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Pro-China front runner Mohamed Muizzu was set to win Saturday’s presidential vote in the Maldives, according to local media tallies, after a campaign dominated by the archipelago’s relationship with traditional benefactor India.

Muizzu was ahead of incumbent Ibrahim Mohamed Solih with 53.92 per cent of the vote and a lead of more than 17,000 ballots.

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Pro-China front runner Mohamed Muizzu was set to win Saturday’s presidential vote in the Maldives, according to local media tallies, after a campaign dominated by the archipelago’s relationship with traditional benefactor India.

Muizzu was ahead of incumbent Ibrahim Mohamed Solih with 53.92 per cent of the vote and a lead of more than 17,000 ballots.

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Every Election in South Asia is protrayed in the MSM as this Pro-China vs This is Pro-India. As if they have no other internal politics of their own. Its all foreigners who control everything. Whether its Sri Lanka, Nepal and now Maldives its always the story.

China never meddles in any of these country's internal politics. Its India that wants vassals and openly supports parties in these elections and portrays any party not following its commands as pro-China.


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Every Election in South Asia is protrayed in the MSM as this Pro-China vs This is Pro-India. As if they have no other internal politics of their own. Its all foreigners who control everything. Whether its Sri Lanka, Nepal and now Maldives its always the story.

China never meddles in any of these country's internal politics. Its India that wants vassals and openly supports parties in these elections and portrays any party not following its commands as pro-China.

Pro China is code for Pro "insert own nations name" ie a country that is looking at its best interests.

james smith esq

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Looks like that summit with Biden ain’t gon’na be friendly!

China says US is the true 'empire of lies'​

September 30, 20237:55 AM CDT

BEIJING, Sept 30 (Reuters) - The United States is the true "empire of lies", the Chinese foreign ministry said on Saturday, lashing out at a U.S. State Department report that accused Beijing of ploughing billions of dollars annually into information manipulation efforts.

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Notice that the Chinese Foreign Ministry was “lashing-out”, as opposed to responding-forecfully, or responding in-kind!
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By Deng Li

UK’s telecom service provider – Sky is facing a network outage, as users are reporting weak signals and loss of mobile connection, this is a sign of disruption caused by the ongoing removal of Huawei equipment.

The UK government wants telecom service providers to remove and replace Huawei equipment from the core 5G network by October 31, 2023. A complete removal of Huawei from 5G network infrastructure is ordered to be completed by 2027. This is causing a major panic in telecom service providers including the cost and deadline of the entire process.

Recent outages are an example of how the Huawei ban is affecting the entire mobile services, reports FT citing people familiar with this matter. Sky serves over 3 million customers in the UK and uses O2 network infrastructure. However, it has its own equipment to offer mobile services.

Sky remains silent on the outage but this scenario is the first sign of major disruption caused by the task of ripping and replacing Huawei around the country.

Sky Mobile customers reported such an outage of network services on social media and complained that the mobile internet is fluctuating. Some even report no signal in some scenarios.

The eventual outcome shows that the ghost of the Huawei replacement is causing issues in mobile services. Not only that, telecom operators have to bear the almost complete cost of the entire procedure.

On the other hand, the analyst believes that this decision of Huawei replacement is slowing 5G expansion and will take back all of the progress to zero.

james smith esq

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By Deng Li

UK’s telecom service provider – Sky is facing a network outage, as users are reporting weak signals and loss of mobile connection, this is a sign of disruption caused by the ongoing removal of Huawei equipment.

The UK government wants telecom service providers to remove and replace Huawei equipment from the core 5G network by October 31, 2023. A complete removal of Huawei from 5G network infrastructure is ordered to be completed by 2027. This is causing a major panic in telecom service providers including the cost and deadline of the entire process.

Recent outages are an example of how the Huawei ban is affecting the entire mobile services, reports FT citing people familiar with this matter. Sky serves over 3 million customers in the UK and uses O2 network infrastructure. However, it has its own equipment to offer mobile services.

Sky remains silent on the outage but this scenario is the first sign of major disruption caused by the task of ripping and replacing Huawei around the country.

Sky Mobile customers reported such an outage of network services on social media and complained that the mobile internet is fluctuating. Some even report no signal in some scenarios.

The eventual outcome shows that the ghost of the Huawei replacement is causing issues in mobile services. Not only that, telecom operators have to bear the almost complete cost of the entire procedure.

On the other hand, the analyst believes that this decision of Huawei replacement is slowing 5G expansion and will take back all of the progress to zero.
So, now, we can see the lengths to which they will go; the de-coupling has begun!


Lieutenant General

Two weeks since posted and zero comments...

Blinken starts off talking about the "the end" of the Cold War. That's because the rest of the world besides the West sees them continuing to treat the world like it were the Cold War. How they view Russia and China... How they expect everyone else to choose a side. The difference is the rest of the world that have the strategic supplies the West needs isn't choosing the West. The difference is there are competitors like China for those strategic supplies where before the West got those supplies on the cheap or for free because they controlled the world economy and the rest of the world were their colonies. Hence why Blinken talks about "the end" because the world is tired of the West's Cold War mentality hence why they're not choosing the West. Why this speech when all it is the typical romantic nonsense painted of the West when it's just spin of the bad the world criticizes of the West for into being good. What the West has been doing for decades Blinken is spinning as or results to be good today when in fact nothing has changed. The US isn't changing its stripes because it benefited them most from it.

The fact is the countries that fall in line with the West are in the same boat as the West. They live in countries with little resources of their own. It ain't no coincidence and it ain't how good-minded people are naturally coming together. It ain't no coincidence either that most of those countries happen to be the most cruelest invaders of others in history. They need to gang-up (no surprise) to get what they want from the world. The only countries that have benefited from the post WWII West are the countries that go all-in with the US. The countries that were left behind are the ones that didn't. That's the price you have to pay to be in good graces of the US. And today their suffering economies are paying for it hence why supply chain issues are more important like never before.

Another reason why Blinken has to make this speech is to reinforce the Western world order not to usher in an all-inclusive new one but because of the seismic shift happening in economics and especially in technology the world is facing. I was reading about the rise of Harmony OS. People don't think about it much. It falls in-line with the West panicked over technology standards. The West wanted to deny Chinese apps to the world just because they're being downloaded more than the what the US's biggest guns had to offer. The US wanted Google and Apple to deny them because they controlled the two and basically only operating systems in the world. At its infancy, the West laughed at China's alternative, Harmony OS, because it didn't have a large ecosystem like Google's and Apple's but they knew they wanted to kill it before it starts to grow. Because of the West's failed attempt to decouple from China, Harmony OS's potential is a behemoth waiting to be unleashed where large numbers of people and app makers won't be using theirs thus they won't be making money. The West is not about opening the world. It's about restricting it. The claim about spyware and stealing is a cover to prevent the world adopting alternatives from them.

Silicon Valley use to laugh at China being a threat to them. When apps became what it's all about, first they saw China was just all hardware so no threat there. Then when China started getting into apps, they thought no threat there because who can read Chinese? Then came TikTok and all their alarms were ringing. All the boxes on their checklist of worst case scenarios for the West were being marked. Their only failsafe was to deny Chinese apps from Apple and Android but something that major would potentially have huge unintended consequences for them hence why they haven't done it yet. But because they just teased it, that opens the door for Harmony OS to flourish and grow. It's like in the movies where the hero is trying disarm a bomb and has to decide to cut the red or white wire. Well the West just cut the wrong wire.

The US and the West are making the same mistake as Silicon Valley thinking Chinese technology will only exist in a Chinese only bubble. Not only are Chinese alternatives less expensive, now we're seeing Chinese offering better than the West can offer especially in technology. The West is in denial continuing to believe anything Western is the best and is of quality when the world isn't seeing that way anymore hence why Blinken has to make a speech having to repeat something that should be ingrained in everyone by now. They can't beat cheap and by nature that's what people will choose. So the Chinese technological ecosystem will grow beyond just China and beyond what the West will ever imagine.

When the world has to adjust to the West, they make money. When the West has to adjust to someone else, they lose money. When the world moves towards Chinese technology, the West won't be making money because everyone won't have to pay them for using their technology standard. Then on top of that, the West will have to pay China when they have to adapt to the Chinese standard for their technology to work so they can make money... just as not as much as they were before. National security concerns is just a smoke screen because that's the real reason why they're against the spread of Chinese technology.

When Obama was President and was trying to discourage countries from dealing with China's AIIB, his pitch was China won't place conditions and restrictions on countries seeking to get loans to improve infrastructure in their own countries. Why would any country looking to get a loan see that as a turn-off? China was funding a majority of AIIB and Western countries were only in it because member countries would be favored to get contracts to build that infrastructure. The US wants to dictate to people what they want just like they will dictate what freedom is to the world. When the US accuses China of forcing countries into debt to manipulate that country's interests into China's favor... that's what the US has been doing for itself. All to turn countries away from China. China is a cheaper alternative. China doesn't put restrictions and conditions on countries like the West does. The West is worried China will sell technology to countries they don't like. The West wants to brainwash the world into thinking they can't do anything because the aren't Western. China shows you can do anything without them.

The US should be worried about their declining position in the world. When the US has to shill for Japan to pressure their enemy to buy and therefore eat their radioactive fish so Japan doesn't lose money, all that say is how pathetic their standing is in the world. Japan joined the West in decoupling with China... China not buying Japanese fish is decoupling at work. The US is only doing it because they have to keep Japan happy as their ally. So the US having to have to try to pressure China so Japan stays as their ally is mind-blowingly ludicrous to believe that would work especially when the US Ambassador to Japan insults China along the way. The US has an abuser mentality hence how that's the first tactic that comes to mind for them. No wonder why the world is turning away from the West.