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Different groups of people with different motives for each one. Although a few thousands and tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from China with 1.4 billion of people are just not a big deal except for those MSM and hanjians that want to badmouth China.

Christian religious fanatics or just some religious fanatics that were totally brainwashed with no brain cell left.
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Political fanatics that still live in yesteryear.
Many Chinese activists still think highly of the US. I can't find the article but one of them gave an interview about the disappointment of being put in jail in Texas and taking months to get to the NYC and working at uber with other part time jobs. Many of them can't and refuse to live a normal lives in China so it might be the best for them.

TikTok instigates a group of people that have no idea of hardship.
Most of them claim to be e-tailers or movie producers(tiktok entertainers if I had to guess). They learned about this route to the US and were encouraged to do so.

Job seekers, Seeking jobs and a better future in the US.
Most of them would travel the US by legitimate means but some of them use smugglers to get them into the US. Lately, some of them might take a less expensive way to get to the US.

Most of them plan to stay in the US in the long term but some would go back after a few years. Working 12-14 hours per day 6 days per week non-stop in middle of no where for 5-6K per month or working in or near NYC for 3K per month. It is difficult way to make a living but most of them use to be farmers. For those that aren't farmers or hard labors, they would have a tough time to adapt.
Stupidity, at no point in the Bible are they encourage to run subterfuge for a foreign power nor does it condone this level of hypocrisy, yet these so called Christians claim to be righteous and just while completely failing to understand the lessons of the Bible. Oh well, nothing of value is lost, when the USA collapses, may these naughty little sh!ts suck it up and enjoy being in the land of the free and home of the brave because considering that the USA claims that God blesses the nation that practices all kinds of evil and yet these Chinese Christians ignore and support such evils because it’s America performing them, all I can say is when the judgment of the lord comes and it doesn’t benefit this evil people, may they find the peace they wish for and give us all a break from their idiotic traitorous hypocrisy and madness that seems to have engulfed all these people to the point where they are no different from the FLG, which also came from America and….. God damn these fu@king evil Americans and their satanic followers…. Seriously…. May they rot in hell


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What decoupling? You are getting old mate. Its called "de-risking" now
Let's define what the wests define as China risks:

1. Advanced Industrialization Global Warning

2. Huawei/Tik Tok/ Semiconductor/Tech success National security threat

3. Low crime rate Surveillance state

4. Anti-terrorism success Xinjiang repression

5.Space exploration success Military Threat

6. Belt and Road Success Debt Trap

7. Low Covid Death Authoritarian regime

8. Successful Military modernization Military technology theft

9. Return of Hong Kong Threat to human rights

10. One China Policy/Taiwan Threat to Democracy


Registered Member
UK folks are asked to swear allegiance to king Charles, they may be swearing, but not an allegiance.

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A Royal Coronation Screw-Up

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April 26, 2023

Indisputably, Britain today does not resemble, even remotely, the country that over seventy years ago crowned as its Sovereign Charles’ mother, the late Queen

One almost feels sympathy for the good-for-nothing Charles, who seems determined on the Crown’s behalf to commit institutional suicide even before he formally ascends to the throne and his brief reign commences. After an interminably long and frustrating wait comparable to that of his predecessor Edward VII, errors of judgement borne of impatience should perhaps be treated leniently. However, Charles’ looney coronation plans demonstrate that after the decades he has had to prepare for his tasks and maturely think them through, he has in fact forgotten everything that his mother’s courtiers must have taught him, or, even worse, that he learned nothing from them. If this assessment is correct, he and his dynasty are destined for oblivion like the Bourbons, whose colossal obtuseness he is foolishly replicating.

To the extent that anyone is interested in the forthcoming coronation, the topic that has caught the imagination of the British public is not the act itself, but Charles’ gratuitous intent to rock the monarchy’s boat by radically reconfiguring the traditional coronation ceremony. To the consternation of many and strong disapproval of the Church of England, of which he will become the head once he is crowned, Charles has decided that for him it is too confining to be merely the “Defender of faith” (whatever even that may mean in the Anglican context). He now wants to extend his spiritual jurisdiction by acting as the “Defender of faiths,” in the plural. Before the obvious question is even raised, what exactly is that supposed to mean, Charles has supplied the answer. He wants to scrub the unmistakably Christian character of the traditional coronation ceremony and to substitute for it a rite that would be a pot-pourri of diverse “faiths” that henceforth the British monarch should presumably act as the defender of.

Indisputably, Britain today does not resemble, even remotely, the country that over seventy years ago crowned as its Sovereign Charles’ mother, the late Queen, and no one in their right mind would assert that the changes have been for the better. As British writer Paul Kingsnorth frankly points out,
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(a situation Kingsnorth has been fortunate to escape by becoming an Orthodox Christian). It is true that British society now consists of numerous non-Christian constituencies, that religious indifference and dabbling in eastern and sundry cults are rampant, and that those who still profess the Christian faith (and Anglicanism in particular) are a small and timid minority. But will it help Charles and the monarchy to secure their position in a changing world if in the maniacal quest for relevance the king insists on dissolving the historic identity of the very institution he personifies?

Another way of putting the same question is to ask of what benefit has it been to the Catholic Church to pursue relevance by removing the props from under its traditional teaching and practice? The answer is self-evident today, sixty years later, in the form of the disarray into which that ancient institution has collapsed.

Sober minded Britons, who still care about the preservation of their country’s traditions and its cultural coherence, are trying to tell Charles as much. The monarchy by definition must be
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, which makes it incompatible with modernity. Moreover, as even the avowed unbeliever but staunch traditionalist, royal historian Prof. David Starkey (who with British humour described himself as a “High-Church atheist) cogently points out, “
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in the sense of the body of the service.” Theologian and believing Christian Dr. Gavin Ashenden ominously agrees with Starkey that should Charles frivolously contaminate his coronation liturgy with invocations of other “gods” and “faiths,”
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Disillusioned British armed forces veterans are considering
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should such an abomination ever come to pass. That over half of polled Britons are unwilling to pay for Charles’ coronation from the public treasury certainly adds to the awkwardness of the festivities, but it is the least of the king’s problems right now.

The tempest which Charles’ ill-advised and ill-timed tinkering with tradition is causing suggests that at least a part of the British public are not brain dead. It is encouraging testimony that there still are some glimmers of hope that England may not be entirely lost. Its spirit surely is broken however if hare-brained ideas that only recently no sensible member of the British Establishment would have dared to whisper are now casually bandied about, and in the highest circles.

That it is even conceivable that Shiva or Gaia might be honoured with equal reverence that is accorded to Jesus Christ, in this or some future British coronation, indicates the gravity of the moral and identitarian crisis that is eroding the foundations of the once seemingly impregnable British system of custom and governance. Whether the new “Defender” upholds or discards the objections of the Church of England, a body whose own fidelity to tradition and moral and theological rectitude leaves far too much to be desired, the suggestion has been tabled and the genie has now been let out of the bottle. And that was done precisely by the party who should have been the most keenly interested to keep it safely in.

What all this plainly amounts to is a breakdown of the system, from the very pinnacle on down.

The simple truth is that under the allure of modernity the royal family’s disintegration began while the late Queen, who probably was the last model of selfless and unconditional service the British monarchy will ever again produce, was still alive. Her unworthy progeny have failed dismally and in every sense to emulate her. The Queen was a creature of transcendence and tradition, her children and grandchildren are creatures of shallow modernity and spoiled narcissism. Not a single one of them has managed to carve out a useful role or to find a stable partner with whom to maintain an enduring marriage. Their lurid scandals have brought the institution they represent into irreparable disrepute. Indeed, as has Charles, the current head of that dysfunctional household, they also, and without exception, have succumbed to the siren call of modernity, which inevitably brings the monarchy to ruin.

It would be inaccurate to say that the disarray evident in the top echelons is proof that the Perfidious Albion is no more. Elements of the nefarious machine that has brought death and misery to many nations will continue to function to the detriment of mankind for a while longer, or at least until a
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. But the human factor, which had once made Britain “great” although in the most negative sense of that word, is now in full and irreversible decay.

The imbecility of the ruling class makes the established system unsustainable. It would be a mistake to underestimate its remaining potential for wickedness, but it would also be an error to attribute too much to it based on past, unrepeatable exploits. Professor Panarin naively committed that error when he suggested that Harry’s ostensible separation from the royal family and migration to the West Coast with his stupid wife (compared to Meghan, Wallis Simpson was a sophisticated intellectual) is actually more than meets the eye, a clever intrigue, cover for a secret mission entrusted to him by MI6.

No, there is a more natural hypothesis to explain it. Harry is not a secret British operative on a mission but
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, like the rest of his royal relatives and fellow members of the Establishment. He is not on confidential assignment and has no covert mission to perform. His actual and very public mission, like that of his presumed father and his half-brother, is to complete Britain’s self-destruction.


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Look at how the AMERICAN-COCK SUCKING MEDIA in the PH are treating the local fisherman's version of truth regarding his story that CHINESE COAST GUARD/PATROL ARE NOT HARASSING HIM. But since that fisherman's story does not FIT THE COMMIE Narrative, his story is IGNORED/SILENCED.

What angers me the most is that PH and its leaders are being led by hoodlums and shitty politicians all are ready to leave the country at moments notice when god forbid when the shit hits the fan. No elected leaders sons and daughters along with all the military officers of that country are serving in the PH military. It's always the poor and the ignorant of any country that will take the brunt of their leaders arrogance, cowardice, and callousness.

never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. All I see are endless pickachu faces when war breaks out and it doesnt go there way.


Lieutenant General
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Look at how the AMERICAN-COCK SUCKING MEDIA in the PH are treating the local fisherman's version of truth regarding his story that CHINESE COAST GUARD/PATROL ARE NOT HARASSING HIM. But since that fisherman's story does not FIT THE COMMIE Narrative, his story is IGNORED/SILENCED.

What angers me the most is that PH and its leaders are being led by hoodlums and shitty politicians all are ready to leave the country at moments notice when god forbid when the shit hits the fan. No elected leaders sons and daughters along with all the military officers of that country are serving in the PH military. It's always the poor and the ignorant of any country that will take the brunt of their leaders arrogance, cowardice, and callousness.

Chill out.

One week break.


Registered Member
Look at how the AMERICAN-COCK SUCKING MEDIA in the PH are treating the local fisherman's version of truth regarding his story that CHINESE COAST GUARD/PATROL ARE NOT HARASSING HIM. But since that fisherman's story does not FIT THE COMMIE Narrative, his story is IGNORED/SILENCED.

What angers me the most is that PH and its leaders are being led by hoodlums and shitty politicians all are ready to leave the country at moments notice when god forbid when the shit hits the fan. No elected leaders sons and daughters along with all the military officers of that country are serving in the PH military. It's always the poor and the ignorant of any country that will take the brunt of their leaders arrogance, cowardice, and callousness.

Oh well, Duterte had a good run. The only man who had balls and tried to turn Philippines back into a sovereign country

Unfortunately their political system is just too entrenched with US assets

On a side note, the pro-PRC candidate of Paraguay lost. A bit of a pity considering the polls put him head to head


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More info from the HIMARS in PH

HIMARS’ Failure To Hit Its Target

To simulate a real-world scenario in which troops have to sink an adversary ship, the first HIMARS rocket was targeted at the center mast of the vessel to take out its communication system, while the rest of the five rounds were intended to sink it.

However, the first shot missed the target because the vessel was drifting and “was not in the correct location,” as announced by US military personnel. The first shot missed the target vessel by approximately six to nine meters, while the five other shots hit different points.

A second set of HIMARS rockets were then prepared for firing while the CIFEC calculated the new position of BRP Pangasinan; however, an aerial intruder was detected by the US and Philippine military radars, which delayed the exercise by a few minutes.
"aerial intruder"


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Rumours about what will be agreed between US - Philippines in Marcos' visit to the US

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Biden to reassure Philippines' Marcos as China tensions flare​

WASHINGTON, May 1 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden and Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will agree on Monday to new guidelines aimed at strengthening military cooperation, said U.S. officials, underscoring a dramatic turnaround in U.S.-Philippine relations over the past year.
The new guidelines focus on military coordination across land, sea, air, space and cyberspace, while the administration will also transfer three C-130 aircraft and look to send additional patrol vessels.
Biden will also reaffirm the countries' 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty, which calls for the United States to act in the event of an armed attack on the Philippine military, said the officials in a briefing for reporters.
The meeting comes as part of a four-day U.S. visit by Marcos that started on Sunday, the first by a Philippine president in more than 10 years.
Experts say the United States considers the Philippines a potential location for rockets, missiles and artillery systems to counter a Chinese amphibious assault.