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You guys remember that Assad came to China right before the Hangzhou Asian games. China really went all out on the propaganda to show strong bonds with Assad, and Assad did the same. Assad also left Beijing with a huge smile, I'm thinking it's more than just a few economic cooperation projects ;)


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A truly contrite anglosphere would come bearing compensation to Huawei, SMIC, YTMC etc
So murdering a Canadian citizen isn't an issue but being Chinese friendly politicians are crime and would be expelled from the party.
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that’s what a rules based order looks like; whatever suits the whims of the coked out Atlanticist clique
Here comes that cancel culture at work silencing dissenting voices:

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If their cause was just and true, why the need to bully and threaten dissidents? You don’t see china doing the same thing to free Tibet activists, and only the truly egregious who formerly had power were ever singled out. The Israelis and their supporters have targeted everyone who speaks out like a heresy of a world religion.


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Freedom of speech only applies when you support Israel but it is a crime when you speak against Israel.
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According to some Jewish American Author tik-toker whom been black-listed, they say anyone that says anything negative about Israel can get added to a list into a "private" organization (i forgot the name). Anyone can get dox or black-listed (ie someone within the hiring chain that decided to cross check the list). Sounds like its been confirmed with those stories...


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This would actually hurt Israel and Jewish diaspora in the long run far right groups are on the rise in EU and US due to economic woes and illegal immigration and these actions would only support their conspiracy theories, The more war drags on the more censorship becomes unhinged and more Westerners become convinced Jews control media and economy last time a former painter was able to further his ambitions taking advantage of that widespread belief things didn't go that well, Imagine someone getting popular on that platform in US, once US crosses that line it would become palpable for rest of the western countries soft power and political correctness are still controlled by US media what's fine with them would rapidly become acceptable around the world.
The right and even far right is massively pro Israel in the west now. Antissemitism in the right is dead with the original nazis. The US controlled the opposition.


The right and even far right is massively pro Israel in the west now. Antissemitism in the right is dead with the original nazis. The US controlled the opposition.
No actually, that's not right at all, especially when it comes to antisemitism. As a matter of fact, Americans are very conflicted in how they feel about Israel and the Jewish people. The left are rarely anti-semitic because they strive to be politically correct so they see the Jews as a minority in the US that should be welcomed and protected, but they are anti-Israel because they also desire to be morally just and Israeli behavior is plain inexcusable evil. The right are a very internationally political group and believe in doing anything good or bad (whatever it takes philosophy) for their own conversative views, which is America on top of the world, mainstream white people on top in America. For them, Israeli crimes are applaudable since Israel is politically aligned with the US and so they see Israel as a country that will do anything to further its own interests and by extension, American interests.... but they also hate Jews because they don't identify them as mainstream white America rather an offshoot known for being sneaky in their dealings and taking economic advantage of others while exercising their own closed off culture. So in summary, both the left and right in America are conflicted; the left likes Jews but hate Israel while the right hates Jews but likes Israel. They cannot straighten out thier tangled thoughts because American ideology is twisted and not wholesome, forcing its citizens to mentally contort in order to align.
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The right and even far right is massively pro Israel in the west now. Antissemitism in the right is dead with the original nazis. The US controlled the opposition.
It's a flimsy alliance given the anti-Semitic dog whistles within mainstream Christianity, like blaming Jews for killing Jesus and 'Synagogue of Satan' in the Book of Revelation. Many Christians believe this is fulfilling the 'Final Days' or 'Second Coming of Christ'. The religious Christian right will never view Jewish people or other religious conservatives like Muslims with equity. If your Lord, Saviour, and Messiah is not Jesus Christ they will not see you as an equal in the balance of power, plus racism and ethnicism is too pervasive among them. Both Conservative Christians and Conservative Jews know this in the back of their mind it superficially serves an ulterior motive for the time being until they are back at each others throats. There's a conflict of interest in their presentation of the Messiah