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Link to the story?
I might have mixed up a LoL game with the SC2 one, there was this game where the Chinese team was winning against the Koreans and the Team Korea fans were coping in chat about how China had to have paid the Korean players off because they felt like Korea was throwing. I do remember there was a link to the video posted on this forum somewhere though, don't remember the keywords to find it though.


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Are they calculating US casualties or on both sides? If it's both, Americans will just think the Chinese will make up most of it. That's why I hate about the Chinese kumbaya tactic when Americans could less how many Chinese die. You only talk about how much they will lose because that's the only thing they will care about for them to think twice. Americans turned against the Iraq War when their "low" causalities only became a statistic. No more lionizing every American death like the American media was doing in the beginning.

Like I've been saying before... if China can get that hypersonic glide vehicle that can drop a bomb to work, it will be a huge game changer. You don't need as many as it takes to carpet bomb. You just need one that can drop a guided munition down to the Earth. Once China can demonstrate it can surgically strike the US homeland, everyday Americans will think they're the next target. If they're paranoid over TikTok stealing their private data because they think China wants to target them personally because they think of themselves as that important, what do you think one conventional bomb will do? China can target anyone like an anti-China politician or figure, find their address on the internet, and bomb's away... It doesn't matter if they're not at home because everyone would know they were targeted and you can find that information on the internet. There will be no place where it's safe hence paranoia will ensue. How about targeting a power plant or any other important infrastructure? Americans are use to their creature comforts. Deny it to them for months, maybe years, and they'll cry like babies. All these things they take for granted when they do this in their wars with others. They'll think twice when they know their homeland is not untouchable.
If they're talking about the need for conscription, chances are they're referring to 3600 casualties a day on their side and that's not including the bullet fodder from other NATO countries and india.

Anglo Westerners simply cannot conceive of Chinese as human beings with agency, thinking and creativity -or else they would not have started such a stupid trade and tech war against the civilisation that gave humanity gunpowder, the compass, the wheelbarrow and 5G. It is that lack of healthy respect that invites DF- delivered mass death to the Anglo homelands. You see this lack of respect when westerners refuse to believe Chinese news unless it’s coming from a white person. That sort of mentality will get people killed.

You also have to consider that the gerontocracy of the US never served in an active war or if they served in uniform, never engaged in active combat duty on par with ww2 - and considering this is the boomer and silent generation nearing the end of their lives, they collectively have an '"
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james smith esq

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If they're talking about the need for conscription, chances are they're referring to 3600 casualties a day on their side and that's not including the bullet fodder from other NATO countries and india.

Anglo Westerners simply cannot conceive of Chinese as human beings with agency, thinking and creativity -or else they would not have started such a stupid trade and tech war against the civilisation that gave humanity gunpowder, the compass, the wheelbarrow and 5G. It is that lack of healthy respect that invites DF- delivered mass death to the Anglo homelands. You see this lack of respect when westerners refuse to believe Chinese news unless it’s coming from a white person. That sort of mentality will get people killed.

You also have to consider that the gerontocracy of the US never served in an active war or if they served in uniform, never engaged in active combat duty on par with ww2 - and considering this is the boomer and silent generation nearing the end of their lives, they collectively have an '"
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" mentality.
The silent generation and early boomers, certainly, don’t give a damn; they’re bequeathing their legacies to generations in which they have little confidence (whether justified, or not). However, late-boomers (like me), that are looking at another 20 years of existence, aren’t looking forward to the difficulties to come. I’ve planned and prepared, but I ain’t lookin’ forward to it!


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Indeed. South Koreans perceived that they owed their success to the generosity of the US. Technology, defense, economy, entertainment, culture, and education. South Koreans, especially the youths, try their best to become the most Americanized people in Asia. Evangelical Christianity, MLM companies, American-derived pop-culture, celebrating American holidays, fried chicken, etc. If it wasn't for their older generation, traditional Korean culture could have been lost in South Korea.

Today, South Koreans are getting perplexed and angry that supposedly the inferior Chinese are still advancing fast despite intense pressure from their American overlord. They feel that South Korea's glory days are gonna be numbered because of China's rise. So they wish very hard for their American overlord to put China back in its place. Back to below South Korea. Not gonna happen. Every time South Korea gangs up on China with the US and friends, it is actually weakening itself. Move smartphone production out of China, lose market shares in China. Block semiconductor exports to China, China becomes the new competitor. Belittle and insult Chinese citizens, lose tourists from China, SK's biggest source of tourism income. Blast Chinese K-pop stars, K-pop loses appeal in China, its biggest market. Threaten China's national security, lose even more market share in China, SK's biggest export market.

South Koreans have always failed to realize that China is not the enemy of the Korean people. Chinese and Koreans have fought side by side against Imperial Japan in WWII, and against the US in the Korean War. While South Korea ended up having its politics and economy dominated by Japanese collaborators, with the blessing of the US. By declaring that China is the enemy, South Korea is dooming itself to irrelevance as US power declines. China is beating South Korea in automotive, shipbuilding, R&D, sports, software, AI, and advanced science. Soon, China will catchup and surpass South Korea in semiconductors. By that time, South Korea will have no more true competitive edge against China, and its place in Asia will be downgraded even more severely.

China is proving to be everything that South Korea is not. It is not a nation that needs an imperial patron to develop. It is not a nation that can be bullied into stopping its development. China have historically stood up against the US, Soviet Union, and Japan. South Korea is in no position to bully China, no matter how angry and insecure it feels right now.
TBH, it does make me believe that as China corners South Korea in more and more fields, whether that be cars, electrical appliances, semiconductors, heavy industries or shipbuilding - The more South Korea would go gung-ho and be more willing to be yet another Ukraine by going to war against China in case of war - Mainly because of the "if I die, I'm bringing you with me" attitude, even if the entire peninsular got flattened as a result.

Just look at their military development in recent years - Who TF needs IRBMs with 3000-4000 kilometers of strike range, if their sworn enemy (which is barely larger than theirs in size) is just right next door?

By this point, North Korea seems to be their convenient excuse, while China is the real target. And because Japan is still "prohibited" from developing strategic offensive weaponry, I'm having a hunch that it is also the US' intention to let South Korea do the heavy lifting on developing IRBMs in order to target strategic sites and/or key industrial regions situated in the interior regions of China.

And with Sinophobic ultranationalist sentiment skyrocketing in South Korea, it is highly crucial that Beijing (and Pyongyang as well) be prepared to fight a new frontierof war, aside from Taiwan and the South China Sea...
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