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Lieutenant General
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It's interesting how Macron stupidly remarked over this. Apparently Allah is okay to make into a caricature but not Australian special forces. Yeah human rights violating Australian soldiers are not allowed to be made fun of. Yes, Western countries do not dare make light of these crimes so they'll speak up only because of an artist rendering. They like hiding behind the free expression of artists until it doesn't suit them. If it weren't for China, this would've been buried by the West. Personally, I haven't seen anything of this reported on US TV news channels. The only thing I've seen is the story of the US helicopter pilot reporting on how he was picking up Australian soldiers and their prisoners and the pilot told them they had one too many people to fit on the helicopter so then they shot and killed one of the prisoners. The US pilot reported them yet did you see all this whining against the US? I don't even know if that was a whole part of this because the US media made the US pilot out to be an good person reporting on Australian soldiers.

I like this turn in Beijing. I just hope this isn't just a one-time event. China should comment on everything that happens in Western countries. China didn't make up these human rights crimes by Australia. They reported it themselves and that's the most powerful propaganda that can be use against them.


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It's interesting how Macron stupidly remarked over this.
Napoleon wannabe is trying to flex his muscles everywhere these days in Libya, Mediterranean, Turkey and even Armenia where he has no business at all. Now against China too? Ppl actually think that's it because US told them to. I disagree, i think its because White Nations in general cannot tolerate any colored nation raising their voice against them.

The thing that annoys White Nations most about China is that China beats them everywhere. Economy, Military, Political stability and most importantly Social stability.
There's literally nothing these racists can do about it and that pisses them off and hence the meltdown on social media.


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Napoleon wannabe is trying to flex his muscles everywhere these days in Libya, Mediterranean, Turkey and even Armenia where he has no business at all. Now against China too? Ppl actually think that's it because US told them to. I disagree, i think its because White Nations in general cannot tolerate any colored nation raising their voice against them.

The thing that annoys White Nations most about China is that China beats them everywhere. Economy, Military, Political stability and most importantly Social stability.
There's literally nothing these racists can do about it and that pisses them off and hence the meltdown on social media.

Macron is a white supremacist. He once remarked Europe extended all the way to Vladivostok. He must think if a place is conquered by white men it automatically becomes part of Europe.


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I agree. When Japan was chasing USA for GDP, it was forced at gunpoint to sign the Plaza Accord, tanking Japan's economy. But Japan couldn't do anything, because Japan alone couldn't take on the whole Western world (even though Japanese are smart like us heh). But China is much bigger than Japan, and China by itself can stand up to the Western world. And the Western world can't do anything about it, and they're not used to it. Their ability to exploit other countries is now threatened. They're not happy.
Japan's leaders chose enslavement for crumbs at the white anglos' table-not that they had any other choice, when Plaza was signed, they were ganged up on by europe and america and the soviets were trying to buddy up with america under glasnost.
It's because of this humiliating surrender (again) to the white anglos that some in japan kinda want China to also become similarly enslaved so that they don't have to bear the burden of shame of allowing white nations to continue raping their country.

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Just as Morrison and the Australians try to make amends with china to they don't deep six the australian economy, the australian government does this:

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Lieutenant General
If you want a current example of western coordinated propaganda disinformation drive, all you need to do is take note of how the entire western MSM insist on calling the artwork in question ‘doctored/fake photograph’ when it is clearly a piece of original art. The fact that it is digitally created is irrelevant to its status as an original artwork.

If this was really a ‘doctored photo’ as the western MSM is claiming, you can bet they would have shown the original photo right beside the ‘doctored’ image to underscore their point.

If anyone wants to insist it is a doctored picture, ask them for them original it was doctored from. They won’t be able to because, and I need to stress this point, it’s not a doctored picture but an original piece of artwork.

That is the only way the west can fight this without being so transparently hypocritical even their heavily brainwashed western audiences cannot help but notice.

See how they are using fake news and disinformation to change the narrative and nature of the dispute?

The fact that western MSM uniformly tells this same lie is proof positive that when it comes to foreign policy, they are all centrally directed irrespective of their differing domestic politics.


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If you want a current example of western coordinated propaganda disinformation drive, all you need to do is take note of how the entire western MSM insist on calling the artwork in question ‘doctored/fake photograph’ when it is clearly a piece of original art. The fact that it is digitally created is irrelevant to its status as an original artwork.

If this was really a ‘doctored photo’ as the western MSM is claiming, you can bet they would have shown the original photo right beside the ‘doctored’ image to underscore their point.

If anyone wants to insist it is a doctored picture, ask them for them original it was doctored from. They won’t be able to because, and I need to stress this point, it’s not a doctored picture but an original piece of artwork.

That is the only way the west can fight this without being so transparently hypocritical even their heavily brainwashed western audiences cannot help but notice.

See how they are using fake news and disinformation to change the narrative and nature of the dispute?

The fact that western MSM uniformly tells this same lie is proof positive that when it comes to foreign policy, they are all centrally directed irrespective of their differing domestic politics.
australian and western MSM are trying to paint Morrison's plea for talks with China as a reasonable gesture...never mind the past 2 years of bullying Chinese journalists and sabotaging Chinese investment and sending warships to the SCS. Truly, reasonable indeed.
What Morrison wants is for 'dialogue' so he can say to the Australian people- who are going to want answers for why the trade relationship with China is in free fall- so he can say to the Australian people "see? look! i am trying to make good on trade!"

Happily, i can see that the Chinese side are not responding to his calls for trade talks, unless the 14 points are satisfied.
They remain unsatisfied, so unhappy Canberra interns can keep dialling China and getting voicemail.


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australian and western MSM are trying to paint Morrison's plea for talks with China as a reasonable gesture...never mind the past 2 years of bullying Chinese journalists and sabotaging Chinese investment and sending warships to the SCS. Truly, reasonable indeed.
What Morrison wants is for 'dialogue' so he can say to the Australian people- who are going to want answers for why the trade relationship with China is in free fall- so he can say to the Australian people "see? look! i am trying to make good on trade!"

Happily, i can see that the Chinese side are not responding to his calls for trade talks, unless the 14 points are satisfied.
They remain unsatisfied, so unhappy Canberra interns can keep dialling China and getting voicemail.

Never back down to these white supremacists.


Registered Member
Never back down to these white supremacists.

I hate people with slit eyes and pigtails. I don't like the look of them or the smell of them – but I suppose it does no great harm to have a look at them. - Winston Churchill

The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European but an Asiatic and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese and, from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. - General George S Patton
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Junior Member
Registered Member
I hate people with slit eyes and pigtails. I don't like the look of them or the smell of them – but I suppose it does no great harm to have a look at them. - Winston Churchill

The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European but an Asiatic and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese and, from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. - General George S Patton

The dangerous thing is people say thats X number years ago, things have changed...

Actually human nature cannot change, and recent Trump phenonmenon has proven without a doubt that white superiority is alive and in fact now stronger than ever before