Another witchhunt, it is absurd that the true intention of the manufactured forced labor is intended to keep Uyghur poor forever. Basically, no companies can employ Uyghur. If it did, then it is forced labor. It is funny that these human rights activists think Uyghur don't deserve to work or have a job.
The whole point of it has nothing to do with Uighurs. The West is using it to get concessions from China on just about anything from everything else. Like I've said before, the West likes to put everyone else on the defensive. "You're guilty until you go out of your way to prove to me you're innocent." And that always means how far are you willing to bend over backward for me for whatever they want? And none of it will have to do with Uighurs. Their history shows they always demanded these things because they're white supremacists. It's just now they hide behind a humanitarian cause.
All China has to do is give the West the finger. Can China do that? I heard on the news recently Nike is already suffering from poor sales. The West is shooting itself in the foot by demanding these standards on their own companies. Nike didn't think about the consequences when they took that stance on Uighur slave labor. Not only is it costing them having to source their raw materials from somewhere else, they're also losing customers in China. And then on top of that, Nike is seen as a liberal "woke" company and thus losing sales at home. Republicans are doing the dirty work in destroying Western companies like with the Bud Light controversy. It's going to be happening more.
It's the fall of Rome time for the West and China shouldn't be playing kumbaya trying come off as reasonable hoping to win points. No, China should pounding in on how they're suffering. China doesn't need to lie. Just use their own media and what they report against them. China should be laughing at their fumbles because they do that to China. That's the kind of propaganda they engage in trying to deter others from China. China should be bringing up how Canadians secretly killed native children and buried them in mass graves. This isn't a hundred years ago. Native people in Canada are still living today when it happened. It will blow their minds because when they do it to China and others, it has meaning that has nothing to do with humanitarianism. It's an indictment. That's why Blinken was in panic when Chinese officials brought things like what happened to George Floyd up in Alaska. Why would they be in panic when they supposedly face and deal with their own racism? When they bring up their own racism, they're controlling the narrative to make them look good as possible. When someone else brings it up, it has a totally different connotation. It's a judgment... a vilification. The complete opposite. No ifs, ands, or buts... And that what's they're saying about everyone else when they do it.
The West has a tactic where they like to talk for others especially their enemies. The Republicans have Chinese leaders saying China is planning for war with Americans and they will have a quote from PLA General Sum Ting Wong and General Tso to prove it. It's a whole other thing if they just accused it opening it up to people questioning it but when they have a quote even when they're lying, it proves to their dumb that China is planning it therefore Americans will vote and support whatever actions they want against China. Or how about Biden saying that Xi Jinping doesn't want this or that to happen. No Biden doesn't want it to happen because it makes him look weak if he said it. So he puts the onus on Xi.
The Chinese should start doing that interpreting everything the West does is about white supremacy and what makes it even more powerful of a message is because it's the truth. Is what I just said a lie... an exaggeration? It doesn't matter. Racism is the monkey the West can't get off their back and China should exploit it. If China brings it up as much as the West tries to vilify China, they'll be on the defensive trying to prove to the world they're not.