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A jailed, corrupt oligarch (who was once the richest man in Russia) is now being parroted, hoisted as the new Mikhail Gorbachev, and Yeltsin in one? if the western idiots, including Americans are convinced that they have their new point man for Russia then they must have really lost their damn minds. This dude, is no different than what Americans and western intelligentsia thought of Ahmad Chalabi, the so-called "IRAQI DISSIDENT" THAT WOULD USHER A NEW LIBERAL DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ once Saddam the idiot was butchered. What happened to him and what happened to that promise? Is Iraq really better off now than before?
Ultimately it doesn't matter, the US's goal is to destroy or cripple other countries, turning them into thralls is a secondary objective.

Make no mistake, the west LOVES Gorbachev and loves Yeltsin, as they accomplished what the west could never hope to accomplish themselves, destroy the Soviet Union and Russia.


Registered Member
Make no mistake, the west LOVES Gorbachev and loves Yeltsin, as they accomplished what the west could never hope to accomplish themselves, destroy the Soviet Union and Russia.
Actually Yeltsin saved Russia. otherwise all the resources would have been wasted on Eastern EU and Ukraine. Yeltsin got state funeral. It was Moscow Mayor Luzhkov during Yelstin time that spend money on Crimea to keep population there for eventual takeover decades later.