that. Every interest group that sees the West perpetuating their version of history, they're going to be anti-China. Do you see any crime committed by China against them there? No, and that's why they're insecure about China because they don't have any excuses to take action except to hide behind other people's excuses. And they in turn perpetuate their anti-China rhetoric. And they expect Chinese to be sympathetic to their interests...?


Junior Member
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This is what you said:
"The right and even far right is massively pro Israel in the west now. Antissemitism in the right is dead with the original nazis. The US controlled the opposition."

You didn't say anything about antisemitism as a political force or there not being Nazi speeches given by Western politicians. These are all moving the goalpost as nobody would argue against them. Obviously, since WWII, there hasn't been another rise in the desire to eliminate Jews because that's the taboo that WWII left. The trend for Israel, of couse is that it had done nothing but grow since its founding, both physically and in acceptance in the West. These are all things that nobody would argue against and they are all instances of you moving the goalpost.

This is what you said: "Antissemitism in the right is dead with the original nazis." Then I showed that antisemitism is in 20-35%+ of the US right wing population. So, that's the end; you're wrong. It's like you claiming all black people are dead but on the street, 1 in every 3-5 people are black. You can't argue out of it. It doesn't get extended, to, "Oh, I mean, it's not in the majority," or "I meant political only; you can't be an open Nazi (except if you're Ukrainian) running for office." That's all nonsense to escape your original statement. Read your own English statement and argue based on that; don't try to mutate or evolve it to mean something it does not mean to a normal English speaker reading your original statement.
This guy just doesn't know Hyperbole as a figure of speech!