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Is this a parody account? Quite frankly the quality beats 75% of my shitposts so I really can’t tel.
Hello!! Most of the idiots from India do believe the SUBMARINE EXPLOSION that SHE FIRST REPORTED along with the Xi JINPING GETTING COUPED. Despite her horrendous and many attempts at misinformation/disinformation against China all the time the Indians believe her shit so much.


Registered Member
Hello!! Most of the idiots from India do believe the SUBMARINE EXPLOSION that SHE FIRST REPORTED along with the Xi JINPING GETTING COUPED. Despite her horrendous and many attempts at misinformation/disinformation against China all the time the Indians believe her shit so much.
She is vital for Indian mental gymnastic team success being their coach, so she is well respected as shown by the Indian team performances. ;)


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Russian soldiers ‘not human’ – Kiev military spokesperson​

On Saturday, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo posted a 21-second clip on X (formerly Twitter) in which she is seen standing in front of a cardboard cutout of a Russian soldier. Pointing at the figure, the spokesperson asks: “Do you know the difference between us and them?”

Apparently, the Dailymail (ya I know that tabloid trash) is saying she has been reinstated as a spokesperson for Ukraine.