Montana’s TikTok Ban Is Unconstitutional Twice Over
May 18, 2023
This article was allegedly written by a potential wumao law professor at some school.
This, ladies and gentle-plebs, is why you should fear the horrible oppression a meritocracy would impose on your betters, and choose for us to live free and consequences free lives where we can fuck you all over as much as we like without ever fearing facing anything remotely like consequences. Your fucking welcome and get the fuck back to work and stop complaining about how you have no food to eat. Be creative and eat cake you morons.
Honestly it’s not whether they’ve been colonized - most of Africa and the Middle East were Western colonies - but whether their modern societies are modeled after the West & infiltrated by Western media & organizations.Depends on the culture. Many formerly colonized countries are mentally and socially weak, and perversely desire to be colonize and dominated by others. That masochistic urge creates "death cultures", death either by self-implosion or foreign exploitation.
It also comes from the desire to keep their status as the "middle bully" where by prostrating and brownnosing before their colonial masters, they can sh_t on their neighbors whom they see as "lower races".
Go to the burgeoning African states and majority of them are not white-worshipers, despite a large portion of their elites educated in the West. Perhaps it's because they know they will never be "honorary whites", so the temptation never exists.
Look at the bids from South America and Africa for their own permanent seats at the UNSC. Since when have you heard something ballsy like that come out of ASEAN?
Yes, written by evil CCP wumao Noah Feldman AKA PLA Senior General Luo Feiman.Montana’s TikTok Ban Is Unconstitutional Twice Over
May 18, 2023
This article was allegedly written by a potential wumao law professor at some school.
Play territorial and boycott games with China. China can do the same to you. Anyway the G20 is a Western-led initiative. It's no longer productive to attend such events. The last G20 event in India was proof of that.China will skip the upcoming G20 event in the Indian-controlled part of disputed Kashmir, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Friday.
“China firmly opposes holding any form of G20 meetings on disputed territory. We will not attend such meetings,” Wang said while answering a reporter’s question at his regular press conference.
India's problems are bigger than just China. It had pissed off the Muslim world with Kashmir. Not even Western efforts to slander China on Xinjiang is working at all.Saudi Arabia and Türkiye have also decided to skip the Kashmir event, NDTV reported.
Global Britain! Jai Hind!
So Britain is experiencing high inflation and a cost of living crisis. But that's not so bad, according to Sunak, because beer and toilet paper have gotten cheaper.
Lower GDP per capita and lower average wages than the US. You need data for this basic knowledge too? Google it.Cheap compared to what? where you get this low quality of life when there are 130m Mexican with millions more Americans residing in Mexico and those Mexican are not after so called 9 to 5 jobs in US.
Yeah, by common classification, I am right. By an imaginary classification you made used by only you, you can pretend that what's obviously true cannot be proven, in which case you pretend to be right.Its all depend on classification. in Mexico business and tourism is now so intermingle that its hard to separate.
This is your definition only. Cite me a source where anyone other than you defines national competency by the abiilty to handle air traffic.Its definition of a competent. Any Country that can deal with US airline traffic especially when there are surge during peak tourist season. Its a 38 cities in such narrow area.
What??? Construction worker's labor rates in the US are well about software engineers outside?? How is that relevent?Construction is not menial labor as far as rates in US they will be well above Software engineers outside US and
Doesn't matter. They came for the money. That's the point.certainly not all hispanic are Mexican.
You can't even define "soft power." Demographics is in your population being able to do work. Work and doing things is hard power. This is why you're confused all the time.Demographics is Soft Power. you dont even understand the basics.
"Is there data for Cheap?
LOLOL That's exactly what you simply cannot provide data and randomly throwing numbers.
Mexican GDP per capita is lower. US pay is higher. That's all there is to it for why Mexicans come here.US GDP per capita is skewed by foreign born medical staff and software engineers. Mexico has more balanced economy that still provide high population growth with life expectancy surpassing US in most measures with much less spending on health.
5% emigration is enormous, you imbecile.These all add upto 5 million people over 15 years. which is even less than 5% of 130m.
It's Mexican culture, values and soft power, which is why Americans need armed guards 24/7 by the border to prevent immigrant hordes charging through?Its Mexico culture, values and soft power that made such cohesive nation under democracy next to over helming Money printing of US.
That's not a reply to a survey that said exactly what you wanted to pretend wasn't true. They literally surveryed Mexicans why they want to enter the US. The top answer by far was economic reasons. And you still pretend that Mexico has a better economy than the US and they are moving for American soft power? You really can't shut your mouth and be graceful about being wrong, can you?Thats why there should be more indepth study before money hand over fist.
Because there is no demonstrable difference. No difference = soft power means soft power is useless. The way you argue, everybody can always say they're gaining soft power everyday but it has absolutely no meaning. And Airport expansion is money, hard power do you know they didnot gain Soft Power?. Soft Power is gradually built over past success. and certain thing may not be visible to outsiders immediately.
This is diarrhea. The entire paragraph literally means nothing. I asked how you figure, or by what measure you term Kuwait's soft power as lower than Qatar's and your answer is that Kuwait is not Qatar. You're an idiot.Every nation has status that other with money cannot achieve. Kuwait knows even if it spends that money it cannot become Qatar. so better not spend on this side of Soft Power. Qatar can balance both is religious and Modern angle but Kuwait cannot. thats why you should really understand Soft Power of each country.
No, do you? Or you just guess soft power everything?do you know behind the scenes US and German conversation?.
You can say soft power everything but you connect nothing. You can't even define soft power but you say it is responsible for everything like a Christian says God controls all. This is just more diarrhea.Germany has image and Soft Power it want to preserve. for the rest it want to use other countries like Lithuania when it speak out. Germany want to transition away from this Fossil fuel based Industry. what convenient way than now. It is much easy to rally its population when there are image of war on TVs.
Germany soft power is global driving force behind Bilderbergs, WEF, MSC and COP and all other things that you see. German soft power gave it oversize role in setting agendas and let other drive it.
So the German president "warned" US president about climate change and he did what? Fire up all coal plants and "unleash US energy" which is all fossil fuels. German soft power = nothing. US hard power dictates what happens.
You have never provided any evidence for soft power; just show that an event happened, and say soft power caused it. None of your arguments are ever make a statement without any evidence to back up.
Not different. All people who side with their own country and people do it from natural do you know engineers are different than others?
LOLOL No, you don't know hard power. Your words are valued by your hard power. You can say the same thing but if you are weak, you are ignored. If you are strong, people follow. Words are soft power but they are carried and given meaning only by hard certainly not hard power to sustain a ideology spread by sword. It require that Soft Power.
The only evidence here is that you got dropped on your head as a baby. All the Russians who died in battle, all the heros who sacrificed their lives, needn't do so if Russia had only built up and unleashed its full hard power from the very start. And now you are making "soft power" excuses for why a nation known as the "combat race" has retreated almost as much as it advanced against a country a third its own size.There is alot of evidence. you just need to look around. Prolong war if properly executed can accelerate tech development in various fields , remove production bottlenecks in industries. straight out logistics and quickly figure out who has the character and competency. this lay foundation for future recruitment and training.
US to allow allied transfers of F-16s to Ukraine – media
The US government will not block allied countries from sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine if they decide to do so, multiple news outlets reported on Friday, citing American officials.
Sources cited by the , , and other media said the White House is prepared to allow F-16 shipments after months of Ukrainian requests for the aircraft, which is being used by more than two dozen nations.
A senior White House official told NBC that Washington had already informed its partners about the decision.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan on Saturday, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said that “in the coming months, we will work with our allies to determine when the planes will be delivered, who will be delivering them, and how many.”
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced earlier that London would back the creation of an “international coalition” to supply the F-16s and other aircraft to Kiev. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky met with the PM this week and lobbied for Western fighter jets, insisting they are needed for Kiev’s much-touted counteroffensive.