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That is why I do not pay attention to what the Americans say.

It is totally bonkers. Like the American government are complete shitheads.

The Americans say they are upholding security arrangements with these Philippines basing agreements in regards to Taiwan.

China this week, blocks another resupply run by the Philippines to their island inhabitants, and China flies a new drone all around the island of Taiwan circling it once and only once.

Let's see what happens next week or next month.



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At the current moment, China doesn't seem to pursue an attempted nuclear victory posture, it is just content to sit at MAD with USA like in the past.

China's most cutting edge first strike technologies can also be used in conventional strike, and it is probably in the conventional domain where Beijing will focus.

MAD can only protect the core lands of the country, which is a fluent concept but nevertheless real. For example, if America occupied Taiwan or some random SCS island, it would be commonly accepted that China would not nuclear attack over it. Likewise, if China occupied Guam and Okinawa, America would be commonly accepted as not initiating nuclear attacks over it.

The battlefields of the future will be not on the core territory of nuclear powers, but on disputed areas and inside subordinate countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, the Koreas etc, with nuclear weapons acting as a guardrail.
Taiwan is a very wealthy and highly populated area. It would be equivalent San Francisco or LA getting attacked.


Registered Member
Philippines is the odd man out.

Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, what these three countries have in common is that this past month or two all of them are deepening their monetary relationship with China, to use more Yuan and local currencies in their trade.

Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, firmly in the orbit of the Chinese economy, and everyone is along for the ride.

Myanmar, too isolated, needs China.

Singapore and Burnei, they have a voice but really are too small, they will follow along to what the majority wants.

ASEAN is integrating with China in more and more ways, except for one country who invited a well known belligerent to be more involved in the region. The Philippines is totally isolated with ASEAN. For ASEAN, the Philippines could be the new Myanmar.

If China wants a confrontation with the Americans, this is the place to do it, because Philippines is so isolated.

In short, everyone is playing their own game here. China would want to leverage this small incident for a wider global audience for a global impact. Philippines just a player in a small but real dispute with extremely narrow goals. America, no one knows what the plan is, as they say America does not have a China strategy.
It's worth considering that Thailand, the Philippines, South Korea, Japan and white Asian country (Australia) that are TREATY ALLIES of the U.S. only the Philippines seem hell bent on trying to ignite some sort of conflict/show of force against China/PLAN due to their now claimed victory against China regarding their case filed at a UN tribunal. Not to mention, they (Philippines) have up the ante by playing up their 150,000 Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) in Taiwan as their causus belli for entering the Taiwan vs mainland China conflict.

Most important factor in all of this is the upcoming shortage/rising prices of rice that the Philippines is actually importing heavily from neighboring countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), China, and India. If the conflict arises all of the imports of rice and other important goods will be blocked and then what? The country and it's people will be in world of hurt all for the islets that they don't have any tech to even utilize, not to mention investments that they need to fully realize whatever is under the disputed islets of Scarborough shoals etc.

Filipinos I find are too emotional and rarely if ever uses their brains to assess where they actually stand in geopolitical ladder and standing. They have swallowed the American propaganda wholly without reservation and or question which is why they are fully embracing all the American overtures to them like some cheap you know what that passport bros are known for coming in that country.


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Dutch court orders sperm donor to stop after 550 children

  • The man, who is accused of lying to families about the number of offspring he has fathered, faces a US$110,000 fine and other penalties for every transgression
  • Being part of a huge, unchosen ‘kinship network’ could have consequences for the children, including psychological problems around identity and fears of incest
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The dude basically virgin birth 550 children.



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Most important factor in all of this is the upcoming shortage/rising prices of rice that the Philippines is actually importing heavily from neighboring countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), China, and India. If the conflict arises all of the imports of rice and other important goods will be blocked and then what? The country and it's people will be in world of hurt all for the islets that they don't have any tech to even utilize, not to mention investments that they need to fully realize whatever is under the disputed islets of Scarborough shoals etc.

Filipinos I find are too emotional and rarely if ever uses their brains to assess where they actually stand in geopolitical ladder and standing. They have swallowed the American propaganda wholly without reservation and or question which is why they are fully embracing all the American overtures to them like some cheap you know what that passport bros are known for coming in that country.
Same thing with Australia and where they get their oil:
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Bloomberg. Wow.

Be grateful we colonized you out of the goodness of our hearts!


Registered Member
Same thing with Australia and where they get their oil:
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Bloomberg. Wow.

Be grateful we colonized you out of the goodness of our hearts!
That's why I find countries like Australia, Japan, South Korea and other would be chihuahuas in Europe quite retarded and delusional in their thinking, not to mention their brain dead approach with China. If I was in their shoes, I would shut my mouth, says the right thing publicly but work diligently privately against their greatest perceived threat that's China to buy time and make strategic preparation in a conflict that they're hell bent on pursuing. Make China rely on key industries and lull the country, most importantly it's businesses not invest in key industries that their own President (Xi Jinping) had been advocating for independence and development since he announced the visionary plan of MIC 2025. But due to the immense arrogance, hubris, and ignorance of the west and it's ilk they went public with a loudspeaker on their intentions to deny, disrupt, and even destroy China's rightful desire to become a highly developed economy, with advanced technology. As a result, the naive more like greedy Chinese business elites finally saw Jesus and embraced Xi Jinping's admonition and call for tech independence and as we are seeing today the Chinese are going out full tilt in ensuring that they will not be stopped in the pursuit of prosperity and reunification with the island of Taiwan.

The only anchor that holds the choleric groupings the west and it's vassals have against China is the U.S. and if unfortunately the Americans commit it's forces against China in the war for scarborough shoals in SCS and or Taiwan and loses badly then all these so-called allies would fall out of the wayside like dominoes.


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U.S. Arms Warplanes With ‘Bunker Busting’ Bombs in Message to Iran​

The U.S. military is for the first time putting 250-pound “bunker busting” bombs on attack aircraft recently sent to the Middle East, American officials said, in the latest move to deter Iran.

The decision to put more powerful weapons on a squadron of A-10 Warthogs was designed to give pilots a greater chance of success in destroying ammunition bunkers and other entrenched targets in Iraq and Syria, where U.S. forces have been repeatedly targeted by Iran-backed fighters, the officials said.

The move marks the first time that the U.S. military will put these precision-guided weapons on board the Warthogs, which were recently refitted so that they could each carry up to 16 bunker busters, known formally as GBU-39/B bombs.
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>On the Chinese side, because of censorship and because of the Great Firewall, it’s very difficult for us to project the true sense of what our government believes in, what it’s trying to do, what Congress is doing, or what the average American is thinking about China. Google and Facebook and YouTube are not permitted to operate here. And as the American ambassador, I am not allowed to print an unedited op-ed in the People’s Daily, the way that the Chinese ambassador to the United States is welcome to print op-eds in our press. So all of us here worry that the Chinese people often aren’t able to get a true picture of who we are as a society because of all these because of all these barriers.

That was a Grade A amerimutt moment