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Just Hatched
Registered Member
I try to not look the down to them, it just happen that a lot of these think tankers with horrible bad takes in really complicated subjects come from these schools, I'm just surprised that people who graduated from law schools all the sudden have such influence over a 600 billion dollar industry like the semiconductor industry. It looks like now US politicians who don't know what a transistor is, see the people semiconductor industry as greedy nerds and now these think tankers have become the only voice they want to hear.
In your example a lot of think tankers are not diplomats, they are lawyers or graduated in some weird something studies but not diplomacy.
Yes I agree , in my opinion, putting a people in wrong charge is a bad thing. Like nobody ask lawyer when in come to engineering stuff just like nobody ask engineer when in come to for example international law. I think the Chinese government is already reflected this, for example Xi Jinping want to look for more international lawyer because Chinese company and institution is expanding internationally.
My issue is, Chinese Media Relation is clumsy and incompetent because they put the wrong guy in charge. Like, America has good propaganda in general because America put the right guy in charge. A good example is Edward Bernays a considered pioneered in propaganda. Another but extreme example is Joseph Goebbels. Whether you like it or not, The Nazi has good propaganda and there is a reason major internet company ban or limit Nazi material. Hell, I considered putting artist or game developer in charge of Chinese P propaganda department is better than the current staff of propaganda departmet
Human at the end of the day is social animal.


Registered Member
Happy 74th Birthday PROC!!!! truly a year to celebrate after a tumultuous year BUT next year 2024 will be special, aside from celebrating its 75th anniversary we will also celebrating our full independence in achieving a fully domestic commercial Semiconductor and aircraft engine sector. It had taken us 75 tortuous years of hard toil and suffering BUT its worth it as the taste of success is tremendously sweet....lol


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Government shutdown averted after Senate passes bill with just hours to spare​

Just hours before a potential government shutdown, Republicans and Democrats in the Senate passed
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with disaster relief funds, an extension of a federal flood insurance program and FAA reauthorization — but
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The war in Ukraine is ending.



Registered Member
He was certainly a massive factor, I mean he recently died and no one in Russia remotely cares when in a normal situation, they would have had a state funeral. But once he passed on, absolutely no one could give a crap. I mean under him, the Russians suffered greatly and he did absolutely nothing to help his people whilst behaving kinda like a Russian version of Boris Johnson. Also as per usual….

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US shutdown has been averted but with the added condition of no further funding for Ukraine, which we all know is a load of crap because if they don’t fund Ukraine in the near future, the entire project by the Neo what ever is basically all but done. Every single time they talk about shutdowns, I roll my eyes because if the USA does really shutdown, a civil war will most definitely be kick started right then and there with the troops not being paid (and we all know what happens when they occurs). Hence the USA should stop with this circus act because in all honesty who would want to rely on a nation that is unstable and completely and utterly without and scruples what so ever (and no, Europeans don’t count because they are already part of the US empire and thus have no will). The USA will never shut itself down until a real natural disaster occurs (like the San Andreas fault going off) and the leaders end up so paralysed that they don’t know what to do, thus you can trust the USA to bullshit its way out of any situation within its borders while continuing to kick the can down the road while not Solving anything
Oh please by that logic Russia would have collapsed 20 times after ussr, because economy went worse. USSR collapse is a choice. Fortunately Americans are all learning wrong lessons from it so they continued their neoliberal economic policies and deindustrialization.