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Registered Member
I don't think he is necesarily trolling, but he is definitely wrong and acting like an idiot, and we are allowed to point out how stupid his statements are.

I think that is a sign of good forum. People are allowed to express different opinions, but they are not protected from criticism, and ridicule in extreme cases like this.
con·cern troll

noun: concern troll; plural noun: concern trolls
  1. a person who disingenuously
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    concern about an issue with the intention of
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    genuine discussion.
Let's think back to the two most recent times Witchhunter12 has successfully derailed this thread.

1. He replies with some awful take about how "only losers who can't find jobs in the west return back to China"
2. He replies with some awful take about how "China and US are similar in that both have problems with mass casualty events from sickos in society"

Notice how he always replies back to those derailed posts to continue his concern trolling, even when it is far removed from any actual news.


How are any of those two discussion even world news worthy? Did everyone forget the "NO DISCUSSION!!" part in the title of this thread?
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Registered Member
How is any of those two discussion even world news worthy? Did everyone forget the "NO DISCUSSION!!" part in the title of this thread?

It is more of a “general thread” but with news as the main emphasis. On a side note, the whole “no discussion” lasted less than a month by the end of page 2 and was irrelevant by page 4 about 8 years ago. This is like complaining about people jaywalking across a rural street instead of the marked crosswalk. Except the rural area is a desert and your closest neighbors is an hour drive away.


Registered Member
View attachment 115739
View attachment 115738

Australian senator tells Tencent to appear at a hearing. Tencent replies we don't have any business or employee in Australia so you can kiss my ass.
He’s a shadow minister meaning he has no authority; his faction is not even in power right now. This is just grandstanding from the idiot scomo faction


Registered Member
He’s a shadow minister meaning he has no authority; his faction is not even in power right now. This is just grandstanding from the idiot scomo faction
Even if there was a ban, business savvy people would setup proxy to get into China before the day is out.
In fact I know there already some around, mostly to accelerate websites that discriminate against IP outside of China, and of course 1450 have their own.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
If statistics was all that mattered America would not be talking about mass shootings, since "statistically" you are still more likely to be hit by lightning than be a victim of a mass shooting.

Good thing we can't control natural disasters like lightning strikes, but we can control policies regulating firearms. There are things that can be legislated to control the risk, and things that can't, so never understood this false equivalence for incomparable things under our control.


Registered Member

I don't know what Chinese military rituals require drinking blood but i've been missing out. This is some Blood Angels Red Thirst stuff.
But sarcasm aside, isn't it striking how little has changed for a western society when it comes to dehumanising a racial group and the trope of the blood libel often comes out? Such fears betray the darker intentions and desires of many individuals in power in the West.

It's safe to say that the Turks under Erdogan have thrown their lot in with NATO; perhaps the turks believe russia is losing and want to reap the benefits as a swing state.