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according to their world renowned institutions like John Hopkins University and NYT who never lie and are never wrong, China is actually in decline, so waiting 5-10-15 years for China to naturally collapse is a great idea.

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They're laying the narrative that their containment strategy is working....lol


Junior Member
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according to their world renowned institutions like John Hopkins University and NYT who never lie and are never wrong, China is actually in decline, so waiting 5-10-15 years for China to naturally collapse is a great idea.

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I actually know a couple of international relations majors at Johns Hopkins University. Most of them come from rich families and all of them are pompous, drug-addicted morons. One of them loves to go on and on about the "coming collapse" of China. Most of the international relations majors at my school are imbeciles too. Many of them will end up writing similar articles about China in the future, so I wouldn't bother to read them haha


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Super Moderator
I actually know a couple of international relations majors at Johns Hopkins University. Most of them come from rich families and all of them are pompous, drug-addicted morons. One of them loves to go on and on about the "coming collapse" of China. Most of the international relations majors at my school are imbeciles too. Many of them will end up writing similar articles about China in the future, so I wouldn't bother to read them haha

So Wumaoing helps one accumulate wealth and Gordon Chaning helps squander it?


Senior Member
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how does that play right into US plan? US doesn't need an excuse to start a war against China, it can just start shooting and find out what happens.

Even in accordance with diplomatic precedent however, US already has 3 separate casus belli:

1. responsibility to protect against a 'genocide', per Yugoslavia.
2. right to preemptively deploy troops to defend a major non-NATO ally, per precedent from Operation Desert Shield
3. right to defend own sovereignty from illicit shipments, same justification as the Opium Wars.

So even if reasons were needed to politically sell a shooting war on China to the public, those reasons already exist.

The only reason it hasn't done so is because it doesn't have the capability to do so.
US wants to provoke China (thought that is pretty much the entire theme on SDF). So China matching move for move wouldn't be very smart, no? And thus acted with restraint for almost 5 years.

But frankly, any US strategist trying to spin the above reasons as justification for war with China should be fired.

- The majority of the world, especially muslim countries, don't think there's genocide.
- Troops are already deployed in PH, Australia, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. No war cause China hasn't attacked anyone. It has strong trade and investments in all of those countries and vice versa. Operation Desert Shield happened after Saddam formally annexed Kuwait.
- Not sure what you mean by Illicit shipments. If you mean fentanyl, know that most of the smuggling now happens via Mexico, not China.

US can't just start a shooting war with China, lol.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
I actually know a couple of international relations majors at Johns Hopkins University. Most of them come from rich families and all of them are pompous, drug-addicted morons. One of them loves to go on and on about the "coming collapse" of China. Most of the international relations majors at my school are imbeciles too. Many of them will end up writing similar articles about China in the future, so I wouldn't bother to read them haha
As a Hopkins alumnus, I fully agree with your comment on IR majors... in the last week, I've read a few SAIS masters IR dissertations about QUAD vs. China, African opinion on Chinese investment. Tons of brain dead anti-China takes...don't even bother, a waste of time with IR majors/masters students in general.


Junior Member
Registered Member
So Wumaoing helps one accumulate wealth and Gordon Chaning helps squander it?
That's one way to put it. I got my bachelor's degree from a top 10 university and I am currently a graduate student at another top 10 university, so I believe I am qualified to comment on this matter. Top American universities are great because of two groups of people: brilliant researchers and brilliant undergraduate STEM majors. In my experience, the best researchers and undergraduate STEM majors at top American universities are mainly of Chinese descent. There are also many brilliant Middle Eastern, Eastern European, and Jewish students. You may be under the impression that there are also many brilliant Indian students at top American universities. I was also under that impression at one point in my life. However, the vast majority of "top" Indian students I've interacted with are prolific cheaters. It would not be an exaggeration to say that most assignments and projects "completed" by Indian students were, in fact, completed by their non-Indian, oftentimes Chinese, classmates. I'm not even joking, that is the reality at these top American universities. Indian researchers also try to get their names included on papers that they contributed almost nothing to. It's absolutely absurd.

I've interacted with hundreds, if not thousands, of liberal arts majors at these schools and I can confidently say that 90% of them are morons who unjustifiably benefit from the prestige of their school's name.

At the end of the day, my point is that the prestige of American universities is upheld by wumaos, but unfortunately many Gordon Changs also benefit from that prestige.


Registered Member
according to their world renowned institutions like John Hopkins University and NYT who never lie and are never wrong, China is actually in decline, so waiting 5-10-15 years for China to naturally collapse is a great idea.

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Man that University seems to keep on being mention as though it matters but for some reason, I keep getting the impression that that university is in reality a complete joke


Registered Member

don’t know if this has already been posted but Qin Gang quoting Hegel demonstrates the high level of education expected of CPC officials, compared to the jake Sullivans and pompeos of the USG. Actually, Blinken is supposed to be educated, so I’m told, yet acts with the brazen ignorance and arrogance that is to be expected of the Anglo Atlanticist elite.

A second thing I thought was significant is that China, despite not wanting hegemony, let alone the hegemony of the anglos, may be forced to take america’s crown by force, simply because the anglos cannot let china live in peace. You can compare it to Rome and Carthage but I’m starting to think that for the Chinese, angli delenda est.
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Just Hatched
Registered Member

don’t know if this has already been posted by Qin Gang quoting Hegel demonstrates the high level of education expected of CPC officials, compared to the jake Sullivans and pompeos of the USG. Actually, Blinken is supposed to be educated, so I’m told.

A second thing I thought was significant is that China, despite not wanting hegemony, let alone the hegemony of the anglos, may be forced to take america’s crown by force, simply because the anglos cannot let china live in peace. You can compare it to Rome and Carthage but I’m starting to think that for the Chinese, angli delenda est.
Just a fake voice.