Miscellaneous News


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Hindu nationalists demonstrate their power to completely halt unfavorable proposals in California, impressive how much they've infiltrated the political system there:

Newsom vetoes a
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in California​

I've learned that if you're making $137,100 or less a year, you count as low income in Santa Clara County, CA, and qualify for financial assistance for living expenses. Wtf.

Next thing you know a bill will introduce free roaming Brahman Cows to San Francisco. In the unlikely even that Xi agrees to meet Biden he is going to be so confused when he steps off the plane -- am I in India? Did I get contagious dementia from Biden?


Registered Member
Lets start with Russia, by what means does just slightly stronger than a european country comes from? Is it military? Of course not. Russian military is comparable to EU.
Comparable only in a small subset of capabilities. For example, many people don't realize it but European NATO's even ground component is way larger than the Russian one too. (~150 brigades vs ~60 brigades) The comparison becomes funny when you go to the aerial and naval domains. French nukes are enough to ruin Russia. Russia being slightly stronger than a large European country is a fair assessment.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Hindu nationalists demonstrate their power to completely halt unfavorable proposals in California, impressive how much they've infiltrated the political system there:

Newsom vetoes a
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in California​

I've learned that if you're making $137,100 or less a year, you count as low income in Santa Clara County, CA, and qualify for financial assistance for living expenses. Wtf.

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Built by 12,500 volunteers from all over the world, the Akshardham has been in the works since 2011. But it
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, when a group of immigrant laborers sued global organization Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha, known as BAPS, which has temples around the world. The lawsuit alleged “shocking” conditions, including forced labor, grueling work hours, inhospitable living conditions and caste discrimination.

“For these long and difficult hours of work, the workers were paid an astonishing $450 per month, and even less when Defendants took illegal deductions,” the initial complaint said. “Their hourly pay rate came to approximately $1.20 per hour.”

“I wake up every morning and scratch my eyes thinking, ‘Am I still in central New Jersey?’” said Yogi Trivedi, a temple volunteer and a scholar of religion at Columbia University. “It’s like being transported to another world, specifically to India.


Registered Member
Comparable only in a small subset of capabilities. For example, many people don't realize it but European NATO's even ground component is way larger than the Russian one too. (~150 brigades vs ~60 brigades) The comparison becomes funny when you go to the aerial and naval domains. French nukes are enough to ruin Russia. Russia being slightly stronger than a large European country is a fair assessment.
Russia invest more on strategic weapons. France cannot gaurantee MAD with its stockpile and delivery system vs a vast country like Russia, nor could it on US. Russia could. The nuclear advantage way offsets active ground force(no reservists)

Now on to ground force, France is a major European nation. Russia has like over twice the ground troops. Slightly stronger than a European nation? Find me a single one that is anywhere close.


Registered Member
Comparable only in a small subset of capabilities. For example, many people don't realize it but European NATO's even ground component is way larger than the Russian one too. (~150 brigades vs ~60 brigades) The comparison becomes funny when you go to the aerial and naval domains. French nukes are enough to ruin Russia. Russia being slightly stronger than a large European country is a fair assessment.
Europe will collapse if it even moblise 1/3 of what Russia is using. the real mobilization with logistics, construction and industrial included. I only mentioned moblise not prolong war with rotation. how many choppers in Europe even work in the field?. that is army tactical aviation.
If it was not Ukraine. ( A country that Russia want to integrate significant part of population) and wealthy Arabs dont consider Europe as there own private property this war would be fought very differently. When it is Arab property you cannot dump 20 to 30m people on them. There is reason Saudi and UAE participate in Europe migration conferences and Arabs organized so many gatherings of Arabs in Russia. French nukes are not parity. they havent demonstrated Slavo firing of SLBMs. and Russia is good in intercepting billistic trajectory. this all in hints.
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On Eid al-Adha... Putin sends a message to an Arab leader from the oldest city in Russia​

Publication date: 06.29.2023 | 04:10 GMT |
Last updated: 06.29.2023 | 04:11 GMT |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin requested the preparation of a report on the historical monuments of the Russian Republic of Dagestan, specifically the city of Derbent, to be sent to UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan


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Depends on How they go in. If they pretty much kill everyone or force them to flee, then I guess problem will be solved for them. Their only fear was Western reaction. But considering the charged atmosphere in the west, calls on Social media to raze Gaza to the ground is quite common. I am guessing there won't be much reaction if they completely depopulate Gaza.
No, the west was always completely onboard with genocide or at least ridiculously disproportionate "solutions".

Israel is primarily deterred by the threat of international sanctions and overall risk of Arabs constantly infiltrating in into a forever war. If Israel starts being unhinged, China will drop them, the Arab world will drop them, and that cuts them off from most of the world's economy, when they're already a fragile semi-economy dependent power to begin with.

In a slugging match, Israel should be superior still to the basic version of Hamas. But that does not necessarily mean a war will be over quickly. Russia is also conventionally superior to Ukraine.

Once you introduce other surrounding islamist groups, especially Hezbollah, things looks even less rosy. And then there's also Iran making moves.

All that assumes these actors are not getting additional foreign support. Hamas going from DJI to Mugin-5 and rpg-7v to rpg-29 or even HJ-12 is going to add a lot.

Israel does not (necessarily) have escalation dominance, especially not the further up the ladder they go. If they're not careful, they might well find themselves carved up by their neighbors, almost all of which they've occupied land from in the past.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Comparable only in a small subset of capabilities. For example, many people don't realize it but European NATO's even ground component is way larger than the Russian one too. (~150 brigades vs ~60 brigades) The comparison becomes funny when you go to the aerial and naval domains. French nukes are enough to ruin Russia. Russia being slightly stronger than a large European country is a fair assessment.
Russia has large enough armed forces, for example in terms of airpower, to take on both the UK and France which are some of the most well equipped armies in Europe.

That is why you have to resort to these comparisons where you compare the whole of NATO in Eurasia vs Russia. But as shown in several conflicts, multinational armies seldom work together well. The idea you will just get the simple sum of its parts is, I think, far fetched.