"While back in China, most of them will say in their group of roughly 15 or so friends, 1-3 will be lucky enough to have a job in the field they studied, the rest are either stuck at home, working for their parents, or delivering for MeiTuan. Feel whatever you want about what I wrote in my OP, but the preceding sentence is reality that more and more members, even the diehard ones, are willing to acknowledge is a current reality in China."
What? What type of industry or expertise/educational background did these 15 friends of yours studied? Finance? STEM related fields? I am asking because I don't want to misunderstand or misinterpret the context of what you posted I quoted above. Based on what you wrote, one can surmise that the current job marker in China is very tight, not as financially rewarding as in the U.S. not as wanted by Chinese Companies in tech or just in general, and the compensation is not very competitive compared to what American recruiters from x,y,z, American companies would do.
All I can say to that is BULLSHIT. Please, which company or companies in the U.S. are going all out in head hunting or out bidding would be recruits in whatever field of economy in America? Are we talking about the current job market? Or is your opinion based on the past trend, pre-covid 19 and pre-inflation period?
Look, I frankly don't give a toss if you prefer America, love American system, love American style of business etc..but for the love of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus provide some verifiable data to the claims you make, and that you seem to insist to be the true narrative of the overall job prospects in China right now.