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I dont think every area of Manilla are dirt roads. Its too much generalization. Philippines number 69 in air quality. click each country to get real time number in cities.
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I have alot more confidence in Japanese infrastructure surviving Earthquake than West Coast of US. you are not comparing the same quality. second you dont have idea about skill set and salary. Japanese and Korean simply not have same number of domestic software engineering quality so they are likely going to be paid less. how is that some one else fault if they did not created globalized Software firms like Toyota in manufacturing. Japan has learned certain lesson it is working within its means so entering less new fields and you can see it Japan is facing less labor shortage compared to other Asian countries. In order to have depth and breath you need mass migration. Good luck trying build Civil Aviation with such labor shortage. how you define greater amount of goods? In Asia. there is access to cheap cars which is no longer in US.
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That superior standard of living is few percentage of people. West simply distribute or outsource the work by employing way more people. both onsite and offsites. when you have more people the demand of services goes up along with cost. There are 1.4m International student excluding exchange. and I think 70% will be from Asia so new talent will keep flowing as long wealth is created in rest of the world. the key word is wealthy outside US not from inside US. Covid impacted wealth so less people for time being.
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Moving to another country is upto individuals unless you referring to some natural or man made disasters that are influencing decisions. Hard and Soft is very easy to define. Hard is forced and Soft is voluntary.
It is the intrinsic attraction of society that people attract too. look at Spain. how many people it receives for its small low tech economy and not much wealthy. Spain is a soft power.
This is so far off topic I'm not going to do my usual point-to-point.

Original topic is about soft vs hard power in determining where people prefer to immigrate. People from third world countries tend to want to immigrate to first world countries because the standard quality of life is better there and it's consider prestigious. That's not debatable, at least not in good faith. These are both things brought about by hard economic power, which is driven by hard technological and military power in the fight for resources.

That's the main point.
Hard and Soft is very easy to define. Hard is forced and Soft is voluntary.
LOL I had a feeling that when you said something is very easy, you'd mess it up. Your definition is narrow and dysfunctional and then your use of it is as well, but in a different way. First of all, is having a strong economy hard or soft power? Are you forcing yourself to have a strong economy or are you doing it willingly? Doesn't even make sense just like your definition.
It is the intrinsic attraction of society that people attract too. look at Spain. how many people it receives for its small low tech economy and not much wealthy. Spain is a soft power.
Swiss another example of a soft power. people around the world voluntarily put money there. or no one forced to buy those over priced unreliable European automobiles. Soft power also means you overpay over the perceived value received or do things that are not in interests just to appreciate that soft power.
here another example Arab approaching Turkey through Iran to use trade route which clearly avoid Arab dominated Suez and can enable Iran to have investments for higher energy production. This is 2021. some one soft power convince it.
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Ok I warned you that it makes no sense to call a country a soft or a hard power. The terms "soft power" and "hard power" aren't useable in the same way as "middle power," "regional power," "great power," or "superpower" as you're using it. Now, you are really digging yourself a hole. So according to your "very easy" definition, are Spain/Switzerland/Arab nations "forced or voluntary" powers? What's a "forced country" and what's a "volunary country?" LOL

Go look up the meaning of "hard power" vs "soft power" before you waddle into a debate then side-track it into oblivion.
from where you get data that wealthier country is equal to comfortable life?
From common sense. Most people don't think laying out in the street with nothing to do all day is more comfortable than working 40 hours a week to afford a house, cars, grow a family, etc... even if it does sound like a vacation for life. Is your life more comfortable in Camaroon or Switzerland?
A person need to be wealthy not necessary the country as i mentioned very similar goods and service available around the world and airline connectivity is better than US domestic travel to enjoy life around the world on long vacations. Even for Kids around the world education is now good enough to get admission into top western Universities.
Well, 3 points:
1. Wealthy people want to become more wealthy and investing in a more powerful dynamic economy than their third world nation is a great way to do it. They want to be more than a big fish in a small pond so they want to enter a bigger economy.
2. There is a prestige in moving to a wealthy first world country from the point of view of small impoverished nations and that prestige is due to knowledge of the hard power of the advanced nation. It's considered admirable to have the chance to move there.
3. Talent and wealth are not the same. Many people have great talent but not wealth and they can grow a much more impressive and also financially-rewarding career in a first world nation with the resources to support them and a third world country where there is simply no oppertunity to develop the talent. For example, a talented rocket scientist can develop world-leading designs in China or the US and be paid over 99% of the population for his work but he'd be playing with mud in the Congo.
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Canada isn't not only not important to China but it is irrelevant to China. China doesn't import much from Canada and basically has given up to engage with Canada long time ago. It is more like Trudeau boy can't get over the humiliation he got from Xi during the G20 meeting because he is dumb enough to leak confidential exchange between 2 leaders to the media to score brownie points.

As for Canada needing China or not, it is more if Canada's standard of living would deteriorate without the cheap Chinese imports. Other than that, Canada doesn't need China. However, there isn't much of beef between Canada and China except the fact that Canada can't say no to the US and so ended up doing the bidding of the US from Huawei to recent fake foreign interference in Canadian politics.

So no Canada doesn't have any leverages as Canada is so irrelevant in any Geo-political calculation and has been put on the ignore list by China.
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Registered Member
Little Rubio wants dollar hegemony to continue in order using it to sanction other countries. The reality is that the main reason why countries move away from the dollar is that the US and EU have weaponized the dollar through SWIFT and financial sanctions.
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His conclusions are hilarious:
To do that, we must be reliable and respectful partners, and we must keep progressive ideology out of finance.

Foreign companies don’t want to route their transactions through New York if it means paying exorbitant corporate taxes or taking on the risk of being de-banked by a woke pressure campaign. If Leftism has free rein, it will push currently unaligned nations – and maybe even some of our friends – into the arms of our adversaries. To prevent that from happening, our leaders must choose restraint over ideological purity.
Yep, that's the issue. It's not that America steals people's money, it's the "woke pressure campaign." Spot on, Little Marco.


Little Rubio wants dollar hegemony to continue in order using it to sanction other countries. The reality is that the main reason why countries move away from the dollar is that the US and EU have weaponized the dollar through SWIFT and financial sanctions.
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The comments are really reasonable and I'm starting to wonder if the literate Americans are seeing America's hypocrisy. They bring up the same points we do: why would anyone want to support a banking system that can rob anyone who doesn't follow America's will? Why would countries not work together to fight against a weaponized dollar created to harm and sanction them? This is spot on and totally not what I expected in Yahoo comments, which would be some rednecks screaming that we should bomb all the countries that don't support the USD.

Even the title is funny because it calls China "tyrannical" while saying that it's actually trying to "topple" the USD, which is the real tryanny, one that Rubio wants to continue! And that's baked into the English language because tyrants don't "topple" anything as they are at the top. The title contradicts itself.


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Canada isn't not only not important to China but it is irrelevant to China. China doesn't import much from Canada and basically has given up to engage with Canada long time ago. It is more like Trudeau boy can't get over the humiliation he got from Xi during the G20 meeting because he is dumb enough to leak confidential exchange between 2 leaders to the media to score brownie points.

As for Canada needing China or not, it is more if Canada's standard of living would deteriorate without the cheap Chinese imports. Other than that, Canada doesn't need China. However, there isn't much of beef between Canada and China except the fact that Canada can't say no to the US and so ended up doing the bidding of the US from Huawei to recent fake foreign interference in Canadian politics.

So no Canada doesn't have any leverages as Canada is so irrelevant in any Geo-political calculation and has been put on the ignore list by China.
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Standard of living would deteriorate in Canada ? People would get insane from cost increase and product availability if we are cut from China. .

China can source replacement products imported from Canada, but Canada like the US or EU cannot find replacement from China product easily.

Iron, Gold are nice exportation to China but multiple countries in Africa would be able do the same exportation with just a little infrastructure help.

We are just shoting ourselves in the foot in Canada and the US found it funny to see us dance on one foot, China too.


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Standard of living would deteriorate in Canada ? People would get insane from cost increase and product availability if we are cut from China. .

China can source replacement products imported from Canada, but Canada like the US or EU cannot find replacement from China product easily.

Iron, Gold are nice exportation to China but multiple countries in Africa would be able do the same exportation with just a little infrastructure help.

We are just shoting ourselves in the foot in Canada and the US found it funny to see us dance on one foot, China too.

Canada, the US and EU would like to import more superior products from the Indian powerhouse.