Youths are mostly foolish and dumb. It is not their fault actually. They are too inexperienced, and lack the knowledge to make informed decisions. Youths usually follow the mob mentality. They are easily captured by the charismatic, and influential demagogues. Many of us would have regretted some of the old mindset we had when we were youths. That is why youths are usually not allowed to take positions of great power in companies and governments. They are just not mature enough for those jobs.
Unfortunately in most traditional societies, youths are often overlooked. Because they are supposed to be in school, or are still learning the ropes. But what is often overlooked is the American power of influence on the youths. No country can influence the youth like how America can. Their psyops is just so extensive. Hollywood is their most obvious machinery. America is also the no.1 source of teen literature, celebrating youth empowerment. For the angst driven teenagers and young adults, they love to feel bigger than who they really are, hence are easily influenced. American universities still tops the English language world. And when millions of youth go to get tertiary education in the English syllabus, which is considered the world standard. Then getting exposed to American ideology is unavoidable. Then there are the other 1001 American-led youth influence programs. Youth churches, young political societies, sport clubs, NGOs, etc. No other nation on earth have such an extensive psyops program targeted to youths. That is why the US is able to so easily influence the youths in HK, Taiwan, SK, and SEA. Any youths who received Western education is in danger if getting corrupted by American ideology. Only those youths with a spine can resist the corruption. But those youths are always fewer, and are prone to getting shunned.
Only in recent years I truly understand why modern democracy sucks. It allows the youths massive influence in voting a government. And the US constantly lectures to other democracies to lower their minimal voting age. So that gives the US a powerful hand to influence their elections.
This is the harsh reality. For any country that seriously wants to protect it's own sovereignty, it needs to protect it's youths from information warfare. That means taking measures that are called 'authoritarian' in the mainstream sense. Censorship, patriotic studies, structured education, ban foreign NGOs, vet the foreign-based churches, etc. Basically everything that the West is screaming as evil. As Brian Berletic once said before, information is a battle space. You need defense in that battle space. Otherwise you open the door to foreign meddling. And then you get your youth issues in HK, Taiwan, the PH, Singapore, Malaysia, and now Thailand.