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Registered Member
Bro do you see the SK reaction when KIM visited Russia. ;) even the Japanese were concern....lol. The Russian will supply NK with advance weapons at the same time they will integrate them together with China in their plan to borrow a phase from Imperial Japan an East Asian Co prosperity Sphere....lol SK want to justify their pro American containment policy and now they get what they want, instead of security and prosperity, they get the opposite as Seoul the economic center is within NK artillery range and the NK didn't hide the fact that they want to nuke Japan as revenge.
Russia has no reason anymore to dampen North Korean relationships and trade. Pretty much coming down to weapons for north koreans workers seems like a good deal. Because so much stuff needs to be build in Russia's far east. Especially if Shoigu every get his plans approved to build 3~5 more major cities/economic zones east of the Urals they will need a lot of Russian, central and SEA asian workers.


Senior Member
I'm also considering the possibility that Pyongyang might choose to sit out of the war, and/or that China will have to deal with the US&LC all on her own, alone. Because once the nuclear button is pressed, there's no going back (at least, on the Korean Peninsula).
I don't get it, how is it possible that NK sit out of the war when SK and Japan is going to gang up on China? They don't have a choice, especially if China directly request NK assistance, they are treaty bound, the moment they refuse, the moment China gravy trains stops, and they will be the next Anglo empire target, The scenario when NK sit out of war involving SK against China, is when Kim is couped and the u.s sends Howard X as their next Supreme leader lol


Registered Member
I don't get it, how is it possible that NK sit out of the war when SK and Japan is going to gang up on China? They don't have a choice, especially if China directly request NK assistance, they are treaty bound, the moment they refuse, the moment China gravy trains stops, and they will be the next Anglo empire target, The scenario when NK sit out of war involving SK against China, is when Kim is couped and the u.s sends Howard X as their next Supreme leader lol
I'm just thinking this rapprochement between Russia and NK had Beijing blessing, Western pundits want to create a narrative that all is unwell between Kim and Xi. For god sake they had a treaty obligation, what Beijing want is to maintain a prosperous and viable business relationship with SK and Japan, a peaceful Korea and of East Asia.

Well the interloper had them thinking otherwise and I'm seeing SK the first to fall, they need the Chinese (market) and the Russian (energy) for their economic prosperity and what can the US offer? a F35 that self eject....lol Well to soothe the Koreans they agree to waived those restriction and what about the Japanese? why would they follow the US ban while other country get special exemption? the same can be said about the Dutch. See the Domino Effect, the Coalition of the Willing is based on a foundation built on a house of card.


Registered Member
South Korea is a convenient ally to have for the US Navy as they are positioned closest to throw stuff at Beijing, or to interdict the PLAN in the Yellow, and Bohai Sea. The US have docked an Ohio-class submarine at South Korea in the middle of this year. While it is not a good idea militarily, it was definitely done as a threat to China. Nevertheless, I believe that USN wants the SK navy and airforce to fully commit to becoming their asset. They will be the closest offensive force to face the PLA if SK joins the US-led war against China. To the American war planners, it is better to sacrifice the Koreans first, and then the Japanese, before any harm comes to the Americans. Hopefully by the time the Koreans and Japanese are exhausted, the Chinese would have been weakened enough for the Americans to finish them off. Not that it'll work, but I am quite sure that that is how the US would plan out their war with China.

I had considered the election of president Yoon to be the official confirmation of South Korea's entry into the US-led the anti-China alliance. Even during the previous administrations, there has been a growing trend of demonizing China more than North Korea. Ever since that THAAD deployment spat, China-SK relations have been declining. Today, regardless of how much South Koreans still hate NK and Japan, they hate China more. Couple this with the recent growing hate on Russia, with South Koreans volunteering to fight in Ukraine against Russia. This is definitely of American design. It is also my personal opinion that if SK could have its way with China and NK, they would commit atrocities that could rival that of the IJA of WWII, because of the inherent identity crisis of South Koreans to prove their racial superiority. Why? Because the SK military have committed atrocities in the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

There might come a time where ultranationalist South Koreans start to demand war on China. But North Korea will always return to the agenda. Because whether or not NK joins China to fight against SK and its allies, there is always that uncertainty about NK's position. If NK sits out of a war where China is attacked, and China is weakened, NK is certainly next on the list to be attacked. Or if China is somehow OK with NK sitting out of the war, and then beats the living crap out of SK, then NK becomes a strategic threat to a weakened SK. NK will always be a target of attack by the imperial alliance regardless if it joins or sits out the war.

For the Chinese military top brass, I do think and hope that they have calculated South Korea among the enemies that will join the US to fight China. No matter how silly that sounds, South Korea is too strategically located, and too fanatically attached to the US to be ignored as a direct military threat to China. While the SK military is not nearly as powerful as the PLA, they should never be underestimated, because they are at China's doorstep. China have to assume that the South Koreans are gonna be better-trained, and better-motivated to fight China than the Japanese or Taiwanese traitors. Because they lack the historical baggage of losing a war and getting pacified, like Japan, and to a certain extent, the ROC. SK would be feeling that it has a point to prove in East Asia that it is a top dog there. And this kind of thing would have fascistic tendencies. This kind of enemy should never be taken lightly.
I 100% agree and have even written about the possibility here. Lots of people said it's "low probability" yet here we are now.

I also agree that SK forces could behave much like the IJA - as they did in the past. The difference is that Japan has hugely high fertility in WW2. Unless SK envisions winning so hard it conquers and enslaves many Chinese, they'll be demographically ground down to nothing, worse than Ukraine.

South Korean forces under an ultranationalist far right party decide that it is time to reunite the Korean peninsula under Seoul and does not believe the North will actually resort to strategic weapons. South Korean F-35s begin striking North Korean dams, electricity generating facilities and bridges while pre-sighted South Korean artillery attack North Korea's artillery park along the DMZ. North Korea fires back and prepares to dig in for a long defensive conflict, but Kim Jong Un asks for assistance and says that there may be uncontrolled risk of strategic escalation if Pyongyang is occupied. To avoid escalation and to abide by the terms of the Sino-Korean MDT, the PLA is deployed to repel the South Korean offensive.
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Registered Member
I'm just thinking this rapprochement between Russia and NK had Beijing blessing, Western pundits want to create a narrative that all is unwell between Kim and Xi. For god sake they had a treaty obligation, what Beijing want is to maintain a prosperous and viable business relationship with SK and Japan, a peaceful Korea and of East Asia.

Well the interloper had them thinking otherwise and I'm seeing SK the first to fall, they need the Chinese (market) and the Russian (energy) for their economic prosperity and what can the US offer? a F35 that self eject....lol Well to soothe the Koreans they agree to waived those restriction and what about the Japanese? why would they follow the US ban while other country get special exemption? the same can be said about the Dutch. See the Domino Effect, the Coalition of the Willing is based on a foundation built on a house of card.
With people like Yoon at the wheel it will be hard to change SK position. What I can see is maybe in the future when SK economy has been harvested by the US and partners. North Korea, China and Russia might to build pipelines through north korea to the south. As one last peace offering and convince them to join BRI side.


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Canada has always been an extraordinarily racist and hateful country.

They constantly point the finger at America, and call the kettle black. America may be a rather shitty place for minorities, but Canada is for sure no better at all. They are arguably worse, because unlike America who at least kept around minorities to be used Canada just went straight into genocide mode.

They just went fullblown massacres and cultural genocide on the indigenous/first nations/native americans. Similar to what the Australians did to the Australian Aboriginals.

My personal theory is that it's because both those countries are closer to their parent country. England.

America, Canada, and Australia were all prototypes for England version 2.0 it's just that America happened to be (by far) the most successful prototype. Canada and Australia were the failed ones.

But notice how much MORE racist, hateful, and genocidal Canada and Australia are. Whereas America allowed mass immigration even if it meant immigrants were treated badly Canada and Australia didn't. Instead, Australia and Canada tried to turn their countries into whites and Anglos only. They're even worse than notorious racist shitholes like Apartheid South Africa or Rhodesia (modern-day Zimbabwe). At least those countries kept their natives alive. If just treated them poorly.

Canada and Australia genocided their natives.

And just from my own personal experience almost every Canadian I've ever met besides a single group of friends have always been the BIGGEST fucking assholes ever.

And they always brag about how 'polite' they are. Lol ok.
You probably weren't being very serious but as a non-white Canadian I felt like I had to respond. Canada does not define itself as some kind of euro ethnostate. In fact, it is unique in that it is officially multicultural. Justin Trudeau's father brought in the Multiculturalism Act in 1988. The current Trudeau even once said that there is no specific Canadian culture and was criticized by conservatives. There was an attempt to culturally genocide indigenous peoples but that is not unique to Canada. The interaction with First Nations was overall less violent than the rest of the Americas. They make up 5% of the Canadian population compared to I think 2% in the States. Canada also has a much higher percentage of foreign born residents than the US and one of the highest per capita immigration rates in the world.

Sorry that you have had bad interactions with Canadians though. Also, I agree that what happened in Parliament recently was disgraceful.