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They said the schools were part of Spring Education Group, which is “controlled by Primavera Holdings Limited, an investment firm (together with its affiliates) principally based in Hong Kong with operations in China, Singapore, and the United States, that is itself owned by Chinese persons residing in Hong Kong.”

Hong Kong = Communist China

Communist China:

Feels like I'm gonna be using this pic a whole lot more...


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South Koreans are par excellence in serving the Great. It's actually unfathomable for them how China can develop without being a obedient lackey of West. At the start of trade war, South Korean commenter was like " China should give up, it shouldn't even try, it's going to lose to U.S." ... their identity as "Superior" is in tatters when China actually overcome all tariffs and tech bans. That's a huge shock to them, they refuse to believe it.

That is why I always maintain China should just leave Korea alone. They are not a threat to anyone.

I once read a sentence from a Chinese professor of philosophy, who said China will not imitate the imitators.

He did not exactly say who those imitators were, he did not have to.

We get the point.



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The saga keeps going.

Poland now demands for extradition of Yaroslav Hunka, the WW2 Nazi soldier who recently received a standing ovation by the Canadian Parliament. I am with the Poles on this. Nazis must die.

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但这事儿显然不算完,波兰也跑出来要说法了。教育部长切尔内克(Przemysław Czarnek)于当地时间周二表示,他已经“采取措施”引渡洪卡。切尔内克还要求波兰国家纪念研究所紧急调查,洪卡是否因为对波兰犹太人犯下罪行而被通缉。不过加拿大方面的官员则表示,还没有收到正式的波兰方面的引渡请求,司法流程尚在早期阶段。

How could this old fool have not thought of the risk of being exposed? Has Canada become a facist country lately so he felt safe to go public? Or did Adolf Trudeau promise this Nazi that he will be safe?

Every one in that hall who stood up and hailed the Nazi must face trial by history. Disgusting and shameful as human beings. The Canadian MPs, regardless which side they sit, act like a bunch of spineless and brainless sheep. They only go where the whip points at.

This clawn show tells us the true color of this Ukraine regime and the NAZI countries supporting it.



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Canada - Kidnaps Huawei CEO daughter under US orders for 2+ years

China: "Canada should create the right conditions first before we can talk"

India - Assassinates a (separatist leader) Canadian citizen on Canadian soil

It is a great milestone indeed. Bharat has become bigger supapowa than China and Russia! China can only complain when Canada kidnapped its own citizen. Russia can only beat up Ukraine when the West launched a proxy war against it. But not Bharat Supapowa! The great Narendra Modi could send 10 submarines over to nuke Mr Trudeau at Canada, a NATO member, because he dared to call out India for killing a Canadian citizen that India don't like. Jai Hind!


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The saga keeps going.

Poland now demands for extradition of Yaroslav Hunka, the WW2 Nazi soldier who recently received a standing ovation by the Canadian Parliament. I am with the Poles on this. Nazis must die.

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How could this old fool have not thought of the risk of being exposed? Has Canada become a facist country lately so he felt safe to go public? Or did Adolf Trudeau promise this Nazi that he will be safe?

Every one in that hall who stood up and hailed the Nazi must face trial by history. Disgusting and shameful as human beings. The Canadian MPs, regardless which side they sit, act like a bunch of spineless and brainless sheep. They only go where the whip points at.

This clawn show tells us the true color of this Ukraine regime and the NAZI countries supporting it.

View attachment 119356View attachment 119357
Canada has always been an extraordinarily racist and hateful country.

They constantly point the finger at America, and call the kettle black. America may be a rather shitty place for minorities, but Canada is for sure no better at all. They are arguably worse, because unlike America who at least kept around minorities to be used Canada just went straight into genocide mode.

They just went fullblown massacres and cultural genocide on the indigenous/first nations/native americans. Similar to what the Australians did to the Australian Aboriginals.

My personal theory is that it's because both those countries are closer to their parent country. England.

America, Canada, and Australia were all prototypes for England version 2.0 it's just that America happened to be (by far) the most successful prototype. Canada and Australia were the failed ones.

But notice how much MORE racist, hateful, and genocidal Canada and Australia are. Whereas America allowed mass immigration even if it meant immigrants were treated badly Canada and Australia didn't. Instead, Australia and Canada tried to turn their countries into whites and Anglos only. They're even worse than notorious racist shitholes like Apartheid South Africa or Rhodesia (modern-day Zimbabwe). At least those countries kept their natives alive. If just treated them poorly.

Canada and Australia genocided their natives.

And just from my own personal experience almost every Canadian I've ever met besides a single group of friends have always been the BIGGEST fucking assholes ever.

And they always brag about how 'polite' they are. Lol ok.


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It is a great milestone indeed. Bharat has become bigger supapowa than China and Russia! China can only complain when Canada kidnapped its own citizen. Russia can only beat up Ukraine when the West launched a proxy war against it. But not Bharat Supapowa! The great Narendra Modi could send 10 submarines over to nuke Mr Trudeau at Canada, a NATO member, because he dared to call out India for killing a Canadian citizen that India don't like. Jai Hind!

What about the white servants? You can’t get white servants if all of them get fried by nuclear fire.