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Original topic is about soft vs hard power in determining where people prefer to immigrate. People from third world countries tend to want to immigrate to first world countries because the standard quality of life is better there and it's consider prestigious. That's not debatable, at least not in good faith. These are both things brought about by hard economic power, which is driven by hard technological and military power in the fight for resources.
you dont even understand meaning of quality of life ( there minute things that i can go into that will make it offtopic) and the second point is highlighted is Soft Power.
you should not use those old terms of First and Third world. as there places that are third world in First world and there places in third world that are better than First world. No one can be at every place at all the times but when you have wealth than you can enjoy more first world living.
That's the main point.

LOL I had a feeling that when you said something is very easy, you'd mess it up. Your definition is narrow and dysfunctional and then your use of it is as well, but in a different way. First of all, is having a strong economy hard or soft power? Are you forcing yourself to have a strong economy or are you doing it willingly? Doesn't even make sense just like your definition.
If i am interacting with your economy to have some financial gain than that economy is hard power but if i am interacting with you and knowingly make losses than that economy has a soft power. its voluntarily attraction.
Ok I warned you that it makes no sense to call a country a soft or a hard power. The terms "soft power" and "hard power" aren't useable in the same way as "middle power," "regional power," "great power," or "superpower" as you're using it. Now, you are really digging yourself a hole. So according to your "very easy" definition, are Spain/Switzerland/Arab nations "forced or voluntary" powers? What's a "forced country" and what's a "volunary country?" LOL
These countries have there own Soft power and it is manifested in many ways. US is not telling people to move to Spain
Go look up the meaning of "hard power" vs "soft power" before you waddle into a debate then side-track it into oblivion.

From common sense. Most people don't think laying out in the street with nothing to do all day is more comfortable than working 40 hours a week to afford a house, cars, grow a family, etc... even if it does sound like a vacation for life. Is your life more comfortable in Camaroon or Switzerland?
not every one can enjoy soft power of Switzerland but if you are wealthy or skilled enough than you can. life can become comfortable in Cameroon. search on you tube many nice living places including new apartments complexes with separate pools for kids and adults. Cameroon gets scholarships and US has exchange programe with them. as i said almost all countries get opportunities and that is creating soft power. It is not all about economics. its about people going there and living among them. what is that Green Card diversity lottery?
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Well, 3 points:
1. Wealthy people want to become more wealthy and investing in a more powerful dynamic economy than their third world nation is a great way to do
Developing nations GDP growth are higher with less burdensome regulations thats why so many people from developing world has access to education in West. that never happened in history. it is all due to increase wealth and education standards in developing world.
it. They want to be more than a big fish in a small pond so they want to enter a bigger economy.
so its all about economy. you are indirectly admitting that static economies of West are better than high growth economies of rest of the world.
2. There is a prestige in moving to a wealthy first world country from the point of view of small impoverished nations and that prestige is due to knowledge of the hard power of the advanced nation. It's considered admirable to have the chance to move there.
.There is no such thing as wealthy and first world. look it cost of things when some thing goes wrong like insurance or dentist. it is old rich people from prior generation that has long life expectancy. I am sure Malaysia is first world. it has good enough infrastructure to beat most of first world . Its soft power that define attraction. UAE has soft power thats why wealthy got attracted despite hot weather. once wealthy gets attracted than you need to provide those first world amenities.
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3. Talent and wealth are not the same. Many people have great talent but not wealth and they can grow a much more impressive and also financially-rewarding career in a first world nation with the resources to support them and a third world country where there is simply no oppertunity to develop the talent. For example, a talented rocket scientist can develop world-leading designs in China or the US and be paid over 99% of the population for his work but he'd be playing with mud in the Congo.
those rocket designers are very limited fields and very few will employee foreigners unless they born there with security clearance. its very rare field. largest class in schools are computer science. The fact that you brought such rare field example shows that you already lost argument of attraction of soft power and use that limited example of hard power.


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Again... It's a propaganda weakness inherent to authoritarianism.

Young people rebelling against the establishment and embracing the idea of democracy is an age old story. It is the perfect demographic for Western influence campaigns to target because it fits the psychological profile so well. Young people every where resent the fact that they lack political power, believe they know more than everybody else, and yearn to be free of all authority. These facts make them very susceptible to the promises of liberal democracy, because liberalism is all about empowering the individual, rebelling against authority, and pursuing freedom above all else.

It's not until people get into their thirties and forties that they realize the world doesn't work that way; and that the "freedom" offered by the West is nothing more than a different form of enslavement. When the thrill of protesting on the streets and throwing rocks at the police wears off, they will realize no, you can't survive off of pride parades and smoking weed and "revolution in our time." That there are objective power dynamics at play, which Western media actively attempts to hide in an effort to fool people into acting against their own interests.

Unfortunately, young people must be taught the hard way about these lessons; and the failure of their societies is the price they must pay. Look at the Arab Spring - that was an attempt by the West to rally the Muslim youth to the cause of liberal democracy. It brought little more than chaos across the Arab world, didn't move them up in the world what so ever, and failed in pretty much all of its goals.

The same will repeat, else where. Liberal democracy doesn't bring freedom to countries - it makes them vassals to the West. Look at the Koreans and their president's shameful display in Washington; or the Japanese and their commercial interests getting wrecked by US sanctions. Look at the pathetic birth rates across East Asia, and the South American countries run by drug lords. But democracy is a hell of a drug - by the time their young people wake up to the state of their societies, it'll be too late. The worst is yet to come.
Youth is wasted on the young as the saying goes. University students are the worst, the ideologically charged and for most of them living a comfortable life thinking they know it all, are easily manipulated.


you dont even understand meaning of quality of life ( there minute things that i can go into that will make it offtopic) and the second point is highlighted is Soft Power.
I know and use the publically accepted definition. I don't use your self-invented bullshit definition for quality of life and I don't use your confused 5 year old definition of soft/hard power. I debate by publically accepted definitions, not your made-up ones.
you should not use those old terms of First and Third world. as there places that are third world in First world and there places in third world that are better than First world. No one can be at every place at all the times but when you have wealth than you can enjoy more first world living.
OK, then advanced/developed economy. Same conclusion. Your attempts to show that the quality of life in poor third world countries with low GDP and negligible technology and equal or superior to that in the US and Western Europe go against common sense and I will not let you worm into them. The oppertunities that are offered to the talented in advanced economies is unrivaled by what they can attain at home in a third world country.
If i am interacting with your economy to have some financial gain than that economy is hard power but if i am interacting with you and knowingly make losses than that economy has a soft power. its voluntarily attraction.
No, if you are making losses, then you are failing at business. Nobody goes somewhere to open a business meant to lose money. That's an imaginary action for imaginary soft power.
These countries have there own Soft power and it is manifested in many ways.
Yeah, for example, Japan has its anime. It makes some money, but on the global stage, then interests collide, it has absolutely no effect on Japan eating America's shit and taking orders. Soft power is useless.
US is not telling people to move to Spain
Totally random sentence connected to nothing.
not every one can enjoy soft power of Switzerland but if you are wealthy or skilled enough than you can.
Yeah, exactly, soft power is for other people to enjoy. It is not a real power that can force anything in any conflict of interest, which is what's important. Everything is easy and merry when there is no conflict. In other words, soft power is only "useful" when there is nothing to be useful for.
life can become comfortable in Cameroon. search on you tube many nice living places including new apartments complexes with separate pools for kids and adults. Cameroon gets scholarships and US has exchange programe with them. as i said almost all countries get opportunities and that is creating soft power. It is not all about economics. its about people going there and living among them. what is that Green Card diversity lottery?
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LOLOLOL This stupid crap again. You want to argue that the quality of life in Camaroon is equal to that of the US/Western Europe? Everybody will laugh you out of the room. What is your point going on off topic nonsense again?
Developing nations GDP growth are higher with less burdensome regulations thats why so many people from developing world has access to education in West. that never happened in history. it is all due to increase wealth and education standards in developing world.
Yup, that's hard power. That's what people come for. Willingly, but it's hard power, not soft. When you willingly work for money, that's the hard power of money. Your definition is broken again.
so its all about economy. you are indirectly admitting that static economies of West are better than high growth economies of rest of the world.
It's true. Growth of a third world economy is like a little girl's lemonade stand selling more every day. It can grow very quickly but it can also be finished easily, and it was never powerful or admirable. Static Western growth is like Walmart/Apple/Boeing having some bad times. It's still incredibly rich and stable; it has the reserves to eventually pull out of it and everyone is still civil and wearing suits dong daily reports.
.There is no such thing as wealthy and first world.
That might be the most retarded thing you've said yet.
look it cost of things when some thing goes wrong like insurance or dentist.
Make big bucks, spend big bucks. That's wealth circulating in the West. If an Ethiopian gets here, he suddenly finds he can't afford anything. If an American visits Ethiopia, the suddenly finds that everything costs peanuts. As a direct comparison, people in Haiti eat cakes made out of mud just to stave off hunger. Middle-class Americans can easily afford steak every day at the supermarket.
it is old rich people from prior generation that has long life expectancy. I am sure Malaysia is first world. it has good enough infrastructure to beat most of first world . Its soft power that define attraction. UAE has soft power thats why wealthy got attracted despite hot weather. once wealthy gets attracted than you need to provide those first world amenities.
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Why did you mention Malaysia? It has no consequence at all in the world. No hard power, no soft "power." At most, it attracts some tourism.
those rocket designers are very limited fields and very few will employee foreigners unless they born there with security clearance. its very rare field. largest class in schools are computer science.
Same thing with computer engineers. They want to go to CalTech, GaTech, MIT, etc... and then work in Silicon valley, and recently, maybe Shenzhen. They have nothing to do at home where there is no environment or tools to grow. They need a powerful (hard power) host like the US or China to develop.
The fact that you brought such rare field example shows that you already lost argument of attraction of soft power and use that limited example of hard power.
Lost argument? To whom, you?? LOLOL You have bad English, wrong definitions, don't even know if hard/soft power refers to countries or aspects of power, and your logic can't stay on topic for 3 sentences. I've never seen a person lose an argument with you, only get tired of your nonsense diarrhea-like babbling.


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Lmao. The moron who said “that if you invade Taiwan, we’re gonna blow up TSMC” is now saying not to believe it because it’s Chinese propaganda that the US will blow it up.

AKA. All hail Oceania.

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Perfect opportunity for China to conduct a false-flag industrial sabotage operation on TSMC and pin it on the US. Make sure to time it to happen right after the TSMC Arizona plant ramps up in operations, forcing TSMC to move even more of their high tech manufacturing overseas.

It'll be Taiwanese people's worst nightmare come true. Everyone will know that Taiwan is the US's pump and dump.
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Ok fair enough. The Three Body Problem series were much more serious than TWE. Maybe the filmmakers did a poor job adapting TWE into cinema.

My gripe with TWE is not really about the concept of moving the Earth around; though I still dislike that concept. My problem is the supposedly serious setting of TWE. Star Trek is set in its own fictional universe. Along with Star Wars, and Warhammer 40k. If TWE was set in the W40k universe. Then fine, put some massive god engines on Holy Terra and off we go. We can shut off our brains and enjoy the show. I can even argue that many of W40k technology is also remotely feasible. But TWE is set in the near feasible future, with contemporary political and social settings, and contemporary understanding of science. So TWE was meant to be hard sci-fi, not the fantastical sci-fi of W40k or Star Trek. Hard sci-fi need not be accurate, but it is supposed to showcase a better appreciation of science by the filmmaker. I see TWE as an underwhelming representation of that.

Well, I won't say the filmmaker did a poor job. Scifi movie is a very risky investment especially in China, they have to compromise so the movie is attractive to as many viewers as possible, dumbing down the movie is kind of necessary to survive, TWE 2 barely broke even. The hope is the movie market will grow more mature so more serious/artistic scifi movies may thrive in the future.

I get it you don't like the premise of TWE, that is ok. For me personally I don't see it is any more fantastical than 40k or star trek, I can enjoy both.

If we wanna argue about the feasibility of moving the Earth, its gonna waste too much thread space. But I'll just put forward a simple question. Say that humans already have fusion propulsion technology. Earth is somehow doomed and we are running out of time. Which solution has the highest probability of success of saving what's left of us? Turning planet Earth into a spaceship? Or just building many spaceships? Which solution would you vote for if your government gave you the option to choose?

It was answered in the original story, it was kind of contrived though tbh. Liu posit no spaceship can hold self sustaining ecosystem, it would have to be a planet. But then the planet's eco system is fucked in the journey anyway so.....

I can suspense disbelieve for the story, and Liu himself has said TWE is not practical compared to spaceships, however it is very nice premise for a story.

I mean Dune has personal shields that can stop any kinetic weapons yet go kaboom when laser shines on it.... extremely contrived excuse just so everyone fight with swords, it worked for me.


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His conclusions are hilarious:

Yep, that's the issue. It's not that America steals people's money, it's the "woke pressure campaign." Spot on, Little Marco.
American conservatives are easily some of the dumbest people in the world, Rubio's take is not even the dumbest - yes, the bottom is that low. The fact that nearly half of the US keeps voting for them speaks volumes about the average intelligence of Americans.


I feel like these articles belong to funny thread.

Blame China, when the government and Congress fail to perform basic duty.
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When you become irrelevant, provoke China to make yourself visible.
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Daydreaming about the downfall of Putin so you can convince yourself that you should double down on your failed policies.
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