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Japan's Mitsubishi Motors to end production in China​

TOKYO -- Mitsubishi Motors has decided to withdraw from automobile production in China, Nikkei has learned. The company has started final withdrawal talks with China's Guangzhou Automobile Group (GAC), a major automaker with which Mitsubishi has a joint venture.

Mitsubishi's sales in China have been sluggish due to the popularity of electric vehicles and the rise of local brands. Other Japanese automakers are also struggling and might review their strategies in the country.

GAC Mitsubishi Motors has a factory in Hunan province. The company halted production in March; it will not resume operations. The Hunan plant is Mitsubishi's only factory in China.

GAC is expected to use the Hunan plant for EV production and try to maintain a certain level of employment. GAC has a 50% stake in GAC Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi Motors owns 30% and trading house Mitsubishi Corp. holds 20%. GAC Mitsubishi will remain as a corporate entity, but Mitsubishi Motors and Mitsubishi Corp. will withdraw their investments.

Mitsubishi in 2022 sold 38,550 cars in China, down about 60% from the previous year. To reverse the trend, it launched a hybrid, the Outlander SUV, for the China market last fall, though sales came in below projections.

As it withdraws from China, Mitsubishi will devote resources to Southeast Asia and Oceania, regions that account for about a third of Mitsubishi's consolidated sales.

According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, EV sales in 2022 increased by 80% to 5.36 million cars, accounting for around 20% of all new car sales in the country. Mitsubishi has no proprietarily developed EVs in China as GAC has supplied these vehicles.
Sluggish sales, rising local brands will force automaker to shutter operations

German Industries is heading towards this path to… except on a global scale.


Registered Member
TBH, it does make me believe that as China corners South Korea in more and more fields, whether that be cars, electrical appliances, semiconductors, heavy industries or shipbuilding - The more South Korea would go gung-ho and be more willing to be yet another Ukraine by going to war against China in case of war - Mainly because of the "if I die, I'm bringing you with me" attitude, even if the entire peninsular got flattened as a result.

Just look at their military development in recent years - Who TF needs IRBMs with 3000-4000 kilometers of strike range, if their sworn enemy (which is barely larger than theirs in size) is just right next door?

By this point, North Korea seems to be their convenient excuse, while China is the real target. And because Japan is still "prohibited" from developing strategic offensive weaponry, I'm having a hunch that it is also the US' intention to let South Korea do the heavy lifting on developing IRBMs in order to target strategic sites and/or key industrial regions situated in the interior regions of China.

And with Sinophobic ultranationalist sentiment skyrocketing in South Korea, it is highly crucial that Beijing (and Pyongyang as well) be prepared to fight a new frontierof war, aside from Taiwan and the South China Sea...

At some point, China is going to end up with a "we can't guarantee we won't use nukes if we are attacked on the mainland"

I think it is easy to see the hegemon is a powerful force that can throw its vassal to become canon foddlers. It is partially true now. But as China/BRICS become stronger and richer or the hegemon declines, even the vassals could openly rebel against or plainly ignore the hegemon.


Junior Member
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At some point, China is going to end up with a "we can't guarantee we won't use nukes if we are attacked on the mainland"

I think it is easy to see the hegemon is a powerful force that can throw its vassal to become canon foddlers. It is partially true now. But as China/BRICS become stronger and richer or the hegemon declines, even the vassals could openly rebel against or plainly ignore the hegemon.
Nuclear card should be avoided if you can, Russians used it too much and people don't take their threats seriously anymore like the shepherd and tiger story, Just use the US playbook if any weapons used on mainland were to be found to contain patent,components or manufacturing process developed by a third country that country will also be considered equally liable for the attack


Lieutenant General
Indians finally used the power of Ork WAAAUGH and memed India superpower into existence.

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seems the pantomime of anglos pretending to be for peace and instigating conflict so they can claim another “Pearl Harbour” is becoming more and more glaring, especially for impoverished Americans who will have to form the meat shields for the grand conscript Anglo army for the conquest of Asia.

Of course the US has to set it up that China is rejecting US peace overtures because China is the aggressor.


Registered Member
If they're talking about the need for conscription, chances are they're referring to 3600 casualties a day on their side and that's not including the bullet fodder from other NATO countries and india.

Anglo Westerners simply cannot conceive of Chinese as human beings with agency, thinking and creativity -or else they would not have started such a stupid trade and tech war against the civilisation that gave humanity gunpowder, the compass, the wheelbarrow and 5G. It is that lack of healthy respect that invites DF- delivered mass death to the Anglo homelands. You see this lack of respect when westerners refuse to believe Chinese news unless it’s coming from a white person. That sort of mentality will get people killed.

You also have to consider that the gerontocracy of the US never served in an active war or if they served in uniform, never engaged in active combat duty on par with ww2 - and considering this is the boomer and silent generation nearing the end of their lives, they collectively have an '"
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" mentality.
If it is the anglos that are getting the short end of the stick, should anyone of us complain, except that the studpity should destroy a whole lot more of them. Make no mistake, on the day that these westerners start fantasizing on giving the same Jewish treatment to us Chinese that Nazi Germany have them, that correspondingly, should the west fail and collapse and should it be them who are now the sick man of the world, it would be our duty to give the due respect they deserve,which is basically nothing but scorn. I could say a whole lot worse, but everyone should know what I am getting at, plus just because the USA has managed to weasel its way out of so many situations, doesn’t mean for a second they can do so forever, and it only takes one failure to ruin everything


Lieutenant General
@ACuriousPLAFan @Overbom @plawolf and to all on this forum, have you guys read this piece/essay recently published in Foreign Affairs Magazine in which the author discussed the disappearance of a number of high ranking generals from the PLARF including the most senior military man who headed the procurement from 2017-2022. The author posits that the PLA is a rougish institution that's prone and infested with scandals not to mention corruption.

View attachment 119338

That’s just the usual toxic mix of half truths, deliberate distortions, selective omissions and outright lies that makes up the bulk of western reporting these days. It’s undiluted pure cope and not worth our time since it’s so stupid it’s not even funny anymore.


Registered Member
TBH, it does make me believe that as China corners South Korea in more and more fields, whether that be cars, electrical appliances, semiconductors, heavy industries or shipbuilding - The more South Korea would go gung-ho and be more willing to be yet another Ukraine by going to war against China in case of war - Mainly because of the "if I die, I'm bringing you with me" attitude, even if the entire peninsular got flattened as a result.

Just look at their military development in recent years - Who TF needs IRBMs with 3000-4000 kilometers of strike range, if their sworn enemy (which is barely larger than theirs in size) is just right next door?

By this point, North Korea seems to be their convenient excuse, while China is the real target. And because Japan is still "prohibited" from developing strategic offensive weaponry, I'm having a hunch that it is also the US' intention to let South Korea do the heavy lifting on developing IRBMs in order to target strategic sites and/or key industrial regions situated in the interior regions of China.

And with Sinophobic ultranationalist sentiment skyrocketing in South Korea, it is highly crucial that Beijing (and Pyongyang as well) be prepared to fight a new frontierof war, aside from Taiwan and the South China Sea...
South Korea is a convenient ally to have for the US Navy as they are positioned closest to throw stuff at Beijing, or to interdict the PLAN in the Yellow, and Bohai Sea. The US have docked an Ohio-class submarine at South Korea in the middle of this year. While it is not a good idea militarily, it was definitely done as a threat to China. Nevertheless, I believe that USN wants the SK navy and airforce to fully commit to becoming their asset. They will be the closest offensive force to face the PLA if SK joins the US-led war against China. To the American war planners, it is better to sacrifice the Koreans first, and then the Japanese, before any harm comes to the Americans. Hopefully by the time the Koreans and Japanese are exhausted, the Chinese would have been weakened enough for the Americans to finish them off. Not that it'll work, but I am quite sure that that is how the US would plan out their war with China.

I had considered the election of president Yoon to be the official confirmation of South Korea's entry into the US-led the anti-China alliance. Even during the previous administrations, there has been a growing trend of demonizing China more than North Korea. Ever since that THAAD deployment spat, China-SK relations have been declining. Today, regardless of how much South Koreans still hate NK and Japan, they hate China more. Couple this with the recent growing hate on Russia, with South Koreans volunteering to fight in Ukraine against Russia. This is definitely of American design. It is also my personal opinion that if SK could have its way with China and NK, they would commit atrocities that could rival that of the IJA of WWII, because of the inherent identity crisis of South Koreans to prove their racial superiority. Why? Because the SK military have committed atrocities in the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

There might come a time where ultranationalist South Koreans start to demand war on China. But North Korea will always return to the agenda. Because whether or not NK joins China to fight against SK and its allies, there is always that uncertainty about NK's position. If NK sits out of a war where China is attacked, and China is weakened, NK is certainly next on the list to be attacked. Or if China is somehow OK with NK sitting out of the war, and then beats the living crap out of SK, then NK becomes a strategic threat to a weakened SK. NK will always be a target of attack by the imperial alliance regardless if it joins or sits out the war.

For the Chinese military top brass, I do think and hope that they have calculated South Korea among the enemies that will join the US to fight China. No matter how silly that sounds, South Korea is too strategically located, and too fanatically attached to the US to be ignored as a direct military threat to China. While the SK military is not nearly as powerful as the PLA, they should never be underestimated, because they are at China's doorstep. China have to assume that the South Koreans are gonna be better-trained, and better-motivated to fight China than the Japanese or Taiwanese traitors. Because they lack the historical baggage of losing a war and getting pacified, like Japan, and to a certain extent, the ROC. SK would be feeling that it has a point to prove in East Asia that it is a top dog there. And this kind of thing would have fascistic tendencies. This kind of enemy should never be taken lightly.


Registered Member
South Korea is a convenient ally to have for the US Navy as they are positioned closest to throw stuff at Beijing, or to interdict the PLAN in the Yellow, and Bohai Sea. The US have docked an Ohio-class submarine at South Korea in the middle of this year. While it is not a good idea militarily, it was definitely done as a threat to China. Nevertheless, I believe that USN wants the SK navy and airforce to fully commit to becoming their asset. They will be the closest offensive force to face the PLA if SK joins the US-led war against China. To the American war planners, it is better to sacrifice the Koreans first, and then the Japanese, before any harm comes to the Americans. Hopefully by the time the Koreans and Japanese are exhausted, the Chinese would have been weakened enough for the Americans to finish them off. Not that it'll work, but I am quite sure that that is how the US would plan out their war with China.

I had considered the election of president Yoon to be the official confirmation of South Korea's entry into the US-led the anti-China alliance. Even during the previous administrations, there has been a growing trend of demonizing China more than North Korea. Ever since that THAAD deployment spat, China-SK relations have been declining. Today, regardless of how much South Koreans still hate NK and Japan, they hate China more. Couple this with the recent growing hate on Russia, with South Koreans volunteering to fight in Ukraine against Russia. This is definitely of American design. It is also my personal opinion that if SK could have its way with China and NK, they would commit atrocities that could rival that of the IJA of WWII, because of the inherent identity crisis of South Koreans to prove their racial superiority. Why? Because the SK military have committed atrocities in the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

There might come a time where ultranationalist South Koreans start to demand war on China. But North Korea will always return to the agenda. Because whether or not NK joins China to fight against SK and its allies, there is always that uncertainty about NK's position. If NK sits out of a war where China is attacked, and China is weakened, NK is certainly next on the list to be attacked. Or if China is somehow OK with NK sitting out of the war, and then beats the living crap out of SK, then NK becomes a strategic threat to a weakened SK. NK will always be a target of attack by the imperial alliance regardless if it joins or sits out the war.

For the Chinese military top brass, I do think and hope that they have calculated South Korea among the enemies that will join the US to fight China. No matter how silly that sounds, South Korea is too strategically located, and too fanatically attached to the US to be ignored as a direct military threat to China. While the SK military is not nearly as powerful as the PLA, they should never be underestimated, because they are at China's doorstep. China have to assume that the South Koreans are gonna be better-trained, and better-motivated to fight China than the Japanese or Taiwanese traitors. Because they lack the historical baggage of losing a war and getting pacified, like Japan, and to a certain extent, the ROC. SK would be feeling that it has a point to prove in East Asia that it is a top dog there. And this kind of thing would have fascistic tendencies. This kind of enemy should never be taken lightly.
Bro do you see the SK reaction when KIM visited Russia. ;) even the Japanese were concern....lol. The Russian will supply NK with advance weapons at the same time they will integrate them together with China in their plan to borrow a phase from Imperial Japan an East Asian Co prosperity Sphere....lol SK want to justify their pro American containment policy and now they get what they want, instead of security and prosperity, they get the opposite as Seoul the economic center is within NK artillery range and the NK didn't hide the fact that they want to nuke Japan as revenge.