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Report is sus. How tf do they know what the crew did down to the exact moment before the sub sank if all the crew died? Is there somehow a signal for live feed a few hundred meters down?

It even lists the exact crew count, ranks and even the captain's name, and apparently all 55 of them died? I thought those subs have like a 100+ crew, how did the rest survive if all died from oxygen poisoning????

And why does a nuke sub have batteries that somehow ran out, doesn't it have a reactor for power???

Daily Fail is just quoting the same report Nineteen-Forty Five did over a month ago. It is basically a massive circlejerk.

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Fun fact, even 1945 thinks that it is just a rumor and probably not credible. Let that sink in.
Heritage Foundation naval expert and retired U.S. Navy Capt. Brent Sadler questions the credibility of the tale. Sadler is a veteran submariner himself. He questions how Yan, who is a virologist, could have obtained a supposedly classified report on the submarine’s alleged sinking.

Sadler told 19FortyFive that the submarine community is a highly classified and closed community, and reports like Yan’s do not add up.


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Kevin McCarthy ousted as Speaker of the House

House is now in recess following vote ousting McCarthy as speaker

The US House of Representatives is now in recess following
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to remove Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy as speaker.
No House speaker has ever before been ousted through the passage of a resolution to remove them.
The House will now need to elect a new speaker, but there is no clear alternative who would have the support needed to win the gavel.
The fight over the speakership marks a major escalation in tensions for a House GOP conference that has been mired in infighting — and it comes just days after McCarthy successfully engineered a last-minute bipartisan effort to
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lmao wtf?
All this drama just to stop funding for Ukraine and create an excuse to dump Ukraine.
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I feel like it takes a very specific kind of mentality (hint hint the self-hating kind) for a Chinese person to actively pursue emigration to a European country these days, especially a Nordic one at that. Most of the second gen diaspora Chinese I've met who grew up in Europe desperately wanted to leave.

Another politically motivated article that doesn't state all the facts. China's net emigration bottom out on 2012 due to the Great Depression and the resilient of the Chinese economy at that time. Due to COVID, 2020 and 2021 have abnormal low number of net emigration. Unless, the Western economy went into deep recession, the net emigration out of China would still be in high number for a few years.

Beside, if most of these professionals are willing to take a pay cut for emigration, then it is the best for them to leave. As most of them are probably burned out and have no ambition anymore, it is the best that their job vacancy would be opened for those young graduates that desperately wanted good paying jobs.
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In the 1980s and 1990s, when China was poor, its best and brightest sought to study and work — and stay — in the West. Emigration, on net, peaked in 1992 with more than 870,000 people leaving the country, according to the
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. That number fell to a low of roughly 125,000 in 2012, as China emerged from poverty to become a tech power and the world’s second-biggest economy.
The Chinese government worked hard to keep them, rolling out incentives to
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scientists and other skilled people. In 2016, more than 80 percent of Chinese who studied abroad returned home, according to the
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, up from about a quarter two decades earlier.

The trend has reversed. In 2022, despite passport and travel restrictions, more than 310,000 Chinese, on net, emigrated, according to the U.N. data. With three months to go this year, the number has reached the same level as the whole of 2022.

Ms. Zhang, 27, a computer programmer, felt the hustle culture of Silicon Valley was too similar to China’s grueling work environment. After putting in long hours at a top tech company in Shenzhen for five years, she was done with that. She also sought a country where women were treated more equally. This year, she moved to Norway. After paying taxes for three years and passing the language exam, she will get permanent residency.

Ms. Zhang said she didn’t mind that she was making about $20,000 less than in Shenzhen, and paying higher taxes and living expenses. She can finish her day at 4 p.m. and enjoy life outside work. She doesn’t worry that she will be considered too old for employment when she
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, a form of discrimination that many Chinese experience. She doesn’t live in constant fear that the government will roll out a policy like “zero Covid” that will turn her life on its head.

Most of the tech professionals I talked to took a pay cut when they emigrated. “I feel like I’m paying for liberty,” said Mr. Zhou, a U.S.-educated software engineer who quit his job at an autonomous-driving start-up in Beijing. He now works at an automobile company in Western Europe. “It’s worth it,” he said.

Some people just like to see the world and travel. There's nothing wrong with that and every country has some people that want to work in a different country or retire abroad etc. Some may want an easier life, or a different life, that doesn't mean they are self hating or traitors. China is not unusual in that. The main difference between China and other Asian countries and western countries is that many western countries accept very large numbers of immigrants from different cultural backgrounds, while East Asian countries don't.

China doesn't even have a particularly high emigration rate. Net emigration of 310,000 people is about 0.22 per 1000 population. By comparison, the Germany experienced a net emigration of 83,000 Germans last year, a rate of about 1 per 1000 people. However, this has been compensated by a huge influx of foreigners, resulting in total net immigration of 1.5 million people, an extremely high rate of 1.8%. If they continue doing that, the country will be majority foreigners soon. Obviously that's not a great strategy

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If China only wants Chinese people to immigrate, then there will always be net emigration until the pool of Chinese people in the world is large enough that many of them want to migrate to China because they want to live in a different place from where they've grown up and find better economic opportunities. There are just so few Chinese people outside of China compared to the population inside the country.


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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will reportedly travel to Israel, the West Bank, Saudi Arabia and Morocco in the third week of October as the Biden administration works to broker a peace deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Israel's 24NEWS, citing American diplomatic sources, said that Blinken had first planned to visit Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, but has now added Saudi Arabia and Morocco to the trip.

Israel Hayom reported that Blinken is expected to arrive in Israel Oct. 17, though the date is not yet official. Israeli public broadcaster KAN reported on Monday that talks between Israeli and American officials have begun to organize Blinken’s regional tour.

However, Kan said that officials within the Biden administration disagree on the extent of the concessions Israel would have to make to the Palestinians in an American-brokered deal for the normalization of ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Several of Netanyahu’s coalition partners currently oppose any significant conciliatory moves.

Apart from those concessions by Israel, Saudi Arabia would also like approval to establish a civilian nuclear program on its soil, a defense treaty with the United States and advanced American weapons.

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Some people just like to see the world and travel. There's nothing wrong with that and every country has some people that want to work in a different country or retire abroad etc. Some may want an easier life, or a different life, that doesn't mean they are self hating or traitors. China is not unusual in that. The main difference between China and other Asian countries and western countries is that many western countries accept very large numbers of immigrants from different cultural backgrounds, while East Asian countries don't.

China doesn't even have a particularly high emigration rate. Net emigration of 310,000 people is about 0.22 per 1000 population. By comparison, the Germany experienced a net emigration of 83,000 Germans last year, a rate of about 1 per 1000 people. However, this has been compensated by a huge influx of foreigners, resulting in total net immigration of 1.5 million people, an extremely high rate of 1.8%. If they continue doing that, the country will be majority foreigners soon. Obviously that's not a great strategy

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If China only wants Chinese people to immigrate, then there will always be net emigration until the pool of Chinese people in the world is large enough that many of them want to migrate to China because they want to live in a different place from where they've grown up and find better economic opportunities. There are just so few Chinese people outside of China compared to the population inside the country.
Don't see any problem for Chinese to immigrate to other countries. It is just those dumb and stupid reasons for emigration that are laughable. It is just like those Hong Kongers that left Hong Kong to GB but found out the hard way that the world is not as rosy as they think and freedom is very limited.

More importantly, EU isn't the same EU a decade or two ago. EU politicians have slowly destroyed their countries by embracing most radical and self sabotage policies. The way things are going in EU, these EU countries might not be relevant in a few decades from now.


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Don't see any problem for Chinese to immigrate to other countries. It is just those dumb and stupid reasons for emigration that are laughable. It is just like those Hong Kongers that left Hong Kong to GB but found out the hard way that the world is not as rosy as they think and freedom is very limited.

More importantly, EU isn't the same EU a decade or two ago. EU politicians have slowly destroyed their countries by embracing most radical and self sabotage policies. The way things are going in EU, these EU countries might not be relevant in a few decades from now.

Hungary will be fine, as thy have good relations with China.