Miscellaneous News


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Let's electroshock some old people for kicks and giggles:

Yale Psychiatrist Receives Federal Grant to
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doesn’t explain how the researchers will obtain consent from those with severe dementia to participate in their study.

Very nice.

Russia mulls joining China in
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Rosselkhoznadzor said it had sent a letter to Japan on the need to hold talks and requesting information on Japan's radiological testing. Russia is one of the biggest marine product suppliers to China and is seeking to increase its market share.


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Let's electroshock some old people for kicks and giggles:

Yale Psychiatrist Receives Federal Grant to
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doesn’t explain how the researchers will obtain consent from those with severe dementia to participate in their study.

Very nice.

Russia mulls joining China in
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Rosselkhoznadzor said it had sent a letter to Japan on the need to hold talks and requesting information on Japan's radiological testing. Russia is one of the biggest marine product suppliers to China and is seeking to increase its market share.

Is that what they’ve been doing to Biden? No wonder he can’t control his bowel movement. I’d need an adult diaper too if I’m being electrocuted on a daily basis.


Registered Member
As far as the Samsung goes. What timeline are we looking at for the collapse of Samsung?

Of course, a solid date is hard to predict, but when we can roughly expect to see the first obvious and undeniable signs that Samsung is in trouble?
Samsung is an American company, owned by Anglo private equity, otherwise it would not have succeeded as much as it did in the west, it would’ve gotten the Huawei treatment otherwise.
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but that’s where the truly virtuous get to shine; all those virtue signalers now get to prove their virtue by allowing up to 20-30 of these migrants to squat in their homes.

kinda like how Indians boast and even make stuff up eg Galwan, the puritanical anglos make a big deal about their moral superiority as their right to rule even as their appalling human rights record attests otherwise.

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Just in, the Anglo Americans society are starting to really calculate the toll of a potential war against China.
Almost 3600 casualties a day, reaching and surpassing Ukraine levels but I’ll bet the chicken hawks of congress and their kids are never going to be drafted


Lieutenant General

Is this how Europe draws their conclusions...? Just like the US has no evidence about Uighur genocide except for people they paid to perpetuate Western propaganda. I read an article on how the EU was possibly going to use as an excuse for targeting Chinese EVs because of how much coal China was using domestically therefore their EVs are not actually friendly to the environment. Never mind how they won't be using Chinese coal power plants to charge their EVs in Europe. I guess it's like how the EU was going to tax the world's airlines for pollution even the ones that don't even fly over Europe. The Europeans are so high and mighty and only have humanity in their thoughts that they get to do this... That's the excuse they use to sanction China but China has no right to retaliate against them because of it.

I bet that they thought it was only Chinese brand EVs that would be affected but now they're attacking Tesla because the WTO would probably rule against them just for targeting "Chinese" EVs. It's strange the Europeans just started off attacking Chinese EVs for flooding the US when "Chinese" EVs only make up 4% of the European car market and of that the majority are Teslas and VWs made in China. It's because they didn't know it and just believed the political exaggerations that Chinese EV were out of control flooding Europe. Again... that's how they draw their conclusions. It's funny how Europeans and leftists in the US think Europeans live on a higher scale of evolution than everyone else including Americans. No they're becoming just like Americans by how they think.


Registered Member

Is this how Europe draws their conclusions...? Just like the US has no evidence about Uighur genocide except for people they paid to perpetuate Western propaganda. I read an article on how the EU was possibly going to use as an excuse for targeting Chinese EVs because of how much coal China was using domestically therefore their EVs are not actually friendly to the environment. Never mind how they won't be using Chinese coal power plants to charge their EVs in Europe. I guess it's like how the EU was going to tax the world's airlines for pollution even the ones that don't even fly over Europe. The Europeans are so high and mighty and only have humanity in their thoughts that they get to do this... That's the excuse they use to sanction China but China has no right to retaliate against them because of it.

I bet that they thought it was only Chinese brand EVs that would be affected but now they're attacking Tesla because the WTO would probably rule against them just for targeting "Chinese" EVs. It's strange the Europeans just started off attacking Chinese EVs for flooding the US when "Chinese" EVs only make up 4% of the European car market and of that the majority are Teslas and VWs made in China. It's because they didn't know it and just believed the political exaggerations that Chinese EV were out of control flooding Europe. Again... that's how they draw their conclusions. It's funny how Europeans and leftists in the US think Europeans live on a higher scale of evolution than everyone else including Americans. No they're becoming just like Americans by how they think.
What happened to the great deal the EU made with China regarding market access?

Oh never mind...

james smith esq

Senior Member
Registered Member

Is this how Europe draws their conclusions...? Just like the US has no evidence about Uighur genocide except for people they paid to perpetuate Western propaganda. I read an article on how the EU was possibly going to use as an excuse for targeting Chinese EVs because of how much coal China was using domestically therefore their EVs are not actually friendly to the environment. Never mind how they won't be using Chinese coal power plants to charge their EVs in Europe. I guess it's like how the EU was going to tax the world's airlines for pollution even the ones that don't even fly over Europe. The Europeans are so high and mighty and only have humanity in their thoughts that they get to do this... That's the excuse they use to sanction China but China has no right to retaliate against them because of it.

I bet that they thought it was only Chinese brand EVs that would be affected but now they're attacking Tesla because the WTO would probably rule against them just for targeting "Chinese" EVs. It's strange the Europeans just started off attacking Chinese EVs for flooding the US when "Chinese" EVs only make up 4% of the European car market and of that the majority are Teslas and VWs made in China. It's because they didn't know it and just believed the political exaggerations that Chinese EV were out of control flooding Europe. Again... that's how they draw their conclusions. It's funny how Europeans and leftists in the US think Europeans live on a higher scale of evolution than everyone else including Americans. No they're becoming just like Americans by how they think.
None of the folks I know that lean leftward on the U. S. political spectrum are Europhiles. No one that actually understands imperialist or colonialist history can be. It’s usually rightists that uphold ideas of European supremacy and “Enlightenment”!


Lieutenant General
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Just in, the Anglo Americans society are starting to really calculate the toll of a potential war against China.
Almost 3600 casualties a day, reaching and surpassing Ukraine levels but I’ll bet the chicken hawks of congress and their kids are never going to be drafted
Are they calculating US casualties or on both sides? If it's both, Americans will just think the Chinese will make up most of it. That's why I hate about the Chinese kumbaya tactic when Americans could less how many Chinese die. You only talk about how much they will lose because that's the only thing they will care about for them to think twice. Americans turned against the Iraq War when their "low" causalities only became a statistic. No more lionizing every American death like the American media was doing in the beginning.

Like I've been saying before... if China can get that hypersonic glide vehicle that can drop a bomb to work, it will be a huge game changer. You don't need as many as it takes to carpet bomb. You just need one that can drop a guided munition down to the Earth. Once China can demonstrate it can surgically strike the US homeland, everyday Americans will think they're the next target. If they're paranoid over TikTok stealing their private data because they think China wants to target them personally because they think of themselves as that important, what do you think one conventional bomb will do? China can target anyone like an anti-China politician or figure, find their address on the internet, and bomb's away... It doesn't matter if they're not at home because everyone would know they were targeted and you can find that information on the internet. There will be no place where it's safe hence paranoia will ensue. How about targeting a power plant or any other important infrastructure? Americans are use to their creature comforts. Deny it to them for months, maybe years, and they'll cry like babies. All these things they take for granted when they do this in their wars with others. They'll think twice when they know their homeland is not untouchable.