First we hear about McCarty. Then we hear about of an US congressional visit.
Now we are hearing that the Pentagon is sending officials to Taiwan.
The optimists and pacifists on this forum must be in complete shambles at this point.
I don't think it changes anything, not by a long-shot, nothing, nada.
The criteria for mainland China to invade Taiwan, always the same, which I forget. One is declaration of independence, another is internal chaos, another is a foreign invasion, then I kind of remember that they said they would invade if Taiwan develops nukes, and there are probably couple of other reasons nowadays, blah blah blah.
Publicity stunts by the Americans, is not one of the reasons.
Will this look bad? Sure it will. For that day and the day after. Then everyone going to forget about it.
This is not like 20 or 30 ago, where the Tai Du was trying to come out in the open. The already out in the open, and yet, we still at the same place.
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This is what I believe is going on.
After the Pelosi visit, not much has changed at all, other than the military situation, politically inside Taiwan, it is about the same, DDP less popular, independence not an immediate goal, status quo is good.
More visits by these nobodies is not going change this. Pelosi was a known item, and she couldn't do anything. In fact, her career derailed like a curse right that visit, lol.
So why more visits? Why are the Americans being with the non-stop provocations via publicity stunts?
That is why Blinken is saying that there will be a high level diplomatic meeting between the United States and China. When in fact, nothing of the sort is true. Saying there will be diplomacy, is just a cover to play these provocations games. The United States wants to provoke China, but talking the language of more diplomacy, gives the impression that they are not trying to provoke China, when they are trying to provoke China. They just want to appear to be reasonable for opinions in the East Asian region.
That is my take, of what is going on.
That is the question that interests me, is why the Americans are trying to be this provocative?
That I don't know, cannot even guess, I don't really follow politics, so I don't know.
I assume it is just related to that war in Europe.
It is kind of like one bogeyman is going to beat NATO, so to avoid demoralization of the allies, they need another bogeyman to rally together, which is China.
I think that will not move the needle if that is the case.