Miscellaneous News


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Interoperability. Direct link with the US military

Since this is a NATO link, it means that the entire NATO countries have agreed to it.
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When I see these things, I actually feel like this is a net benefit to the PRC. I just have such a low opinion of the morale of the ROC military due to the many years of DPP rule (including closet DPPer Lee Dog Hui) that basically caused so many of them to “betray” (or serve, depending on your perspective) their country.


Registered Member
Just look at Lithuania 25% of their economy is EU grands
Baltics need to be sustained for political reason. Its Nato location.
This graph was created from EU data without taking impact of Post Covid and Ukraine.
Even though GDP per capita in PPP terms converging between West and Eastern Europe but Eastern Europe wealth creation is much lower and this despite much higher dependency on EU funds and decrease in population. if this battery vehicle transition happen there is likely even less jobs needed in Auto sector.

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Junior Member
Registered Member
Been wondering sometime why 9gag gets news so fast. Take for example this, in a desert mountains in western Afghanistan with very little internet infrastructure. In a country with very few are interested. And the footage is in the middle of military operation. The only conclusions are

1.) These kind of posts are posted by dedicated people and must be paid. You dont want yourself into trouble in documenting like this. Could be posted by intelligence people.

2.) It all make sense now why the US military left with so many weapons when they pull out from Afghanisthan. Another proxy war with Iran.

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Registered Member
Been wondering sometime why 9gag gets news so fast. Take for example this, in a desert mountains in western Afghanistan with very little internet infrastructure. In a country with very few are interested. And the footage is in the middle of military operation. The only conclusions are

1.) These kind of posts are posted by dedicated people and must be paid. You dont want yourself into trouble in documenting like this. Could be posted by intelligence people.

2.) It all make sense now why the US military left with so many weapons when they pull out from Afghanisthan. Another proxy war with Iran.

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View attachment 113417
What's exactly is going on here?


Registered Member
The cough syrup problems happening around the world has been going on for quite some time now. The latest are eye drops cases.

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Why would anyone source their eye drops, let alone pharmaceuticals, from the country that bathes and eats cowshit?
LMAO - if the West opposes it, then China did something right.

notice how the Anglo Americans never question their own racial superiority myth dog-whistled as“freedom” when their own genetic IQ is insufficient to compete against China?