I'm sorry, but you need to not be autistic when reading women. It's creepy and cringe and lands you in jail when you do it because your mind is probably wired in an ultra PC, friendship-before-relationship, total-mutual-respect kind of way; that's not how I roll. In every single one of my relationships, I'm pushing it faster than she's going but just enough so that she feels thrilled but not scared. If I sense scared, I back up. I like to grab ladies walking besides me and dipped them into a position where their total balance relies on clinging to me and kiss them as I wish. I've chased ladies who ran around cars telling me "no" but in a playful manner. I've went all the way with women who were actively telling me, "No, I just met you; it's too early." A lady was at my house drinking when I advanced on her and she said, "No, take me home." I went all the way with her that night anyway and she became one of the most clingy girlfriends I ever had. My dating life ended with my wife, who was a feminist (ran feminist groups in China and everything, but not radical ones) and said she would never have kids. I carried her up the stairs mid-meal to her saying, "No, I'm not ready yet, I'm really not ready," (a phrase I tease her with to this day) and took her there for the first time on our second date. I really liked her so I backed up a little on the first date to play it safe but she told me I could have gotten it if I pushed cus the pec dance killed her last lines of defense. We're planning 4 kids, on kid 1 now. That's how feminists get over it. In no situation ever did I go too far and allow it to become a problem. Written here, I'm like a serial offender. In real life, the dates only got more exciting because they saw me as a man who was exciting but not so aggressive as to be scary. If the police saw this and interviewed them, they would all profusely decline to press charges because they had a great time.I'm sorry but this may just be the single most cringeworthy thing I've read on this website. This is 2023, not 1950. Doing this means getting charged with sexual assault and thrown in jail lol.
The law technically mandates that you get express consent ("Yes, I would like to have sex with you. Yes, please continue.") before and during sex because it assumes 0 level of competence in your ability to read what the woman is thinking. So to protect the courts from blame, it makes laws that are basically inapplicable to real dating. When men act PC like this, the women just want to give up on this bland fellow with no zest in his approach. You can take a chance, trust your instincts on when "no" actually means "yes," and if you are right, you score. If not, you go to jail. I'm confident in my ability to read the situation and it has always paid off. You may cringe but you're not the important one; the ladies are.
You didn't read this part 4 posts about yours?Also it's women that are dating outside their own race here. Chinese men overly prefer dating Chinese women. Not sure why you're blaming the guys.
"I'm talking from a male perspective and as an answer to @vincent 's suggestion above that "it's fine, just marry foreign women," indicating that that's the solution to Chinese feminism. It is the absolute worst reaction to have and it adds fuel to the fire. As a man, I'm not going to blame women; that adds to the problem. I'm telling men to step forth, reach your arms out, take the first step to show her that you can be the man of her dreams. And when she sees it, she'll show you that she can be your perfect lady. That is the correct counter to any buds of a gender war, NOT to spurn the other side harder than they spurned you and just default to foreigners with a "bitch, I don't need you" attitude because yes we do need each other and our country needs us to love each other."
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