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Mask-off moment. "Finish them", like "Final Solution" thing?
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She is just a shit-tier politician from a country that is increasingly becoming third-world at everything except the wealth accumulation of its elite and its military.

Look at the coming US elections to start with LOL. The incumbent is visibly senile and incompetent. His opponent, Donald the Orange, is just a few years younger and belongs in jail. Another mildly popular guy who could get named the vice, Vivek is a literal scammer. These are the guys Americans have to choose from to lead them. Nikki Haley has no chance. Even DeSantis was smashed by Trump. So she is trying to get attention by saying popular things in a country which is known for intense fearmongering about foreigners. Fentanyl is because of the Chinese, Muslims are terrorists once again. Commies are against freedom, you can't be soft on Russia (toughness is the holy grail of American politics in 2023)... Really, says a lot about the USA.


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Nikki Haley has no chance. Even DeSantis was smashed by Trump.

They are essentially marketing themselves for 2028 instead. Like always, the GOP scene is all over the place but that is almost entirely on DeSantis taking off the mask and siding with the establishment. Also Vivik is back in the bottom again lol.

Nikki Haley overtakes DeSantis in New Hampshire poll​

Two polls out Wednesday show former UN ambassador Nikki Haley in second place in the crowded 2024 Republican primary.

Why it matters: Haley is still far behind former President Trump, but her polling among voters in New Hampshire and South Carolina is the latest sign of her jolt of momentum after two strong debate performances.

By the numbers: Haley leads Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis 19% to 10% in a Suffolk University/Boston Globe/USA TODAY poll out Wednesday of likely New Hampshire Republican primary voters.
  • Trump, the consistent frontrunner in primary polls, won 49% of support.
  • No candidate other than Trump, Haley and DeSantis received double-digits in the poll of voters in the first-in-nation primary state.
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The US doesn't like its own cancel culture at work. What happened to, "The consumer is always right?" Or, "Vote with your wallet?"

The whole backlash against Bud Light really started because the Republicans didn't realize how boycotts were that effective until China deployed them. It irks them so that China has this power. This is where the West doesn't like China exercising the very consumer rights they promote. The EU is so arrogant they think they can sanction China in the name of human rights but they think China is not suppose to retaliate. What are they going to do? Sanction China more when China can retaliate in kind? If you're motivated by a just cause, you consider and accept the consequences that come with your decisions. Not whine like a baby. The West thinks that's China's punishment for human rights crimes. Chinese have to hand over their money to the West. And of course none of these human rights crimes accused have them as the victim. China commits human rights violations against Chinese and the West gets money from China as punishment. And the EU thought it had the right to tax all airlines in the world for pollution even the ones that don't fly over Europe all in the name of the environment. What's more imperialistic thinking than that?

If Japanese celebrities have to have a book telling them how not to offend the people they want make money from, then maybe they shouldn't be in a business where it requires people to like them. What in the hell makes them think they deserve that money otherwise? Is this the poison of the West where they think they're so superior like a God, people have to give their money to them for just existing?

Look at how Japan thinks they have a right to make money from China by forcing Chinese to buy and eat their radioactive fish. Maybe they think because China is communist and not a democracy, they can deny the rights of those they say are being denied democracy by giving them no choice. They want to punish the very people they say they're fighting for.

Look at how it offends them that they have to bother making an excuse for why the inferiors have to hand over their money to them for no good reason other than they're superior because why else do they think they deserve it? They have to make excuses because they know they're not Gods. They know they're mortals vulnerable to everything other mortals are vulnerable to. That's why they have brainwash people that this is the way.
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