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That young ''move forward" leader is bad news. Joshua Wong vibes and Harvard educated so likely extremely pro US and NED funded. I do not like this development even one bit. Several more American military bases + another hostile country incoming it seems.

Move Forward's Pita Limjaroenrat speaks, confirming that he has talked to parties including Pheu Thai, Prachachart, Thai Sang Thai and the Thai Liberal Party. He says this puts his budding coalition in line for 308 seats. He adds that he is now in talks with another small party to get to 309 seats. "With this formula, it is clear that we have a full right to form a majority government," Pita says.

He says Move Forward, Pheu Thai and other parties have already set up a transition team.

He also issues a message for the 250 military-backed senators, whose votes have the power to sway the choice of prime minister. "It is time for the 250 senators to think and decide their stance, whether they would listen to the people's wish. If they care about the people, there will be no problem" for Move Forward to eventually form a majority government.

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China should quickly embrace the new government and avoid being seen as pro military. China doesn't support military dictatorship in general.

I don't think it's necessary to invoke US manipulation. The problem is just that no nation likes military rule and the opposition is the only choice for them. A different traditional conservative party doesn't have a chance because the military already occupies that position.

US bases would probably need approval from the military


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The Thai election results is very disappointing. The youths have overwhelmingly voting the anti-China party. They are making the same mistakes as the youths in all other democracies. The US is the master at fooling the naive youths in any nation. It worked in Europe, HK, Taiwan, SK, Malaysia, and Myanmar. American control of media and pop culture is just too powerful. China just doesn't do psyops, and that leaves the US to dominate the hearts and minds of any youths. Very frustrating, but this is the hard truth.

But let's look closer at Thailand. While there are no doubts that there are fervent anti-China idiots in Thailand, this election is actually a vote against Prayut Chan-o-cha and his cronies. Not a true vote against China. Like it or not, Prayut is not innocent at all in this affair. He is among the list of China-friendly, but also corrupt leaders. People like Najib Razak, Nawaz Sharif, Myanmar junta, etc. These leaders are easy to topple because their people generally hate them. Thailand's economy is not the worse in ASEAN, but it operates like a typical SEA economy. Corrupted, elite-favoured, and a large wealth gap. There is a general lack of upward mobility for the youths and the low income groups. Not the worse in ASEAN, but it's serious enough to piss off the youth.

Nevertheless, Thailand is not a true democracy. I suspect that the new Thai government will be coalition of the pro-US and the Shinawatra party. They are likely to talk to the military and royal faction and reach some sort of compromise. No extreme change in policies. Otherwise the military and the monarchy will loom over them in the background.
I just can't understand how a country can have basically 0 pop culture and entirely depend on the US for something as culturally sensitive as entertainment. Don't they want to listen to their own stories, in their own language? Or do they identify as white or something?

China, Japan, India, Vietnam, Russia and even Nigeria have a domestic movie industry, and at least for China/Japan/Vietnam/India, >50% of top box office movies are domestic.

At this rate, Thailand will get overtaken by Vietnam. Its better to reward those proven to be loyal like Laos/Cambodia and dangle carrots for fence sitters like Vietnam/Malaysia. Thailand is proving its unreliability in real time. Let ASEAN understand that you play stupid games like Philippines and Thailand, you win stupid prizes.


Registered Member
This is why Russia could never influence Ukraine to stay on its side;
Russia had no intention to influence Ukraine to stay on its side ( no investment and trade improvement). just enough to keep Ukraine afloat to get IMF deal. When ever issue of Europe comes up always remember Putin lived in Germany and alot of people around him had knowledge of German and Turkish. They can easily create misinformation and make it look real.
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This is the best analysis. They don't hate Chinese or China. They hate the CCP. But they don't realise CCP with whatever shortcomings they have is the best bet for China. These youngsters think that by being 100% democratic their countries fate will change. That's not true, Singapore showed you why. It is not the ideology, it is the governance.
Is it true? People always claim that they don't hate China or Chinese that they only hate CPC but that is far from the truth.

Hong Kong youngsters attacking mainland Chinese simply because speaking Mandarin demonstrated these people hate China and Chinese.

Americans saying they are not against Chinese but at the same time banning Chinese from buying property, prosecuting Chinese scientists.

No, they do hate China and Chinese because they are jealous and envy of China and its prosperity as China has prosper without worshipping the Whites and self hating.


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Is it true? People always claim that they don't hate China or Chinese that they only hate CPC but that is far from the truth.

Hong Kong youngsters attacking mainland Chinese simply because speaking Mandarin demonstrated these people hate China and Chinese.

Americans saying they are not against Chinese but at the same time banning Chinese from buying property, prosecuting Chinese scientists.

No, they do hate China and Chinese because they are jealous and envy of China and its prosperity as China has prosper without worshipping the Whites and self hating.
Those people were only a minor fraction of all Hong Kong youths though.


Registered Member
American control of media and pop culture is just too powerful. China just doesn't do psyops, and that leaves the US to dominate the hearts and minds of any youths. Very frustrating, but this is the hard truth.
Funny how I still recall some months ago - That a few here in this forum claimed that "soft power is of absolutely no use in the geopolitical fight between superpowers".

The thing is - Not a lot of people outside of the military circle talk about military stuff everyday. But there are fvck tons of people everywhere who talking movies, dramas, songs and games. Every. Single. Day.

"Hard power can make or break a nation & its people only during times of conflict or war, but soft power can make or break a nation & its people pretty much anytime, all the time."
I believe I need to knock this sentence onto this forum wall for everyone here to actually make sense and understand.

While China is now equipped with the capability to militarily go toe-to-toe with the US in her own front yard (i.e. WestPac), yet China is nowhere near the US when it comes to soft power influence and control projection.

Besides, soft power isn't just about building bridges, schools, airports and hospitals. It is about connecting, managing, and even controlling the minds & hearts of the targeted audience & population.

Just this one simple question is enough: "How often do Chinese people talk about American movies? Meanwhile, how often do American people talk about Chinese movies?"

TL;DR - China needs to do A WHOLE LOT MORE if she intends to stand toe-to-toe with the US (and her allies with far-reaching soft power prowess, i.e. South Korea and Japan) in the soft power battlefield.
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Registered Member
Funny how I still recall some months ago - That a few guys here in this forum claimed that "soft power is of absolutely no use in the geopolitical fight between superpowers".

The thing is - Not a lot of people outside of the military circle talk about military stuff everyday. But there are fvck tons of people everywhere who talking movies, dramas, songs and games. Every. Single. Day.

I believe I need to knock this sentence onto this forum wall for everyone here to actually make sense and understand.

While China is now equipped with the capability to militarily go toe-to-toe with the US in her own front yard (i.e. WestPac), yet China is nowhere near the US when it comes to soft power influence and control projection.

Besides, soft power isn't just about building bridges, schools, airports and hospitals. It is about connecting with the minds and hearts of the targeted audience & population.

Just this one simple question is enough: "How often do Chinese people talk about American movies? Meanwhile, how often do American people talk about Chinese movies?"

China needs to do A WHOLE LOT MORE if she intends to stand toe-to-toe with the US (and her allies with far-reaching soft power prowess, i.e. South Korea and Japan) in this domain.
Americans talk about Chinese movies all the time - to trash talk them.

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Mostly critics are the trash talkers, just look at the split between viewer reviews (97% positive) vs. professional reviews (71% positive)

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This is actually spectacularly backfiring as people will now watch them just to see if its actually bad. Wandering Earth got $5 million box office sales in North America itself. That's small compared to $600 million in China but its rare for a non-English film in the US.

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The reality is that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

You can put out all the attractive cultural products that you want, but some people will just refuse to see it. No reason, they just won't. What are you gonna do about it?

The real soft power isn't movies, music, TV, anime, books... its news. Everyone knows movies are fake, but is news fake? And that is where China can't compete, because its Xinhua vs the entire news agency empire.


Registered Member
I just can't understand how a country can have basically 0 pop culture and entirely depend on the US for something as culturally sensitive as entertainment. Don't they want to listen to their own stories, in their own language? Or do they identify as white or something?

China, Japan, India, Vietnam, Russia and even Nigeria have a domestic movie industry, and at least for China/Japan/Vietnam/India, >50% of top box office movies are domestic.

At this rate, Thailand will get overtaken by Vietnam. Its better to reward those proven to be loyal like Laos/Cambodia and dangle carrots for fence sitters like Vietnam/Malaysia. Thailand is proving its unreliability in real time. Let ASEAN understand that you play stupid games like Philippines and Thailand, you win stupid prizes.
Oh. Thailand actually does have pop culture. They have more pop culture than Malaysia for sure. Even Laos follows Thai pop culture because of their mutually intelligible languages. Unfortunately, nothing can stop the juggernaut of American pop culture. HK, Taiwan, and old SK did have their own pop culture. But American pop culture is just too trendy, too powerful, and too well funded to be overcome. Only hard censorship can truly stop American pop culture, and even that is also a tall task.

Politics is all fun and games, but the economy is serious stuff. The economy will teach the idiots a painful lesson. Malaysia is one of those countries that did exactly what Thailand is doing today. They voted for the anti-China Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition in 2018 because that was the only force strong enough to defeat the extremely corrupted Najib Razak. That government did many things to decouple from China. But it ultimately failed. No matter how hard the anti-China politicians like Mahathir wanted to decouple, the oligarchs, the binding agreements, and the economic gravity of China was just too powerful. The Malaysian economy suffered when its China ties were weakened. It tried approaching Japan and the West, but FDI still plummeted. And then Covid came and screwed the economy even more. The politics became an even bigger mess. During all that time, China just ignored Malaysia. Eventually, more pragmatic leaders in Malaysia like Anwar Ibrahim finally found the opportunity to take over PH and take it on a much more pragmatic path. Malaysia had to eat its humble pie and corrected itself.

But Thailand is not Malaysia. I have more faith for Thailand because they are the most pro-China nation in ASEAN. Whatever the anti-China youths are doing, they are going against the entrenched oligarchs, the monarchy, the military, and decades of pro-China sentiment. That is just too much to overcome. Furthermore, the limited democracy that Thailand has, helps to prevent an outright takeover by the anti-China forces.


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India is still in the West's good graces has nothing to do with India being clever or democratic or being friendly. India simply is a failure from the eyes of the West that the West doesn't feel threatened by India from politically, economically, or militarily.

In addition, the West needs India to counterweight China so it has given India some slack. Just remember that Modi was sanctioned by the West not many years ago. The West was trying to explore vulnerabilities within India until the rise of China. MSM can attack India anytime if it got the get-go from the Western powers. From caste system, human rights, religious freedom, genocides, women rights, and child labors, the list can go on and on as the MSM has delicately complied a list of Indian shortcomings and have little by little fed to their general population and to the world.

In addition, I would like to point. China was treated also very softly from the West from late 70s, 80s(even after 6/4), 90s, and even 00s. It is until China has become too powerful and too advanced that the West finally can't take it anymore. But even then, the West offered China a way out that is China to give up any ambitions of high tech and forever become a low cost manufacturing bases for the West. If China agreeed with such proposal, then the West would allow China to prosper and not sanctions. That is the proposal that Trump and neoconservatives and neoliberals offer China because China without advanced technology would be a slave to the West and can be controlled.

So it is just illusion to think India was given slack due to its being a democrat and softness. India didn't get the China's treatment only because it failed to make much of progress and pose no threat to the international liberal orders and the Western hegemony.
Was it not Obama who proposed the G2 to restrain China as part of his pivot to Asia, not Trump?


Registered Member
Oh. Thailand actually does have pop culture. They have more pop culture than Malaysia for sure. Even Laos follows Thai pop culture because of their mutually intelligible languages. Unfortunately, nothing can stop the juggernaut of American pop culture. HK, Taiwan, and old SK did have their own pop culture. But American pop culture is just too trendy, too powerful, and too well funded to be overcome. Only hard censorship can truly stop American pop culture, and even that is also a tall task.

Politics is all fun and games, but the economy is serious stuff. The economy will teach the idiots a painful lesson. Malaysia is one of those countries that did exactly what Thailand is doing today. They voted for the anti-China Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition in 2018 because that was the only force strong enough to defeat the extremely corrupted Najib Razak. That government did many things to decouple from China. But it ultimately failed. No matter how hard the anti-China politicians like Mahathir wanted to decouple, the oligarchs, the binding agreements, and the economic gravity of China was just too powerful. The Malaysian economy suffered when its China ties were weakened. It tried approaching Japan and the West, but FDI still plummeted. And then Covid came and screwed the economy even more. The politics became an even bigger mess. During all that time, China just ignored Malaysia. Eventually, more pragmatic leaders in Malaysia like Anwar Ibrahim finally found the opportunity to take over PH and take it on a much more pragmatic path. Malaysia had to eat its humble pie and corrected itself.

But Thailand is not Malaysia. I have more faith for Thailand because they are the most pro-China nation in ASEAN. Whatever the anti-China youths are doing, they are going against the entrenched oligarchs, the monarchy, the military, and decades of pro-China sentiment. That is just too much to overcome. Furthermore, the limited democracy that Thailand has, helps to prevent an outright takeover by the anti-China forces.
I also noticed that HK and Taiwan used to have their own pop culture industry but since the mid 2000's they're dead. Those who are pro China follow Chinese pop culture, the rest went to US pop culture, nobody talks about their local pop culture.

I must point out that Japan doesn't have hard censorship of the US cultural products yet they've maintained an independent pop culture with 8/10 movies being non-US.

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China also has 8/10 movies being non-US with hard censorship. However, the allowed US movies are still quite low at rank at #5 and #9 so it shows that even in the absence of censorship, they wouldn't be doing too good.

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My hypothesis is that Chinese and Japanese culture are too different from Indo-European cultures and highly resistant to their cultural influence if there's a strong alternative. Its much easier to overwhelm HK or TW culturally than to overwhelm mainland China.

I'm just surprised that Thailand is so easily brainwashed if it has its own pop culture. I'm also surprised Malaysia has no pop culture anymore. I guess I'm still thinking of the Malaysia of Fish Leong and Michael Wong.