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Problem is I dont think it will work, at best US drags everyone down, but there will be no winners and it wont Make America Great Again
It worked enough to get americans convinced that COVID-19 was a bioweapon from Wuhan, until actual scientific research proved COVID was running rampant in america as far back as Dec 2019; even if biden refocuses on russia, there's enough of a latent racial angst against China for a future Pompeo/Drumpf 2024 election to revive the new race war.

A race war for america:
1) diverts public anger and attention against a foreign outsiders and besides, asian americans are already a marginalised group, though they did swing the election against trump
2) more profits for arms companies, just ask ASPI and Raytheon
3) hopefully keeps russia divided from China (this is key to maintaining american power)
4) comes naturally for americans as culturally, there has always been a fear of asians with a subtle desire propagated in editorials, of a great huwhite alliance to fight against the asiatic forces. Just look at the EU's recent attempt to make peace with Biden so they can gang up against China.

In fact, a race war helps the EU as well for the same reasons-hence why the cold war depicted russians as 'asiatics' rather than the europeans that they are. Macron himself wants to turn russian for the same huwhite race war that the anglos want.

Mr T

Senior Member
You are aware that sort of censorship happens all the time already?

When was the last time a Chinese diplomat's tweet was deleted? Hell, when was the last time any diplomat's tweet was deleted? It may have happened, but it's hardly common.

Twitter putting notes on Trump's tweets was extreme action because normally social media companies do not want to get drawn into accusations they're politically biased if the person is a serving official/politician - but they still weren't deleted. Had he just been Donald Trump businessman action against him would have been taken sooner. But whilst he's President he's had special treatment, as other heads of state and diplomats do.

Hence Wechat deleting a message from the Australian PM during a diplomatic dispute - when the message was not abusive - is pretty petty. Indeed the fact that Wechat justified deleting it on the basis it "confused" the public shows there wasn't really anything wrong with the message other than it potentially undermined the CCP's narrative that all the fault in the diplomatic breakdown lies with Australia.

Heaps of youtube channels I follow get demonetised immediately after posting video and I regularly get unsubscribed to them for no reason.

Were these Youtube channels hosted by Chinese diplomats or politicians? My guess is probably not.

See above. The issue isn't so much censorship, it's censoring a non-abusive message from another country's leader. As I said, if the same happened to Chinese diplomats and politicians, Chinese netizens would be screaming blue murder.
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Nobonita Barua

Senior Member
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When was the last time a Chinese diplomat's tweet was deleted? Hell, when was the last time any diplomat's tweet was deleted? It may have happened, but it's hardly common.

Twitter putting notes on Trump's tweets was extreme action because normally social media companies do not want to get drawn into accusations they're politically biased if the person is a serving official/politician - but they still weren't deleted. Had he just been Donald Trump businessman action against him would have been taken sooner. But whilst he's President he's had special treatment, as other heads of state and diplomats do.

Were these Youtube channels hosted by Chinese diplomats or politicians? My guess is probably not.
Did you try putting image depicting Kent state saga?Or bonus army protest? Or US military killing native americans?

I had my dozens of accounts banned in different forums for putting those. I posted comments about those in YouTube, Facebook's comment's section, all of them mysteriously vanished. That when i used to use those.

Mr T

Senior Member
I had my dozens of accounts banned in different forums for putting those.

Are you a Chinese diplomat or politician? My guess is that you're not.

No reasonable person can argue it's ok to censor the Australian PM on the grounds he's trying to break the CCP's narrative, purely on the basis that people like you have been moderated. When high-ranking politicians are trying to get their message across in a way that doesn't break a platform's policies they shouldn't be censored, just as Chinese diplomats shouldn't be censored for criticising other countries.

If you would prefer, Twitter and other social media groups could just delete any confrontational/critical messages from Chinese diplomats in the future. But don't cry about it if it ever happens.

Mr T

Senior Member
I think I figured out what the T in Mr T stands for

It stands for Tureaud, but other acceptable words are "Talented", "Terrific" and "Tremendous".

Its obvious the US is the one who wanted to force wechat and tiktok to sell

Except that the "US" is not agreed on the subject. Indeed, it was US judges who blocked Trump's executive orders taking effect immediate. Not Chinese judges or CCP politicians. I've got no idea what will happen next, but if the sales do not proceed and Wechat/Tiktok remain accessible it will be down to the actions of Americans.

somehow China's wechat is to blame for Australia militarizing hypersonic weapons

I'm not aware that the Australian PM made any reference to weapon development in his (deleted) wechat message. Did he conceal a microdot there only you noticed?

Nobonita Barua

Senior Member
Registered Member
Are you a Chinese diplomat or politician? My guess is that you're not.
No, I am not

No reasonable person can argue it's ok to censor the Australian PM on the grounds he's trying to break the CCP's narrative
I think that's very reasonable to censor Australian PM who was trying to falsify CCP's right on the mark narrative.

purely on the basis that people like you have been moderated.
I couldn't make any meaning out of that. People like me have been moderated?
I thought in your democratic disney, i am the government. How can i can be moderated yet some PM, can't be?
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Lieutenant General
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Guys ... take this as a very strict and clear - in fact FINAL - warning:

Political threads and discussions are NOT allowed in this forum,this thread clearly says:

Breaking & World News! III NO DISCUSSION!!

... all the last posts are either pure political, provocative or even personnel insulting and as such, I'm close to closing this thread.

By the way I have the feeling that certain new members are here in not a single reason to discuss this forum's core interest, namely "Sino Defence" and are more or less only active in such threads. This MUST end even at the cost of certain members, who are only here for deliberately ignoring the forum's rules and political discussion.

Take care but stop with this.