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Beijing is fully aware the NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is the un-dissociable double of the U.S. war against its Belt and Road Initiative.

Imagine President Xi Jinping mustering undiluted Taoist patience to suffer through a phone call with that warmongering actor in a sweaty T-shirt in Kiev while attempting to teach him a few facts of life – complete with the promise of sending a high-level Chinese delegation to Ukraine to discuss “peace”.

There’s way more than meets the discerning eye obscured by this spun-to-death diplomatic “victory” – at least from the point of view of NATOstan.

The question is inevitable: what’s the point of this phone call? Very simple: just business.

The Beijing leadership is fully aware the NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is the un-dissociable double of an American direct war against the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Until recently, and since 2019, Beijing was the top trade partner for Kiev (14.4% of imports, 15.3% of exports). China essentially exported machinery, equipment, cars and chemical products, importing food products, metals and also some machinery.

Very few in the West know that Ukraine joined BRI way back in 2014, and a BRI trade and investment center was operating in Kiev since 2018. BRI projects include a 2017 drive to build the fourth line of the Kiev metro system as well as 4G installed by Huawei. Everything is stalled since 2022.

Noble Agri, a subsidiary of COFCO (China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation), invested in a sunflower seed processing complex in Mariupol and the recently built Mykolaiv grain port terminal. The next step will necessarily feature cooperation between Donbass authorities and the Chinese when it comes to rebuilding their assets that may have been damaged during the war.

Beijing also tried to become heavily involved in the Ukraine defense sector and even buy Motor Sich; that was blocked by Kiev.

Watch that neon

So what we have in Ukraine, from the Chinese point of view, is a trade/investment cocktail of BRI, railways, military supplies, 4G and construction jobs. And then, the key vector: neon.

Roughly half of neon used in the production of semiconductors was supplied, until recently, by two Ukrainian companies; Ingas in Mariupol, and Cryoin, in Odessa. There’s no business going on since the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO). That directly affects the Chinese production of semiconductors. Bets can be made that the Hegemon is not exactly losing sleep over this predicament.

Ukraine does represent value for China as a BRI crossroads. The war is interrupting not only business but, in the bigger picture, one of the trade and connectivity corridors linking Western China to Eastern Europe. BRI conditions all key decisions in Beijing – as it is the overarching concept of Chinese foreign policy way into mid-century.

And that explains Xi’s phone call, debunking any NATOstan nonsense on China finally paying attention to the warmongering actor.

As relevant as BRI is the overarching bilateral relationship dictating Beijing’s geopolitics: the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership.

So let’s transition to the meeting of Defense Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) earlier this week in Delhi.

The key meeting in India was between Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and his Chinese colleague Li Shangfu. Li was recently in Moscow, and was received by Putin in person for a special conversation. This time he invited Shoigu to visit Beijing, and that was promptly accepted.

Needless to add that every single player in the SCO and beyond, including nations that are for the moment just observers or dialogue partners as well as others itching to become full members, such as Saudi Arabia, paid very close attention to the Shoigu-Shangfu camaraderie.

When it comes to the profoundly strategic Central Asian “stans”, that represents the six feet under treatment for the Hegemon wishful thinking of using them in a Divide and Rule scheme pitting Russia against China.

Shoigu-Shangfu also sent a subtle message to SCO members India and Pakistan – stop bickering and in the case of Delhi, hedging your bets – and to full member (in 2023) Iran and near future member Saudi Arabia: here’s where’s it at, this the table that matters.

All of the above also points to the increasing interconnection between BRI and SCO, both under Russia-China leadership.

BRICS is essentially an economic club – complete with its own bank, the NDB – and focused on trade. It’s mostly about soft power. The SCO is focused on security. It’s about hard power. Together, these are the two key organizations that will be paving the multilateral way.

As for what will be left of Ukraine, it is already being bought by Western mega-players such as BlackRock, Cargill and Monsanto. Yet Beijing certainly does not count on being left high and dry. Stranger things have happened than a future rump Ukraine positioned as a functioning trade and connectivity BRI partner.


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Marcos says Philippines bases could be 'useful' if Taiwan attacked​

Marcos told Reuters the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) reached with the United States in 2014 was originally conceived to improve disaster responses.
"Now there's an additional aspect to it," he said. "And that is … tensions across the Taiwan Straits seem to be continuing to increase. Then the safety of our Filipino nationals in Taiwan becomes of primordial importance."

Marcos said that Manila had agreed in principle to joint South China Sea patrols with the United States, Australia, Japan "and even South Korea" and that he expected them to start this year. He said the patrols would help preserve freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, where China has a growing military presence.


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Remember Korematsu vs US has never been overturned, and thus the USG can decide to intern specific undesirables legally. As long as it is for national security, all such measures are legal.
Indeed, whilst the USG may have balked at interning Arab Americans because of the caucasoid factor, the American public have no such compulsions against Asians.
The non-complicated way is all in effort to hit the US dollar , the rest will crumbles.

With aging population, a war will mean sending the remaining young people to meat grinder... what future is Japan fighting for?
The Anglo American Atlanticist clique ie globohomo is a nihilist entity and so they select compressor leaders of vassal nations based on their corruptibility and nihilism. I imagine since a lot of the Atlanticist elites were themselves abused as children by their own parents who partook in pizzagate related rituals, they themselves grew up to wish that same sort of humiliation ritual on others. Ever wonder why the massive increase in extreme and graphic sexual assaults exposure to children and the reversal of pro family and pro natal policies? Because the western leaders never had a healthy childhood so it means nothing to them to take that away from others.

Dark Father

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Jesus, countries storing all their data on the American cloud like Amazon and Alphabet. Their whole digital infrastructure can easily be shut down with the sanction trigger happy warmongers in DC when all data is stored with those companies and I did not even mention they will use it for gathering massive intelligence. The national budget is like what more than 50 billion dollars a year. Most national leaders seem to be dumb beyond belief.

Amazon Web Services sees accelerating ASEAN cloud adoption​

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Hopefully that idiot stays in the Philippines so that in the event China finally deals with the retaking of Taiwan that this time, maybe unlike this father that this fool finally gets what’s coming to him for thinking he can ride the American shaft and expect to enjoy the benefit. If the Philippines wants to joint in the fight, they can finally be the first adversary to have a taste of what a hypersonic missile can do to his stup!d face. Does he seriously think he can escape from destiny, that opposing China in its own red line means he can get away with it? I pray that this time when the time comes, that China can finally steel itself, put aside the nice guy act and demonstrate the ferocity that the drove the Americas and its cowardly Allies from Korea and Vietnam. Someone needs to send American soldiers home in body bags in the thousands this time because they alway seem to run away too easily from fights these days


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Jesus, countries storing all their data on the American cloud like Amazon and Alphabet. Their whole digital infrastructure can easily be shut down with the sanction trigger happy warmongers in DC when all data is stored with those companies and I did not even mention they will use it for gathering massive intelligence. The national budget is like what more than 50 billion dollars a year. Most national leaders seem to be dumb beyond belief.

Amazon Web Services sees accelerating ASEAN cloud adoption​

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Too be honest i find this less of an issue for ASEAN nations non are really developed enough or big enough to warrant setting up domestic semi conductor supply lines or complete cloud companies. So for now they are already dependent on US semi conductors that will be the market situation for at least the next 5~15 years. I don't think Chinese companies can displace US based IT tech anytime soon. Because China just started ramping up their Semiconductor supply lines and their basic software ecosystem(open harmony) is still really young.

Also there is absolutely zero maybe at best minimal interest from tech influencer to tinker around with Chinese based Cloud provider services. If i need a quick overview of some AWS, Azure google cloud service i can type it in youtube see some code samples and know if it will be a fit for my need.

With China getting more into the semi and software business western companies can only fuck around once maybe twice depending on China's development speed. Because once western cloud compute providers are seen as untrustable Chinese cloud providers can jump into that hole.


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Another terrorist attack in Russia

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The Crimean Tatar organization "Atesh" , associated with the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, claimed responsibility for blowing up Zakhar Prilepin's car.

It should be noted that Atesh has been reporting a desire to blow up Prilepin since January of this year.
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