This guy probably got in because China originally want to placate Canada and rest of Western nations, and not through his own merit. Once they realized that it wasn't happening and the West was far less powerful than initially believe he probably got sidelined and ignored, which would explain his rage. Another explanation would be that he was purposely put in that position by the Western establishment to spy on & sabotage AIIB projects, and judging at the progress of China-Laos Railway and Indonesian high-speed rail he clearly failed. Either way good riddance and his replacement will surely be more competent than him.
In case he limits his tweet view:
View attachment 114515
This poor little maple sod be like:
- Join AIIB, which is founded by and headquarters in communist China, to "sErVe cAnAdA's iNtErEsTs"
- Suddenly realise that AIIB is in communist China and staffed by communist Chinese with communist Chinese work culture
- Pikachu shocked face
- Rage quit and whine like a baby on Twitter
Everyone, come over here and take a look at this poor little maple sod:
View attachment 114512
Hey little Bobby, here, have some tissue paper:
View attachment 114517