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Dont think this matches up with what (admittedly little) we know about Prigozhin. He's supposedly Putin's close ally, it would also not make sense he can have such a large army without Putin's approval.

Rather, maybe Prigozhin is being used by Putin to sideline other parts of the military such as Shoigu.

You should bear in mind that Prigozhin has no need whatsoever to communicate something as an open letter. Whatever he says is carefully decided to create a desired effect among outsiders.

Either way, the war is a good case study on why capitalist societies tend to fight bad once the fights get more difficult.
Prigozhin is more of Putin's henchman rather than ally. Everything he owns is thanks to Putin, his "business" lives off government procurement contracts and he knows if Putin is gone, then he will become a victim of shoddy window frames. There is no need for Putin to use someone like Prigozhin to sideline Shoigu because Shoigu is actually a close aide of Putin unless they fell out. Most likely Prigozhin is just trying to carve himself a better place under the sun using his current PR wave.


US Sets $500 Million for Taiwan Arms on Ukraine-Style Fast Track - Bloomberg

Sale marks first time US has used the authority for Taiwan
Pentagon and White House declined to comment on Friday

The Biden administration is pulling together a $500 million weapons package for Taiwan, using for the first time a fast-track authority that it has relied on to speed arms to Ukraine, people familiar with the matter said.

The package will involve sending existing stockpiles of US weapons or support equipment to Taiwan under what’s known as a Presidential Drawdown Authority, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing private deliberations. The equipment to be in the package wasn’t immediately known.
This will only screw up Ukraine. While weapons worth $500 million is a sizable amount for Ukraine, it's almost nothing for China, considering China's manufacturing prowess.

Two Hanjians specialized in "international" trade law and a Anglo think tanker wrote a book roadmap about how to change the Chinese economic model (state owned enterprises and subsidies) more to the liking of the US and its satrapies. To understand their way of thinking is not that difficult. China's economic model should be reformed to their neoliberal liking. A small inactive government doing nothing except the bare minimum. Fucking neoliberalism they intend to force upon everyone. Modern white mans burden & civilizing mission in the economic and political sphere. Discussed like doing a normal thing as a picnic.

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Any Chinese policymaker worth his or her salt knows that the correct path forward for China is doing the opposite of what Chinese liberals advocate and what neoliberalism and their institutions such as WTO prescribe.

There is still some hope for Japan.


Junior Member
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This will only screw up Ukraine. While weapons worth $500 million is a sizable amount for Ukraine, it's almost nothing for China, considering China's manufacturing prowess.

Any Chinese policymaker worth his or her salt knows that the correct path forward for China is doing the opposite of what Chinese liberals advocate and what neoliberalism and their institutions such as WTO prescribe.

There is still some hope for Japan.

The under 30's are quite pro China, this gives us hope that the Japan can be saved and that Xi knowing that Pakistan is a great ally, will nominate my candidature for President of JAV for life.


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Well, at least Tim Cook puts the money where his mouth is: iPhone 15 will be made in China. Decoupling is easier said than done.
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Some of the iPhone 15 will be in India. For the flagship iPhone 15 pro and pro max, those will be made in China. But some of these contract manufacturers will be forced to set up more plants in india.


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It is not even that. Who buys land and houses in Florida despite being non-residents? Rich people looking for another house in Miami. This is basically banning those people from bringing in money.
The problem here is that such a law passing. It is both idiotic (if the Chinese are that big of a threat they shouldn't buy anything from China) and it is naked racial discrimination
this bill alone of course would not affect many Chinese-Americans, but it is the message that it conveys to the American public that it is now acceptable to use state power to target specific groups in the country. the permissive use of state power will then translate into greater liberty with individual exercises. so yes this is a targeted bill, but it is also a green-light to start "going after the Chinese". either way i see it as unforced error and a win for CCP.


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this bill alone of course would not affect many Chinese-Americans, but it is the message that it conveys to the American public that it is now acceptable to use state power to target specific groups in the country. the permissive use of state power will then translate into greater liberty with individual exercises. so yes this is a targeted bill, but it is also a green-light to start "going after the Chinese". either way i see it as unforced error and a win for CCP.
Remember Korematsu vs US has never been overturned, and thus the USG can decide to intern specific undesirables legally. As long as it is for national security, all such measures are legal.


Lieutenant General

This is what's crazy about the West is they make crap up and they try to spin into real world costs. And China still has more money than the West worried about Chinese influence around the world. The West doesn't have the money or else they would be using it for their own influence yet China can still do it even when spending all this money spying on itself.


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There is many ways and many aspects to this, but the most fundamental question would be what is there right now?

Are there offensive weapons on those bases from the Americans pointed at China right now? The US military wants missiles on these sites, that is a open secret.

This is what I am saying.

When there are actual US missiles on Philippines bases, then they will be attacked and annihilated, in case that becomes involved in a war with China.

Until then, the game is different.

So I would say we need to see some offensive weapons there on the Philippines base, before CCP turns up the hostility.

================== =================

Now, this is what I really think, and it was something I read on the internet.

Remember when China invaded Vietnam under Deng's orders.

A similar situation can happen here, we just need another Vietnam candidate, and today those would be Australia, Canada, or the Philippines.

China should create some sort of major military incident with one of those candidates,, and just see how everyone responds.

If they want to fuck around, let's fuck around, you know.

But, there are two problems with this, arriving at this goal for the CCP.

1) Those vassal are not completely dumb. They remember what happened to Vietnam. It was abandoned by the Soviets, like how the Americans abandoned it.

2) Those vassal kind of know they are in the crosshairs of such a scenario, and will be far more cautious. That would deny the opportunity for China to come down hard on one of them.

Some Australian commentators thought Australia was going to be the Vietnam example. But the new leader kind of improving relations with China, so they are out as a candidate for now.

Canada is kind of clueless, not what to do with them. That leaves the prime candidate the Philippines.

Currently if the reports are to believed, China Coast Guard and paramilitary boats number over 100 in sensitive areas in the South China Sea near the Philippines. Seems to me, they are ready to start the dredging to create more islands.

Those islands, the current ones, and hopefully new ones, will be very important if Philippines get involved in a Taiwan war. Those island are big, and heavily defended. Those islands will launch the attacks on Philippines bases to annihilate them.

Marcos Jr is not that dumb. He's knows what is going on, and he knows he does not have a strong hand. He wants the Americans to counterbalance the Chinese on the South China Sea issue, but the Americans are only interested in the Taiwan card.

So, that is how I see the game now, and how it could evolve.

China Coast Guard today is openly bullying the much small Philippines Coast Guard, and the CCP absolutely don't give a shit about that. They want it to happen.

I personally suspect they want the the Americans to show up in the South China Sea to defend the Philippines from the bullying.

We all saw the recent pictures of those incidents, and there were more than one, and probably be a few more soon.

The non-complicated way is all in effort to hit the US dollar , the rest will crumbles.
This will only screw up Ukraine. While weapons worth $500 million is a sizable amount for Ukraine, it's almost nothing for China, considering China's manufacturing prowess.

Any Chinese policymaker worth his or her salt knows that the correct path forward for China is doing the opposite of what Chinese liberals advocate and what neoliberalism and their institutions such as WTO prescribe.

There is still some hope for Japan.
With aging population, a war will mean sending the remaining young people to meat grinder... what future is Japan fighting for?