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Registered Member
Trump missed his chance. He clearly did not plan what to do after the mob attack. Now everybody is turning against him. He could have declare emergency right at the beginning of the attack and suspend congress.

What is he thinking? It was clearly an insurrection. All power grabs begin with control of the military. He did not initiate any. Just like Julius Ceasar when it was the clear the senate was against him, he crossed the Rubicon with his Roman legions to consolidate power. Trump did not strike while the iron was hot. It was just really a Lord Farquaad moment. Some of them died and Trump was willing to just ignore.

I fear the aftermath, the deplatforming of Trump and demonizing of his supporter may act as a catalyst for a people power revolution in certain state and may lead to the dissolution of the Union.


Senior Member
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Any sign of this other than that BBC report in Beijing?
Nothing concrete yet, but game theory indicates that China is the UK's only logical partner if it wants to stay relevant, and it was only due to Trump and his team that BoJo capitulated in banning Huawei. It appears the teutons have more cojones than the Perfidious Albion.


Lieutenant General
I'm no expert, but isn't the DC National Guard cotrolled directly by the President, as the DC is not a state, but a Federal Territory?
Don't know how it works but the Governor of Delaware, Larry Hogan, said he got a call from I think it was someone from Capitol Police for help. Governor Logan said he was ready to send in the Delaware National Guard but someone at the Pentagon had to give the okay. That's where there's probably going to be a federal investigation because there was a story that someone at the Pentagon stalled on sending in the National Guard because he didn't think it would look good that a bunch armed soldiers are on the streets of Washington DC...


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It's up to CCP to not fuck up from here on. That's all that can bring down China.

Overconfidence in its institutions is what's causing the turmoil in the US. Chinese must remain humble it seems.

Everything from COVID to the wars to the identity politics to today, they thought they could just sit back and let things resolve without intervention because US has came this far without much problems.


Junior Member
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I think we just witnessed 5G war take place (not Huawei 5G, but 5th Gen warfare) in that this was Inception level Fake-False-Flag to make the world think it was another 9/11 but when in reality its not Dems against GOP at all, but rather the Government against the American people (consolidation of control and power grab) and on a larger scale its America against the world (including China)...

US POTUS and Congress and Senators etc none of these politicians have true power, they are puppets that do bidding of the permanent shadow government that never shows itself... all the deviseness and struggle and this interplay is a smokes and mirrors horse and pony distraction show....

During early 2000 post-911 they used the Republicans as the bad guys to get Patriot Act passed... now they are using liberals as bad guys to get censorship and cancel culture normalized... Essentially the US gov is playing its own population to get one half of the nation to push for the agenda that otherwise would never get broad support, its two sides of the one same coin, the objective is always the same to tighten the noose and consolidate more and more centralized power whilst making the citizens think its something organic that they themselves were fighting for... this divisiveness is the feature, not a bug...

American gov knows China is not going to collapse soon, nor is China going to capitulate to US demands... this means its unipolar hyperpower status moment is over... it has to prepare for a multipolar world in which America will be much less wealthy as it can no longer ride the gravy train of petrodollar hegemony and harvest and extract hegemony tax from the world and esp from China....

America realizes it needs to restructure itself to have parallel independent supply chain that doesnt rely on China, and reorg so that it can live on much less, including adjusting its citizens to a much more modest standard of living, forced to renegotiaite the nonnegotiable way of lifestyle. But the US must do this in a sneaky way that neither alerts the rest of the world nor let its own citizens know whats really going on behind the scenes...

Trump vs Biden is really just the good cop bad cop routine played out on the world stage. The US strategy of dual persona is so it can extract maximum benefits and have its cake and eat it too... just look at how many countries and people worldwide falsely get conned into the scheme that "America is back" just because Biden got elected? They use Trump to do overt evil stuff then wash hands and use Biden to do more nuanced secret evil stuff, rinse and repeat, same for Bush vs Obama... China on the other hand being a one party goverment and not a "democrazy" it doesnt enjoy the benefits of the doubt that the world seems to repeatedly give to the US over and over again... this is because Amerikkka has mastered the highest 5th Gen info war....

This is why I think its failed Covid response was intentional... it relieves it the burden of a bunch of boomers about to collect pensions and pull from 401k, social security, etc whilsts forcing small businesses to all close and gutting the middle class so that its just a bunch of 0.01% that own the 99%, and everything is much more consolidated and centralized for easier control....

Whether its right to bear arms, freedom of speech, or right to privacy, all these will be swiftly dealt away soon... but the mechanism for change isnt obvious to the general public. The US gov is never going to openly come out and tell the people they got rid of the bill of rights, instead its doing 5G war on its own people and the rest of the world at large...

As America declines more and more on the world stage, it needs a tighter grip on its people and also to canabalize the middle class and small to medium businesses to sacrifice it to prop up the superstructure that holds the whole thing together... Like a large man who is starving, first the fat burns away to preserve muscle and vital organs, eventually the muscle gets consumed to feed the brain and heart and nervious system etc... when the going gets tough on a meta scale, the low hanging fruit is to gut the middle class in order to prop up the elite power structures and destroy small and middle businesses to consolidate into a handful of too big to fail megaconglomerates like Apple, Amazon, Google, Walmart, etc

This whole entire Americkkka gone wild, is an act... a mere ploy and pretext to position itself most optimally for the coming times... the same way in a "democracy" the government has to resort to false flags to get its population to accept otherwise unpopular changes, this whole act the US has been putting on for the world is simply US leveraging its dominance in propoganda to effectuate the 5th Gen info war to its own max net benefit.


Registered Member
It's up to CCP to not fuck up from here on. That's all that can bring down China.

Overconfidence in its institutions is what's causing the turmoil in the US. Chinese must remain humble it seems.

correct, even with easing of pressure from the US, they need to prepare for a renewed effort (destabilization and sanction) in 2025. They had been given a reprieved and it's an opportunity to strengthen , be self sufficient and be prepared mentally for more sophisticated psychological attack from the West.


Registered Member
I think we just witnessed 5G war take place (not Huawei 5G, but 5th Gen warfare) in that this was Inception level Fake-False-Flag to make the world think it was another 9/11 but when in reality its not Dems against GOP at all, but rather the Government against the American people (consolidation of control and power grab) and on a larger scale its America against the world (including China)...

US POTUS and Congress and Senators etc none of these politicians have true power, they are puppets that do bidding of the permanent shadow government that never shows itself... all the deviseness and struggle and this interplay is a smokes and mirrors horse and pony distraction show....

During early 2000 post-911 they used the Republicans as the bad guys to get Patriot Act passed... now they are using liberals as bad guys to get censorship and cancel culture normalized... Essentially the US gov is playing its own population to get one half of the nation to push for the agenda that otherwise would never get broad support, its two sides of the one same coin, the objective is always the same to tighten the noose and consolidate more and more centralized power whilst making the citizens think its something organic that they themselves were fighting for... this divisiveness is the feature, not a bug...

American gov knows China is not going to collapse soon, nor is China going to capitulate to US demands... this means its unipolar hyperpower status moment is over... it has to prepare for a multipolar world in which America will be much less wealthy as it can no longer ride the gravy train of petrodollar hegemony and harvest and extract hegemony tax from the world and esp from China....

America realizes it needs to restructure itself to have parallel independent supply chain that doesnt rely on China, and reorg so that it can live on much less, including adjusting its citizens to a much more modest standard of living, forced to renegotiaite the nonnegotiable way of lifestyle. But the US must do this in a sneaky way that neither alerts the rest of the world nor let its own citizens know whats really going on behind the scenes...

Trump vs Biden is really just the good cop bad cop routine played out on the world stage. The US strategy of dual persona is so it can extract maximum benefits and have its cake and eat it too... just look at how many countries and people worldwide falsely get conned into the scheme that "America is back" just because Biden got elected? They use Trump to do overt evil stuff then wash hands and use Biden to do more nuanced secret evil stuff, rinse and repeat, same for Bush vs Obama... China on the other hand being a one party goverment and not a "democrazy" it doesnt enjoy the benefits of the doubt that the world seems to repeatedly give to the US over and over again... this is because Amerikkka has mastered the highest 5th Gen info war....

This is why I think its failed Covid response was intentional... it relieves it the burden of a bunch of boomers about to collect pensions and pull from 401k, social security, etc whilsts forcing small businesses to all close and gutting the middle class so that its just a bunch of 0.01% that own the 99%, and everything is much more consolidated and centralized for easier control....

Whether its right to bear arms, freedom of speech, or right to privacy, all these will be swiftly dealt away soon... but the mechanism for change isnt obvious to the general public. The US gov is never going to openly come out and tell the people they got rid of the bill of rights, instead its doing 5G war on its own people and the rest of the world at large...

As America declines more and more on the world stage, it needs a tighter grip on its people and also to canabalize the middle class and small to medium businesses to sacrifice it to prop up the superstructure that holds the whole thing together... Like a large man who is starving, first the fat burns away to preserve muscle and vital organs, eventually the muscle gets consumed to feed the brain and heart and nervious system etc... when the going gets tough on a meta scale, the low hanging fruit is to gut the middle class in order to prop up the elite power structures and destroy small and middle businesses to consolidate into a handful of too big to fail megaconglomerates like Apple, Amazon, Google, Walmart, etc

This whole entire Americkkka gone wild, is an act... a mere ploy and pretext to position itself most optimally for the coming times... the same way in a "democracy" the government has to resort to false flags to get its population to accept otherwise unpopular changes, this whole act the US has been putting on for the world is simply US leveraging its dominance in propoganda to effectuate the 5th Gen info war to its own max net benefit.

All what you said is true, but the most concerning is the ANXIETY of the American people, being feed by its own gov't and its media for being an exceptional and learning later on that its all based on a lie, who do you blame for being a loser?
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