Miscellaneous News


Senior Member
China didn't even ban coal, gas, education, and tourism yet. Iron ore would be the last on the list to be banned. Brazil iron ore production would take a few years to ramp up. African high quality iron ore mines require substantial investment in the logistic and infrastructure before making a difference. Banning iron ore now wouldn't do China any good. Just go through other items on the list first, Australia coal export to China is worth 17 Billion, gas export worth another 14 billion, education and tourism is another 17 billion. If Australia decided to ban exports of iron ore, then China would have no choice but to ramp up domestic production but at the moment banning Australia iron ore is just self-inflicted wound.
I would love to see they even attempt to ban iron ore sales to China, its the same as killing wa state economy, they might even want to secede from australia lol
If they go that far, then its time for China to ban rare earth export too


Registered Member
China didn't even ban coal, gas, education, and tourism yet. Iron ore would be the last on the list to be banned. Brazil iron ore production would take a few years to ramp up. African high quality iron ore mines require substantial investment in the logistic and infrastructure before making a difference. Banning iron ore now wouldn't do China any good. Just go through other items on the list first, Australia coal export to China is worth 17 Billion, gas export worth another 14 billion, education and tourism is another 17 billion. If Australia decided to ban exports of iron ore, then China would have no choice but to ramp up domestic production but at the moment banning Australia iron ore is just self-inflicted wound.
Hi KYli,

A good analogy, Australian is bringing a boomerang to the fight while China had an option of bringing a Chinese sword , Chinese spear, battle axe , a Halberd spear and a crossbow. So China has multiple ways to hurt Australia, while the Aussie option is limited and if not used properly (boomerang) it may hit you back.


Registered Member
I would love to see they even attempt to ban iron ore sales to China, its the same as killing wa state economy, they might even want to secede from australia lol
If they go that far, then its time for China to ban rare earth export too
Very soon, every business leader and state leader is going to want his head on a plate. His days are numbered given these actions are anti globalist and as you can see with the USA, those actions of isolating the nation and attacking foreign investors (Chinese businesses in the USA) are costing the USA their economy and power and I am pretty sure now that his actions are going to give the labor party a massive boost. Especially in the coming months when the unemployment number skyrocket and since the labor party can see the writing on the wall and since Scott Morrison is pulling a Trump, he is making this nation much more unsafe.

Until biden admin is willing to purchase all australian wine, barley, beef, coal sanctioned by China, then its only lip service
His actions are already turning business leaders/corporations against him as he is potentially sinking the Australian economy for no good reason and with absolutely no buyers, they will prop up anyone that can fix this situation. If the students don't come back to Australia to continue study and no more goods are being bought, well There is going to be a massive drop in revenue and then everyone will suffer.
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Registered Member
Banning Australia undergraduate degrees should be first on the list.

Graduate degrees ok tho.

We’ll see if Australia ban Chinese students.

They can confiscate Chinese properties n whatever. Kinda fault of those Chinese to put all their eggs in one basket.

As diaspora Chinese we must diversify our wealth well due to constant persecution.


Lieutenant General
I would love to see they even attempt to ban iron ore sales to China, its the same as killing wa state economy, they might even want to secede from australia lol
If they go that far, then its time for China to ban rare earth export too

Australia doesn’t produce anything worthwhile for rare earth bans to be effective against them.

They are already squirming from existing economic measures, and to be honest, the existing measures are still only limited ones.

Further tightening of those economic restrictions will yield more pain for Australia, especially those in tourism and education will have a massive impact once Covid restrictions are lifted and Australian tourism and high education remains dead due to zero Chinese coming over. That will be when the pain really starts, because right now those industries are effectively dead already due to Covid, and are relying on massive state aim to remain in life support. Just see how long Australia can afford to keep pumping money to support these industries post Covid.

Speaking of money, China could also effectively ban all Chinese investment in Australia, and stop all Australian dollar ForEx swaps for Chinese individuals and companies to further enhance existing economic bans.

Hell, China could pass laws making it illegal for Chinese individuals and companies to buy anything or sell anything from or to Australia, and make Australia China’s Cuba.

Unlike Trump’s for-show trade war, China has been careful to cause itself minimal pain while inflicting maximum damage on Australia. That means that China could keep these measures up pretty much indefinitely without much, if any noticeable ill effects.

If Australians want to be stubborn fools and keep doubling down, well China can just sit back and watch them commit economic suicide and follow Japan into stagnation and lost decades. All the while China is making moves to diversify and expand production of banned Australian products elsewhere, and in a few years at most, those bans will become effectively locked in as Chinese investments in raw material production yield fruit and fully replace Australia produce.

If any when Australians have had enough of economic self flagellation for the sake of face saving, and finally come back to China cap in hand to bend the knee, they will find that market forces have changed, and even with China lifting its sanctions, Australia will never again enjoy the profit margins in previous did, and will have suffered permanent economic downgrading.


Senior Member
Registered Member
China shouldn't turn its back on the world. History shows that when China is isolated it fails. When China opens up it succeeds. China should focus less on bans and more on win-win cooperation. I support freedoms and liberties for the Chinese people to do what is right. I trust the Chinese people.


Registered Member
China shouldn't turn its back on the world. History shows that when China is isolated it fails. When China opens up it succeeds. China should focus less on bans and more on win-win cooperation. I support freedoms and liberties for the Chinese people to do what is right. I trust the Chinese people.
Hi gadgetcool5,

Surely not, just a certain country and we're just reciprocating. :cool: You know why the ANGLOSPHERE nation were outrage, they were surprise that China will hit back as well the US during the trade war. Xi is being demonize as we speak, he represent the new China, new thinking ,casting out Deng teaching of hiding our strength, cause we're to big not to be notice and it's time to assert our role and be heard.


Registered Member
Hi gadgetcool5,

Surely not, just a certain country and we're just reciprocating. :cool: You know why the ANGLOSPHERE nation were outrage, they were surprise that China will hit back as well the US during the trade war. Xi is being demonize as we speak, he represent the new China, new thinking ,casting out Deng teaching of hiding our strength, cause we're to big not to be notice and it's time to assert our role and be heard.
I agree. When Japan was chasing USA for GDP, it was forced at gunpoint to sign the Plaza Accord, tanking Japan's economy. But Japan couldn't do anything, because Japan alone couldn't take on the whole Western world (even though Japanese are smart like us heh). But China is much bigger than Japan, and China by itself can stand up to the Western world. And the Western world can't do anything about it, and they're not used to it. Their ability to exploit other countries is now threatened. They're not happy.


Registered Member
I agree. When Japan was chasing USA for GDP, it was forced at gunpoint to sign the Plaza Accord, tanking Japan's economy. But Japan couldn't do anything, because Japan alone couldn't take on the whole Western world (even though Japanese are smart like us heh). But China is much bigger than Japan, and China by itself can stand up to the Western world. And the Western world can't do anything about it, and they're not used to it. Their ability to exploit other countries is now threatened. They're not happy.
Hi Crang,

They thought that we are the same with Japan, that we will cave in. Well their timing is off and we learn from our history as we worship and give respect to our ancestry. The HUNDRED YEARS OF HUMILITATION, I was constantly reminded by my Dad as what we are and how China was invaded by the eight countries , now its my turn to do the same to my children. That's my duty to my father, to perpetuate the memory of our ancestor and remind the future generation of what it is to be a Chinese.