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The saga keeps going.

Poland now demands for extradition of Yaroslav Hunka, the WW2 Nazi soldier who recently received a standing ovation by the Canadian Parliament. I am with the Poles on this. Nazis must die.

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How could this old fool have not thought of the risk of being exposed? Has Canada become a facist country lately so he felt safe to go public? Or did Adolf Trudeau promise this Nazi that he will be safe?

Every one in that hall who stood up and hailed the Nazi must face trial by history. Disgusting and shameful as human beings. The Canadian MPs, regardless which side they sit, act like a bunch of spineless and brainless sheep. They only go where the whip points at.

This clawn show tells us the true color of this Ukraine regime and the NAZI countries supporting it.

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I am inclined to believe that Poland is just making a insincere show. This person is active among Ukrainian disprora for decades, so if any government wanted to catch him he would had already been in prison. So it is clear that except he joined a criminal organization volenteerily (morally guilty), he is legally innocent.


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For real, I was reading how there were pro-Yuan and pro-Ming factions in Korea even after Yuan was evicted out of China into the Mongolian plateau. Even when the Yuan empire was dead, the Korean King was a pro-Yuan boot-licker and ordered his general to attack Ming..... The General was like "that's suicide to attack Ming" and turned his troops against the King in a coup....

South Koreans are par excellence in serving the Great. It's actually unfathomable for them how China can develop without being a obedient lackey of West. At the start of trade war, South Korean commenter was like " China should give up, it shouldn't even try, it's going to lose to U.S." ... their identity as "Superior" is in tatters when China actually overcome all tariffs and tech bans. That's a huge shock to them, they refuse to believe it.
Indeed. South Koreans perceived that they owed their success to the generosity of the US. Technology, defense, economy, entertainment, culture, and education. South Koreans, especially the youths, try their best to become the most Americanized people in Asia. Evangelical Christianity, MLM companies, American-derived pop-culture, celebrating American holidays, fried chicken, etc. If it wasn't for their older generation, traditional Korean culture could have been lost in South Korea.

Today, South Koreans are getting perplexed and angry that supposedly the inferior Chinese are still advancing fast despite intense pressure from their American overlord. They feel that South Korea's glory days are gonna be numbered because of China's rise. So they wish very hard for their American overlord to put China back in its place. Back to below South Korea. Not gonna happen. Every time South Korea gangs up on China with the US and friends, it is actually weakening itself. Move smartphone production out of China, lose market shares in China. Block semiconductor exports to China, China becomes the new competitor. Belittle and insult Chinese citizens, lose tourists from China, SK's biggest source of tourism income. Blast Chinese K-pop stars, K-pop loses appeal in China, its biggest market. Threaten China's national security, lose even more market share in China, SK's biggest export market.

South Koreans have always failed to realize that China is not the enemy of the Korean people. Chinese and Koreans have fought side by side against Imperial Japan in WWII, and against the US in the Korean War. While South Korea ended up having its politics and economy dominated by Japanese collaborators, with the blessing of the US. By declaring that China is the enemy, South Korea is dooming itself to irrelevance as US power declines. China is beating South Korea in automotive, shipbuilding, R&D, sports, software, AI, and advanced science. Soon, China will catchup and surpass South Korea in semiconductors. By that time, South Korea will have no more true competitive edge against China, and its place in Asia will be downgraded even more severely.

China is proving to be everything that South Korea is not. It is not a nation that needs an imperial patron to develop. It is not a nation that can be bullied into stopping its development. China have historically stood up against the US, Soviet Union, and Japan. South Korea is in no position to bully China, no matter how angry and insecure it feels right now.
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Indeed. South Koreans perceived that they owed their success to the generosity of the US. Technology, defense, economy, entertainment, culture, and education. South Koreans, especially the youths, try their best to become the most Americanized people in Asia. Evangelical Christianity, MLM companies, American-derived pop-culture, celebrating American holidays, fried chicken, etc. If it wasn't for their older generation, traditional Korean culture could have been lost in South Korea.

Today, South Koreans are getting perplexed and angry that supposedly the inferior Chinese are still advancing fast despite intense pressure from their American overlord. They feel that South Korea's glory days are gonna be numbered because of China's rise. So they wish very hard for their American overlord to put China back in its place. Back to below South Korea. Not gonna happen. Every time South Korea gangs up on China with the US and friends, it is actually weakening itself. Move smartphone production out of China, lose market shares in China. Block semiconductor exports to China, China becomes the new competitor. Belittle and insult Chinese citizens, lose tourists from China, SK's biggest source of tourism income. Blast Chinese K-pop stars, K-pop loses appeal in China, its biggest market. Threaten China's national security, lose even more market share in China, SK's biggest export market.

South Koreans have always failed to realize that China is not the enemy of the Korean people. Chinese and Koreans have fought side by side against Imperial Japan in WWII, and against the US in the Korean War. While South Korea ended up having its politics and economy dominated by Japanese collaborators, with the blessing of the US. By declaring that China is the enemy, South Korea is dooming itself to irrelevance as US power declines. China is beating South Korea in automotive, shipbuilding, R&D, sports, software, AI, and advanced science. Soon, China will catchup and surpass South Korea in semiconductors. By that time, South Korea will have no more true competitive edge against China, and its place in Asia will be downgraded even more severely.

China is proving to be everything that South Korea is not. It is not a nation that needs an imperial patron to develop. It is not a nation that can be bullied into stopping its development. China have historically stood up against the US, Soviet Union, and Japan. South Korea is in no position to bully China, no matter how angry and insecure it feels right now.
As far as the Samsung goes. What timeline are we looking at for the collapse of Samsung?

Of course, a solid date is hard to predict, but when we can roughly expect to see the first obvious and undeniable signs that Samsung is in trouble?


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As far as the Samsung goes. What timeline are we looking at for the collapse of Samsung?

Of course, a solid date is hard to predict, but when we can roughly expect to see the first obvious and undeniable signs that Samsung is in trouble?
Samsung (and SK Hynix) got indefinite license from US Commerce Dept to keep their China operations supplied, including future expansion. Unfortunately, that means Samsung will not die soon. Shame.

james smith esq

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French Embassy in Niger had been running out of supplies. The French only had two ways forward. They had to militarily intervene or drop the tough guy act.

They are dropping the tough guy act.
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I won’t be surprised if the diplomatic and military withdrawal is the actual commencement of hostilities!


Registered Member
As far as the Samsung goes. What timeline are we looking at for the collapse of Samsung?

Of course, a solid date is hard to predict, but when we can roughly expect to see the first obvious and undeniable signs that Samsung is in trouble?
Samsung is gonna go through hard times for sure, but I don't think the South Korean government would allow Samsung, a Chaebol to collapse. If Samsung is in any dire financial trouble, I have no doubt that the government will bail them out.

If in trouble, most likely, Samsung will go down the same route as LG, Hyundai, and Daewoo. Unprofitable business segments are liquidated, sold-off, or spun-off as separate entities. While Samsung would choose to focus on business segments where it is doing well. Samsung might still be competitive in the electronics, shipbuilding, and heavy industries for the foreseeable future. But its appliance business might take a hit from the fierce Chinese competition. Still, Samsung is a far more competitive company than Sony or Mitsubishi. Samsung is feeling the heat already, but its gonna take awhile to reach a crisis point.


Registered Member
I won’t be surprised if the diplomatic and military withdrawal is the actual commencement of hostilities!
I would say this is very likely them dropping the tough guy act. Niger had blockaded the French embassy. Their staff is living in minimalist conditions so that France can make a statement. They ran out of supplies so the staff started to leave.

BTW through French influence, the US had built a base in Niger. That base returned to operation after the US Govt "negotiated" with the new govt. France can't "negotiate" so they have to leave.


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Fun fact: The US had 8 secretaries of defense since Trump was inaugurated.

That article is just a massive unwarranted generalization that lacks any self-reflection, which is very typical of the American blob.

Appendix: A really long wiki list about Trump's Department of Defense appointments. Other US Govt departments probably fared the same too. People would forget who their boss is in such an environment

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Not to mention the laundry list of Naval Captains getting sacked for “no confidence” reason. Totally transparent and reassuring…